23. Phoenix Lord.

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I continued to float deep beneath the sapphire blue water, as if time was on standstill. Somehow, I was able to breathe normally, as if I were a creature of the seas. I could see different coloured fish, mermaids, seahorses and even baby sharks, coming to welcome me into their home. They were all utterly kind, friendly and gentle.

As I reached the bottom of the lake, my feet had finally touched the sandy floor. I was surrounded by every living creature, waiting patiently, to greet me. One of the mermaids swam closer towards me and began to speak.

She had the lightest, golden hair and almond shaped emerald eyes. Her tail was the colour of the blue ocean, while the edges were the colour of lime gems. She was beautiful.

''You must be Princess Ivana Everly, if I am correct. We have been expecting you.''

''Hello. Yes, that is me. Thank you all for a kind welcome.'' I smiled to everyone.

''Splendid! Welcome to the Lake of Valour. It is an honour to meet you, your highness.'' The mermaid curtsied, followed by the rest of the creatures.

''Please, call me Ivana. May I ask your name?''

''My name is Luna.''

''Nice to meet you Luna. You have a lovely name.''

''You are too kind.''

''So, I am here...'' I began, before I was cut off.

''To claim your phoenix powers. Come, follow me.''

Luna escorted me to another part of the Lake, while the other creatures remained put. She led me to large, silver plated chest - which was guarded by a man mermaid. This must be where the sword is kept. The surroundings were that of seaweed, coral and other shrubs and rocks but, it was scenic nevertheless.

''Your highness, this is the keeper of the lake, Dorian. Dorian, this is Princess Ivana Everly.''

''Your highness, it is an honour to finally meet you.'' He bowed, charmingly.


''Ivana, Dorian is the only merman to have ever existed. He has many special gifts - which is why he protects the Lake as well as the phoenix sword.'' Luna told.

Dorian was a fairly handsome merman - not that I had seen one before. He had deep charcoal coloured hair and deep black eyes. He had a shiny, silver tail - which had specks of grey and black through the scales. He definitely looked like a sea-prince of some sort.

''That is wonderful.'' I said.

''Your highness, please, come and take what is rightfully yours. You must simply open the box and the sword will come right out.'' Dorian instructed.

''Thank you.''

So, I drifted closer to the chest and momentarily, glided the lid upwards. There it lay... The most striking, shrillest and magnificent blade of all time. The Phoenix Sword. It had a red and orange, fire like ruby handle and a shimmering silver blade. The sword was encrypted in faded writing and a phoenix was engraved in the centre of the silver wear.

As I retrieved the sword into my hand, I felt a gush of power, sprint through me. I began to blaze, stronger by the second. I was radiating red, orange and yellow light - like that of a phoenix. This was it. This was my birth right. I felt the sword dominating my body, as I continued to absorb its power.

Suddenly, I felt the presence of hundreds of sea-creatures. Once again, they had returned to watch me become the phoenix lord, I was destined to become. Until... it was done. I had wielded the power of the phoenix. I had become... The Phoenix Lord. The crowd bowed to my presence, as I stood firm, whilst holding the sword.

''Long live the phoenix Lord.'' Luna chanted.

''LONG LIVE THE PHOENIX LORD.'' The crowd repeated.

''Long live the princess!'' Luna chanted - again.

''LONG LIVE THE PRINCESS.'' The crowd chanted back.

As the creatures departed to their homes, I noticed something in the distance. It was a rather large red object. I couldn't apprehend what it was. But, as I watched it come closer and closer, my eyes blinked repeatedly. This can't be possible. It shot across the floors of the lake and approached my presence. It was a phoenix. A real-life phoenix with a sharp orange beak and blood-like feathers. It squawked, as if it were talking to me. I couldn't understand what it was saying until... it lifted me from my clothes and placed me on its back.

Momentarily, the phoenix lit itself on fire - which unexpectedly didn't burn me. Perhaps, I was immune to its heat. Who knew. Soon, we were flying into the pressures of the above and shot out of the Lake. Before I had blinked for the second time, we were up in the high clouds and skies. Wow!

''Why are you so amazing!'' I patted the large bird, ensuring it knew its worth.

It squawked again, as if to convey its gratitude. Although I wished to fly all day, I was landed onto the sandy ground. I was greeted by Nixie and Tristan, as they raced towards me.

''IVANAAAAA.'' Nixie screeched.

I gave her the tightest and most loving hug, before I greeted Tristan. We were so caught up in the moment, we only had time for a quick welcome back kiss.

''It's so good to see you.'' He panted, out of breath from running for miles.

''Ahem. What took you so long?'' Nixie questioned.

''What do you mean?''

''You were gone for 4 days.''

''WHAT? No, it literally felt like a few hours.'' I answered, stunned.

''Anyway, can we talk about the large bird over there.'' Tristan said.

''That's the phoenix. It flew me out of the water. It's truly, a majestic creature.''

Sadly, before Nix or Tristan could near it, the phoenix flew back into the lake. It disappeared within a blink of an eye.

''So, my girlfriend is a phoenix lord?'' Tristan snickered.

''Whatever.'' I smirked.

''Oh my god! Is that the phoenix sword?'' Nixie gasped, admiring the sword in my right palm. I nodded in reply.

''It's amazing.'' Tristan complimented.

''Thank you.''

''Well, not as beautiful as you.''

''Aww.'' I blushed.

''So, can you show us some new powers?''

''Not now Nixie. I'm leaving the surprise for the battle. In the meantime, I must protect this sword and keep it safe.''

''Sorry, I understand.''

''No, don't be. So, what have you two been up to?''

''Well, we befriended the goblin-gnome creatures, talked to some elves and even visited one of the dwarves' houses.'' Tristan began.

''Sounds like you had fun.''

''We even met a talking rabbit and I REPEAT, a TALKING RABBIT. He was sooooo adorable.'' Nixie exclaimed.

''I hope I didn't miss much.'' I chuckled.

''No, what you did, was the most important thing.'' Tristan said.

''Aw. I love you.'' I blushed, leaving a kiss on his bare cheek.

''Love you too.''

''Well, I'm afraid we're going to have to leave this mesmeric place and go back to our 'real' lives again.'' I sighed.

''Yeah, let's go and kick some demon butt!''

''You can say that again Nixie.'' We all sniggered.

''Are we going to the kingdom of Morpheus next?'' Tristan queried.

''Unfortunately, yes...''


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