30. Rublavo.

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''Ivana! Your back! What happened?'' Tristan yelled.

''I'm back and I'm ready for WAR!''

''How did it go with Helios?'' Nixie asked.

''Not good. Anyway, it's time for us to go our separate paths.''

''Ivana, what are you talking about? We're in this together.'' Tristan said, hesitantly.

''He's right. You need us, Ivana. You can't send us away now.''

''No! This is my destiny. The prophecy is awakening and I ALONE, must win this battle.''

''Ivana, you can't tell us to go. We've come this far. It's too late to go back. I WONT LEAVE YOU!''

''Ivana, please. Remember what mom said. She said that there is strength in unity.'' Nixie bellowed.

''NO! I AM YOUR FUTURE QUEEN. YOU WILL OBEY MY COMMAND. GO! GO AS FAR AWAY AS YOU CAN. I WILL RETURN, SOON.'' I spoke coldly, lowering my gaze in sadness.


'''Tristan, don't make this harder than it is. I love you... Now, GO! BOTH OF YOU!''

''Ivana...'' Nixie began.

''GO!'' I demanded, trying to veil the tears in my eyes.

''No! I won't leave you! You can't abuse your title and command us to go! I won't leave you. You're my sister!''

''Nixie, don't test my patience. I am saving my rage for the demons. Please, do as I say. It's for both of yours's benefits.''

''Nixie's right. We're not leaving you. Punish us as you will but, I will not leave you. I promised my father that i'd protect you, and that it what I am going to do!''

''Why don't you both understand! You can't fight for me. This is my battle...''

''Your battle. Your destiny... We know. Just let us help you, please Ivana.'' Tristan pleaded, anxiously.

''If I have to ask you both to leave once more... You'll get to see a side of me, NO-ONE WOULD DARE WANT TO SEE.'' I howled.

''Fine.'' They agreed.

''I'm sorry. I didn't want it to end like this. I love you both, I hope you know that.''

''We know.'' They sighed.

''Goodbye.'' Nixie cried.

''Goodbye.'' I told both of them, although Tristan remained silent.


And, for the last time, I kissed Tristan goodbye. I wiped away his woeful tears and consoled his broken heart. I love you. My soul echoed yet, it continued to weep in agony. I gave Nixie an everlasting embrace, and promised her of my return. For the first time in my life, I was leaving my sister's side. I was facing something, alone.

I prayed for the success of my destiny. I prayed for my survival, my kingdom and my people. This was it. The journey had come to a close. The demons were growing in number, as I waited for the battle to arise.

''Goodbye.'' I sobbed.

''I love you.'' They both whispered, giving me another tight embrace.

As I watched them leave, I collected my sword and trained for the last time. All my life's worth of combat training and magic, was going to be put to the test. I believed in the power I wielded. Good, would always, conquer evil.

I let the phoenix possess me, as I felt the blaze build up within me. I had never felt this powerful before. I was ready. It was me, verses the demon army and Helios, himself. I may have seemed outnumbered now but, the phoenix Lord that I had become, could kill thousands in one...single... blow. I felt my eyes burn with potency, as I prepared myself for a war, everyone would remember.

Suddenly, I saw something hovering in the sky. It was the phoenix, from the Lake of Valour. Had it come to aid me? As it landed, a few metres from where I stood, I began to step closer to the resplendent creature. It was truly, magnificent.

As I conjured the phoenix lord powers within me, I began to speak to it. I could feel our souls connecting and communicating to one another - as if they were kin. 'O, Phoenix! Vocavi teh, proximam sanguinis sui. Auxilium cladem Latus! Eemalaa. Keshhh!' The phoenix came closer and momentarily, lowered its head, and bowed to me.

''It is an honour, to finally meet you. Phoenix Lord.'' The phoenix began to speak.

My eye widened in astonishment. I had never fathomed; a creature would speak as such. It was a blessing, an honour and a rare gift.

''You can talk?'' My lips uttered.

''Yes. Only those who I swear allegiance to, can understand me. It is a gift, young Lord.''

''It is an honour.'' I curtsied.

''As is mine. Now, tell me. I heard your soul calling for me. What is it, that you need my assistance with?''

''Our souls?'' I questioned.

''Indeed. Our souls are like brother and sister. We are like kin.'' He told.

''What is your name?'' I asked.


''I am Ivana Everly.''

''I know. Our meeting was long written. I have been anticipating, this moment.''

''I need to defeat the demons of Morpheus.'' I told.

''Ah, I see. You have a great future ahead of you, young one. This is only the mere beginning.''

''So, will you help me?''

''Of course.'' He said.

''Thank you.''

Rublavo lowered his neck so, I could sit on his furry back. His fiery feathers were warm, as I held his neck for protection. We soared through the sky and observed the demons prepare for their positions. Whilst we remained in the high clouds, we waited for the perfect moment to strike. I could see Helios beneath us, commanding his army to kill ruthlessly. Ivana, you can do this.

''Rublavo, NOW!'' I commanded.

Instantly, Rublavo lit himself on flames and dived deep below the clouds. We were spotted by dozens of demons and as they began to strike their arrows, Rublavo shot the mightiest of fireballs at them. They perished, within moments. The look of horror and fear, spiralled onto the demons' faces, as they watched me land on the hollow ground.

''KILL HER!'' Helios commanded, vehemently.

''NOT BEFORE I KILL YOU!'' I screeched.

This was the Final Battle...


The Final Battle is here! Prepare for forthcoming chapters! I hope you liked the story plot so far. Thank you once again, for your endless support. Please vote and comment any feedback :)


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