Chapter 1

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"Hello" Robin says answering his phone.

"Hey Robin. Is it ok if I bring my younger two kids to the retreat" Emma asked as she was braiding her youngest daughter's hair. She had the phone between her ear and her shoulder.

"Umm I guess so. Why can't your older ones look after them? Not that I have a problem with it" Robin asked while he walked into the kitchen where his wife was sat.

"Dani is out of town with her boyfriend and Henry is at a friends birthday party, sleepover thing. I'm really sorry sir" Emma was now finishing her daughters braids.

"It's ok honestly and remember don't call me sir. I must go I'm about to have lunch with the wife"

"Ok thank you and goodbye" Emma hung up the phone. She looked at her 8 year old daughter and said "there you go Camilla. Can you go get your brothers" Camilla nodded and ran up the stairs with a smile. Emma stood up from the sofa and went to the kitchen. Her oldest son who was 14 came in.

"Sup mum"

She looked round and saw him stood there. Emma smiled and hugged him. "Lunch" she says as she pulled away. She looked around and didn't see her youngest. "Henry where's your brother"

A 10 year old boy walked in with Camilla. "Hi mum. When is lunch ready" he asked sweetly.

"Now max. Wash your hands"

Max and Camilla washed there hands at the sink. Henry went over and washed his hands as well. Dani was already out of town. She was 16. Emma had her and Henry quiet young. She was 17 when she had dani. Her dead husband, Neal, and her went to school since they were 12. He died in a fire while saving a family.

After an hour they all left the house. Emma dropped Henry of at his friends house before driving to where her retreat was with max and Camilla. They had name tags to wear. Emma looked at max and red his. Hello my name is maxi-pad. She looked confused at it.

"Maxi-pad? Max do you know what a maxi-pad is" she asked frowning at him.

"Yeah. Henry told me it's like a super cool nickname for me" he says with a smile. Emma sighed and rolled her eyes.

"I'm gonna kill him. Max you can't use that name. That's not what it means. It is a female hygiene product sweetie" she didn't want to have to explain all of it to him or what a period was right now. "Max take it of"

"No. It's cool mum"

Emma sighed and didn't want to fight with him right now. "Fine but if anyone asks you say your brother wrote it and you have no idea what it means ok" she says as she held her daughters hand.

They started walking threw the building and out back. There was tables everywhere with people sat on them. Emma went over to one with her kids. Emma had Camilla next to her and max next to her.

"Emma" she heard behind her. She looked round and saw Robin. She stood up and shook his hand.

"Hi. God it's beautiful here" she said as she kissed his cheek. He smiled and gestured over to the two young children.

"Are they your kids"

"Yes. This is max and Camilla" she smiled at her two children who smiled like they were innocent. They really weren't innocent. They were so naughty but Emma made sure they made a good impression for her boss. "Go play but don't break anything. Max make sure she doesn't run of"

Quicker than a flash they jumped up and ran of. Emma knew they were going to do something wrong. She looked back at her boss who smiled with a giggle. "They seem like sweet kids"

"Yeah they seem sweet but there little devils" Emma says with a laugh. Robin laughed and gestured for her to sit. "So where is your wife"

He smiled and looked at the bar. Emma looked the same way and saw a woman in a red dress. She was gorgeous. Emma's mouth dropped at the sight of her slightly. "Regina" Robin called to her. The woman looked round and smiled. She waved sweetly and looked at Emma. She bit her lip at Emma and made her way over to them. "Regina sweetie this is Emma swan one of my best traders and she's my top gun here" Robin introduced Emma as his wife got to them.

"Well hello there miss swan. You look beautiful by the way" Regina says as she held her arms out. She pulled Emma into a hug who looked a little confused. She pulled away and smiled.

"You look stunning. Woah" Emma was still shocked at how beautiful this woman was.

"Your so sweet" Regina says with a giggle.

"Regina darling I'm going to get us a drink. Emma would you like one" Robin asked as he stood up. Emma shook her head since she already had one. Robin left and Regina sat down.

"So Emma. Tell me about yourself"

"Not much to tell" Emma says with a shrug and a smile.

"Mummy" they heard behind Emma. She looked round and saw Camilla running over. Emma picked her up and sat her on her lap.

"What's wrong sweetie? Where's your brother" Emma was a little worried one of them broke something expensive or done something naughty.

"He's on the beach. Mummy I'm hungry" she whined while hugging her mum. Regina smiled at Emma with a daughter.

"Alright little one. Go ask max if he wants food and then we can go get some" she kissed her daughter on the head and put her down. The little girl ran of to find her brother. Regina smiled softly at her.

"So you have children? Is your husband or wife here? I'm not really sure what you like sorry" Regina asked as she put one leg over the other. She lifted the strap up more on her shoulder.

"Umm bisexual actually and my husband died 4 years ago" Emma moved some of her hair behind her ear and looked away as she spoke. Regina placed a hand on Emma's knee which got her attention.

"I'm so sorry. How old are your kids and how many" she says softly. Her touch was soft on Emma's leg.

"It's fine. I actually have 4. Only 2 are here because the other 2 are out. My oldest dani is 16. Then Henry is 14. Max is 10 and Camilla is 8" Max and Camilla came running over. "By the way Max's name tag my other son told him to do it" she says with a sigh as they came over to her. Regina giggled at the name.

"Maxi-pad. That's a good name"

Emma stood up and held her daughters hand. "Come on guys let's get food. Would you like to come Regina" Emma smiled as she offered Regina to come. She knew she was married but she couldn't help liking this woman. Regina bit her lip and nodded. She stood up and they walked over to find food.

You want more? You'll find out hidden secrets about all of them. Some expected and some really not xx

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