19. My Father.

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There he was. A man of evil and ferocity. A man who fed off others' sorrows and despair. He was none other than a... Demon. Deep black hair and bloodshot, hungry eyes. A body smouldered in runes and a voice that spoke like darkness. My father...

''I knew you would listen to me. Come and give your father a warm embrace.'' He spoke affectionately yet, for some reason, I could hear the demonic whispers behind his voice.

I felt helpless. It was like he was controlling my every movement but, I knew it wasn't him. It was me. My body was willingly moving towards to him, as if it had finally found something it was longingly searching for. I wasn't scared of him. I was scared for him. The questions had returned. What If he hadn't become a demon? Maybe, I could have had a father.

I leaned into his tight chest and surprisingly, I heard his heart thud in elation. He was human by heart and demon by nature. If only I could make him leave his evil ways. If only. I held him tightly, gathering his love for all the times we were apart. As much as I wanted to throw a lightning bolt at his face and refuse to believe his claims, a part of me wanted to get to know him. Get to know a father I never had.

''No, child. Do not question the past. You have given me the joy I have always been searching for. A daughter.'' He replied.

''Wait. You can read my mind?''

''Only some...''

''Please, tell me this is a lie. Are you really my father?''

''Ivana, your heart knows the answer. Ask it.''

He was right. My heart did know the answer. As much as I wanted to live in denial, the truth would always remain the same. My heart nodded in agreement. Helios was my father.

''I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you before. I I...''

''No, child. I understand your grief. I am sorry.''

''I'm sorry too.'' My face flushed with tears, as I grabbed my father for another hug. Now, he didn't seem so demonic. He was perfectly normal. A man of love, affection and innocence. A man of isolation and despair - who had been searching for his long-lost daughter.

''Father...'' I whispered.

Gone. He had disappeared. My body twitched in angst, as I woke up from my dream. I jolted from my sleep and began to regain my breaths. Had I found the answer to all my questions? I panted in bewilderment, trying to gather the pieces to the complicated puzzle. I must tell them but, why can't I? AAH!

''Ivana, are you ok?'' A voice echoed.

Suddenly, I jerked my hand in terror. Luckily, Tristan had caught my arm, before it had broken his nose.

''Sorry.'' I gulped my anxiety.

''What happened? Are you ok?'' He leaped from his sleeping ground and headed towards me.

''Nothing, it was a bad dream. That's all.'' I lied, remorsefully.

''Come on, let's sit by the fire.''

I took his hand and we both sat on the dark, rusty log - which was opposite the nearly extinguished fire. He threw in a few more pieces of wood and within an instance, the fire had awoken and roared in heat. I leaned my aching head, against his shoulders, and gazed deep into the fire.

''Ivana, tell me what's wrong.''

''I said its nothing.'' I lied but, the tears had officially poured down my face. My cover was blown.

''We both know your lying. You've been acting strange since several days. Tell me, please.'' He spoke softly, whilst stroking my long, tangled curls.

''Did someone say Storytime!'' Nixie yelled.

''Nixie! You scared us!'' I gasped.

''Sorry, my bad. I didn't mean to eaves drop, I just randomly woke up. So, what's up?''

Nixie took her soft blanket and brought it to the thick log opposite us. She yawned in tiredness but, her body refused to shut down.

''Nothing.'' I sighed.

''Tristan, what's wrong with her?''

''I don't know. She won't say.''

Can't anyone ever stop interfering with my life! UGH! I removed my head from Tristan's shoulder and burst in reply.


The pair looked at me with horror filled eyes. The atmosphere was tense, horrific and dull. No-one had said a word, for several minutes. Until...

''WHAT!'' Nixie roared.

''Yes, you heard me right. The other night in the forest, a demon came to me and at first, I was going to kill him but, then he said he was my father. I didn't believe him until, I had these weird feelings and my instinct is never wrong.''

''Your father died in battle, Ivana. The man or, DEMON is lying!'' Nixie added.

''Ivana, are you sure? You just said he was a DEMON!'' Tristan said.

''Guys, I'm telling you. Did you really think I'd believe an evil demon like him? But, after a few days, I got this weird feeling and that's when I knew he wasn't lying. He's my father. The demon king... of Morpheus...''

''WAIT, WHAT? Did you just say...''


''Yes... FOR THE FINAL TIME... HE'S MY FATHER. THE DEMON KING OF MORPHEUS. THE MAN I MUST KILL IN BATTLE!'' I screeched, with my every organ, muscle and breath.

There it was. The bottle had burst. I had let it all out. The anger, the pain, the frustration... ALL OF IT.

''I'm so sorry Ivana. If I had known, I...'' Tristan took hold of my body and brought it close to his. He held me like a fragile bird, learning to fly for the first time. A delicate being, capable of breaking within moments.

''Ivana, I don't know what to say. I...''

''It's fine... both of you. I don't want to talk about it.''


''Ivana, what are you going to do?''

''I don't know Tristan. Only time will tell...''

''I'm sorry. I won't talk about him again. When the time is right, you can open up to us. For now, let's get some rest.''

We remained seated on the rather comfortable logs and soon, fell into a quick slumber. Of course, I was to remain awake. I couldn't shake this feeling of remorse for my father. I couldn't ignore the ire I had towards my mother. A woman I looked up to. A woman I loved more than myself. Once again, the questions had returned to haunt me. I began pondering...


Will Ivana choose her father, over her destiny? Does this change everything? Comment what you think will happen! Please vote and comment :)


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