Chapter 17

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[ Regina's pro ]
A week later. We are in court. Me and Emma against Robin. My parents aren't here and they have no idea but James is. He's my lawyer.

"I'd like to call Regina mills to the stand please" robins lawyer Ron said.

I looked at Emma and she nodded slightly. Dani was watching Katie and Emma's other kids. I stood up and walked over. I sat down and Ron came over.

"So mrs mills do you have any proof that my client abused or hit you" he asked while leaned against the stand.

"Yes. My stomach and shoulders are where most of my bruises are" I'm really scared and it's shown while I'm speaking.

"Would you care to show us your shoulder Mrs mills"

I nodded slightly. I took my fur coat of and rested on the back of my chair. I pulled my sleeve of my shoulder slightly revealing a very dark bruise. I saw my parents at the back both looking shocked. I can't believe there here. I lifted it back up and quickly put the coat on.

"Yes well that's still not enough proof. Mrs mills here could have easily done that to herself by walking into a door"

"Objection" both Emma and James shout as they stood up.

"Your honour Regina couldn't have done that to herself. This man did it. He also broke her arm and pushed her down the stairs when she ran from him. She nearly broke her neck" James said a little annoyed.

I could feel my heart beating in my chest like a drum.

"Denied. Your honour I'd like to call Emma swan up" Ron said looking at the judge who nodded.

I stood up and Emma walked towards me. I sat down next to James and saw her sit down where I just was. I had tears in my eyes with how scared I am.

"Miss swan have you ever seen Robin hit mrs mills" Ron asked.

"No but Regina came to my house with bruises all over her body. It's impossible to hurt yourself that badly in one night"

"So there no actual proof you can give us"

"Her broken arm" Emma started calm but now she seems a bit annoyed.

"Yes we have those reports. Regina said she tripped in the paperworks"

"She didn't trip. That's clearly a lie. He took he arm and snapped it. Is no one questioning him or why he's so quiet" she snapped annoyed.

"I'll asked the questions. There is no proof he broke her arm"

"Look at the X-ray. The bone is broken at the bottom and top. You can't 'trip' and break your arm like that" she snapped again.

"Mrs mills is this true" the judge asked me. I stood up and nodded.

"Yes it's true. I lied at the hospital because I was scared" I then sat back down.

"Can I sit down now" Emma says annoyed.

"Not yet miss swan. Don't you have 4 of your own children"


"How old are they" Ron is trying to be intimidating but it wasn't working on Emma she just looked confused.

"17, 15, 11 and 9. Why"

"Do any of them know about Robin apparently hitting Regina"

"My oldest knew they had a very bad marriage. I'm not sure if my younger 3 know anything" Emma sounded annoyed.

"Objection your honour. Emma's children have nothing to do with this" James says annoyed.

"Agreed. Ronald present something different or sit down" the judge agreed. Ron nodded and looked at Emma.

"You may leave the stand"

Emma stood up and walked over to us. James stood up and went over to the stand.

"Your honour I'd like to call Robin mills to the stand"

Robin hasn't said a word since he's been her. He stood up and went over to the stand.

"Robin do you admit to what Regina is saying? Did you rape her and beat her"

Robin leaned forward to the microphone. "No I did not"

"You lying bastard" Emma snapped angry.

"Sit down miss swan" the judge says glaring at Emma.

"He's lying" she snapped.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her down. "Sit your ass down" I whispered.

"So you didn't break Regina's arm" James asked a little shocked.

"I take responsibility for the arm but it was an accident" Robin says and he had that look in his eyes that he always had when he lied.

"You fucking lying bastard" Emma snapped.

"Miss swan one more time and you will have to leave" the judge says to Emma.

"Fine. Objection. Regina's wrists have bruises around both her wrists from being raped" Emma says annoyed.

"Mrs mills will you kindly show us your wrists" the judge asked me.

I stood up and rubbed the foundation of my wrists. There were bruises around the wrists. Robin sighed loudly getting everyone's attention. He then looked at everyone shocked.

"Look this is getting to out of hand. I don't want to press charges I just want the divorce" I say still standing up.

"Are you sure Regina" the judge asked.

I nodded softly. "Yes your honour I am. I'm done trying to prove anything. I just want my divorce because I can't stand being with him. Also I'd like full custody of my daughter since I don't trust him"

The judge smashed his hammer down. "I grant the divorce but I grant join custody until he is proven unfit to be a father" he then hit the hammer down again.

I grabbed my bag and Emma stood up. She held my hand and we waited for James to come over. Robin walked past and smirked at me. We walked out behind everyone. I then saw mum and dad stood there.

"Did he really beat and rape you" mum asked upset.

"Yeah. He always has" I say as I held Emma's hand.

"I'm so sorry. We didn't realise he was like that" dad says sadly.

Emma put her arm over my shoulder and I rapped my arms round her waist.

"Both of you I don't care what you say or think about it but this is Emma my girlfriend and I'm staying with her"

They both looked at her.

"It's nice to meet you Emma" mum says with a slight smile.

I smiled and looked up at Emma. Robin then came over.

"You can't take Katie away from me"

Emma turned round and punched her in the face. We all looked shocked except James who laughed. Robin was on the floor wiping his nose of blood.

"Emma" I say shocked. She shrugged and hugged me.

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