16. I love you.

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Sometimes, I wandered who I was. How I am able to bare so much weight, on my small shoulders. Demons. Destiny. War. Love. Queen. Future. All of it. I have the faith of so many people yet, I don't even believe in myself. Mother, how can you be so sure? So, sure that this is my destiny. That I was born for this. That this is who I am and supposed to be.

''What are you thinking about?'' Tristan's voice, asked.

Now, he's in my head. As if things couldn't get more complicated, around here.

''Ivana, can you hear me?''

Wait, that's not my mind playing tricks. If it's not my mind...then, that means, he's here? Softly, I turn my body and... he's standing right there. Next to the large oak tree, hurt.

''Tristan! What are you doing here? You need to rest.''

''I'm fine, thanks to you.'' He smiles, as he paces towards me.

''No, it was my fault that you got hurt. I'm sorry.''

''None of this is your fault. If I hadn't stormed off the field, this wouldn't have happened. I'm sorry.''

''It's not your fault. Anyway, how do you feel?''

''Injured but, I'll be ok.''

''Thank god! If anything happened to you I...''

''I know. I saw how scared you were. I'm here, it's ok. I'll never leave you, princess.''

I looked at him, and smiled. The relief of knowing he was ok, made my body drop in reprieve.

''I know.'' I sigh, and collide my body with his.

We share a brief moment in embrace and, everything feels right. The world seems happy and I feel complete. As I let go, we lose ourselves, in each other's glances. Deep shivers, crawl up my spine, as I begin to drop my gaze. Silence.

''Ivana, I have to tell you something.''

I knew it. I knew what he wanted to say.

''No. Don't.''

''Why, you did. Didn't you think then?''

Wait, what? How did he hear me? I knew it. I knew he could hear me.

''I uh...'' I stutter.

He takes my face, into his warm palms, and I can sense his body thudding.

''Ivana Everly, I love you.'' He exhales.

Tears flow out of my eyes, as his words pierce my soul. I felt a wave of tranquillity, hit my within. He had said the three words. Our agreement, was broken.

''I love you too.'' I cried, softly.

Momentarily, he brought his face close, and we were lost in an everlasting kiss. His warm, yearning lips, against my icy rose lips. His kiss deepened, as if he wanted to make up for lost time. But, I followed his lead. I needed him. Now, and forever. We kissed further until, our breaths got the better of us. We smiled.

''Seriously, you chose her, over me?'' Audrey gasps.

''Audrey?'' Me and Tristan, say, in unison.

''What? You don't own this forest. Tristan, she's the reason you went cold on me?''

''Look, I can explain.''

''Save it for someone else. I've heard and seen enough.'' She takes off.

''I uh... should get back to camp.'' I say.

''Ok. I'll talk to Audrey.''

As I return to camp, I notice Nixie sitting on a broken tree trunk. Her expressions are dull and upset and as her sister, I must cheer her up.

''Hey, Nix.'' I say, sitting beside her.


''I'm sorry about before. I shouldn't have spoken to you in that manner.''

''It's ok. I know you have a lot going on.''

''Still, it was wrong of me. Me and Tristan got in a fight and... I just lost it.''

''It's ok, Ivana. Do you want to talk about it?''

''First, can I have a hug.''

She gives me a long, much needed hug and just like that, the world becomes perfect. I love Nixie and our bond is and always will be, unbreakable.

''So, what's up?'' She asks.

''Well, post the fighting... Tristan told me he loves me.''


''I know we weren't supposed to say that to each other but, we couldn't do it. We love each other too much.''

''I'm happy if your happy but, I don't see the problem.''

''Nix, Audrey heard us. And, saw us kiss...''

''Oh, that's bad. Ouch! How did she take it?''

''Tristan's gone to talk to her but, I guess not too well.''

''Don't worry, everything will be alright. Just keep on focusing on the bigger things, as well as your relationship with Tristan.''

''I will, thank you.''

''No worries.'' She exhales.

''Nix, what's wrong? You seem down.''

''I just miss Griffin.''

''Don't worry, this'll be over soon. Then, you two can reunite together. I promise, when I'm queen, you'll both be given rooms in the palace.''

''Thanks, Ivana. And, I can't believe you said 'queen'. It feels like only yesterday, we were six years old, riding horses and all the worries were, not falling off the horse. Look at where we are today.'' Nixie chuckles.

''I know. Who would have thought.''


''Let's get some rest. I'm sure Tristan and Audrey will be here soon. For some reason, today was exhausting.'' I say.

''Good idea.''


Sorry it was a little short but, I wanted to upload it :) Please, vote and comment and tell me your thoughts so far.


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