5. Audrey.

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It was no surprise, that I had slept well. Two nights in the middle of nowhere, gave me slight back cramps. Nevertheless, I had to remain strong - for the journey had only... just begun.

Naturally, I woke up, a few hours past dawn. I decided to freshen up and get ready for the day. Of course, I couldn't travel wearing a gown so, I had packed a few royal armour clothes. I wore a black leather dress, which had no straps and it draped, just above my knees. I topped it off with an overlay beige armoury dress, and finished my outfit with a thick studded belt - which was filled with my sword, a few daggers and other protective items. Lastly, I French braided my hair and wore black leather knee-high boots. Wow, I look pretty and royal. I admired myself, in the tall mirror in front.

I met up with Nixie, before we headed to the royal breakfast. General Shay, prepared a breakfast banquet, in my honour. It was very thoughtful of him to do so.

''You look amazing.'' Nixie admired my outfit.

''Thanks. You too.''

''You literally look like a warrior princess. You sure you're not trying to impress anyone?''

''Well, I am on a 'destiny mission' so, I have to look the part. And, no!''

''Ok, sorry. Anyway, I'm starving. I need actual food in me.''


Once we had reached the large dining hall, I noticed the Knight family were already waiting for our arrival.

''Good morning Ivana. Good morning Nixie. I trust you slept well.'' Shay greeted us, with a slight bow and a wholesome embrace.

''Yes, we did. Thank you.'' I replied.

''It is our pleasure, my dear. Come, let us eat.'' Lilith directed me to the long dining table.

I sat between Tristan and Nixie, whilst the general and his wife, sat opposite us. The table was filled with nearly all of my favourite foods. Croissants, chocolate pastries, warm cookies, fresh caviar, sandwiches and much more.

''Thank you so much, for the exquisite hospitality.'' I said.

''It is our pleasure.'' Shay answered.

''So, I heard chocolate croissants, are your favourite.'' Tristan whispered.

''Yes, they are. What's your favourite?''

''Hmm, probably the caviar.''

''Fancy choice.'' I chuckled.

''Ivana, Tristan tells me you agreed to allow him, to bring Audrey along with you?''

''Yes, I did. Is there a problem Shay?''

''No, I just don't want him to get distracted, that's all. He must concentrate on protecting you, above all. I don't want his feelings to get in the way of his duties.''

''Father, I won't. I swear to protect Ivana but, I can't leave Audrey.''

''Son, sometimes you have to make sacrifices, for the greater good.''

''My mother used to say that.'' I reminisced, on my mother's wise words.

''Indeed, she did.''

''Tristan, your father is right. I advise you to re-think this decision of yours.'' Lilith added.

''No, you're just saying that because you don't like her. Just because she isn't one of us.'' Tristan argued.

''Tristan, calm down. You need to think this through, calmly.'' I took hold of hand, in hope he would lower his voice.

THE BATTLE OF AERETH (4) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now