22. The Lake Of Valour.

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Beyond the long, green and luscious vines of the Isle, was the purest of waters. The Lake of Valour... Clear, majestic and blue whirls of water, colliding as one.

The lake was surrounded by tall palm trees, thousands of kinds of flowers, little unfathomable creatures and a few miles of golden sand. The place was enchanted, magical and anything beyond human imagination.

''WOW.'' I gasped, taking in the beauty of the view.

''I... I don't know what to say.'' Nixie said.

''Me neither.'' Tristan agreed.

''It's incredible.'' I said, sauntering through the little grains of shiny sand, heading towards the magical lake.

I let my feet sink in the edge of the small waves, as they tickled my bare toes. Nixie and Tristan, followed behind.

The water was warm and sweet, as it continued to walk over my ankles. I breathed in the cool air, as the bright rays of the sun, hugged my skin. Who knew something could be as beautiful as this.

''I could live here it's so nice!'' Tristan chuckled.

''So, what are you going to do then?'' Nixie asked me.

''Well, I guess I must go and get the phoenix sword - which is at the bottom of the lake.'' I exhaled.

''How long will it take?''

''I don't know Tristan, I've never done it before. But, hopefully, not too long.''

''Please can we wander around first. Only for a little while then, we'll let you get to your destiny. I swear it won't be long.'' Nixie pleaded.

''Fine. Not too long though.'' I sighed.

After relaxing before the lake, we took a short stroll around the area. We noticed tiny green creatures, flying in the shallow air. Perhaps, they were little goblins or, fairies or, both. I don't know. Anything was possible here.

There were also adorable beast-like creatures, casually walking across the sands and how could I forget about the mermaids. Oh, they were absolutely beautiful, as they danced through the clear waves. Holographic tails and hair colour of all sorts. Who knew they existed. Am I dreaming? This is amazing. My mind, gulped.

''Alright, the fun is over. Besides, when I go into the lake, you'll have plenty to explore.'' I began.

''Ok. So, what shall we do?'' Tristan asked.

''I guess you'll have to wait for me.''

''Well, I wish you the best of luck Ivana. I know you can do this.'' Nixie told, as she gave me a tight squeeze.

''Good luck, Ivana. Stay strong and I know you'll succeed for sure.'' Tristan said, coming close to give me a kiss.

Our lips entwined as one, as passion escaped our bodies. We kissed deeper, more intimately and longer than usual. I was surely going to miss him. He clutched my waist, bringing me further for a stronger kiss. I held onto the back of his warm hair, before it was time to bid farewell.

''Alright guys. That enough!'' Nixie interrupted.

''I love you.'' He said, whilst giving me one last peck.

''I love you too.'' I smiled, trying to conceal my sadness.

''See you soon.'' I waved at the duo, before walking into the clear water and instantly, vanishing.



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