2. The Village Boy.

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As dusk was near, me and Nixie decided to camp in the forest. We made a fire and let our horses rest too. Luckily, we had packed some blankets so, we were comfy and warm. Thankfully, the night was not as chilly as we had anticipated.

''This is nice.'' I said.

''Yeah, it's nice and cosy.''


''How long before we reach the kingdom of Shanara?''

''Um, from what I know, around a day or two max. We should be fine.''

''That's alright. Ivana, can I ask you something?''

''Of course, ask me anything.''

''Have you ever wandered about your future? Like falling in love and having children. That sort of stuff...''

''I guess I have but, when you have duties and destinies like mine, I'm worried I'll never fall in love.''

''Don't be silly, of course you will. Your beautiful.''

''Thanks Nix, so are you. What about you?''

''Well, as sappy as it may sound, I do want to fall in love and have children. Someday, I would like to settle down and start a family - like a normal person would. I understand you have so much weight on your shoulders. I'm not a real princess yet, I feel like I do a lot.''

''I hope you have that, truly. You deserve every bit of happiness, Nixie. And, I know. Life's hard - especially when you're going to be queen soon. I guess it's what comes with being a royal. I'll just have to see where fate takes me.''

''Thanks, I hope you get happiness too. I wish I knew what falling in love was like.''

''Me too. I've never experienced a crush, let alone love.'' I chuckled.

''What would you like to have in a guy?'' Nixie asked.

''I don't know... we'll have to see where fate takes me.''

''Wise words sister.'' She sniggered.

''Anyway, let's get some rest. Goodnight Nixie.''

''Goodnight Ivana.''

And, just like that, we were out, as fast as a candle fire. The night was tranquil and noiseless. We were woken by the singing of the humming birds and other tiny creatures - rusting around in the leaves. I was used to large beds, thrown cushions and breakfast in bed but, I guess you can't ask for much in the wild. Well, I slept better than I thought.

Startled. I thought I heard a grizzly bear but, it was Nixie... yawning.

''Nixie, you have got to stop yawning like that. The horses might run off.''

''Oh whatever.'' She laughed.

''Anyway, scary yawns aside, good morning! How did you sleep?''

''First of all, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SIS! And, I slept better than I thought I would.''

''Aw, thank you! And, by the way, I'll pack up while you feed the horses. We need to get moving.''

''Ok, see you in a bit, birthday princess!''

As I began to collect our belongings, I got rid of the fire, and readied a few meals for us. Well, mainly fresh fruit.

''Ivana, horses are fed and watered. Are you ready?'' Nixie called, from behind the bushes.

''Yes, coming!''

''So, are we ready to leave?'' Nixie asked.

''Yeah but, have some fruit first.''

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