Chapter 47

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[ Emma's pro ]
For some messed up reason Regina offered Roxanne to sleep at her house for the night since she had no where to stay in town. I asked if me and the kids could stay. She said yes and was pretty excited. The problem is Regina is so naive I don't think she realises she is being hit on. It's now morning and the whole night I kept hold of Regina to make sure she was with me.

"You awake" I heard.

"Yeah" I replied still holding onto her.

"Can we really pull this of"

"What do you mean" I asked concerned.

"Like can we really do it this time. Be something extraordinary"

"I believe so. Do you"

"Yeah. I love you" she whispered before turning in my arms.

"I love you more" I say holding her close to me. She cuddled right into my chest and planted a soft kiss. "How long is Roxanne staying here"

"I don't know. Why"

"She's really flirty"

"Don't be jealous em. You know I love you and only you" she says softly.

"It's not you I'm worried about... it's me"

"You think your gonna do something with her" Regina says now looking up.

"No god no. She's far from my type. I mean I am worried if she tried anything I will flip out on her"

"You won't. I'll be here for you to make sure you don't. What your type baby" she says smirking at me. I smirked back and pecked her lips.

"A woman much smaller than me"

"I'm not that short" she cuts in making me laugh.

"You are. Anyway much shorter. Brunette. Hottest woman in the world. Rich sexy milf. And a wonderful mother"

"That's so sweet. Which one am I" she joked making me laugh.

"All of them because your perfect just the way you are"

"I couldn't have imagined how my life could get better... until the moment that I met you Regina"

"I love you. I've really missed this"

"Me two. It's been way to long" I replied smiling.

After about half hour later we got up and got dressed. Regina went to go see if Katie was awake while I went down straits. I saw Roxanne sat there watching tv.

"Morning" She says smiling.

I went over and stood in front of her annoyed.

"I don't know who you think you are or what game your playing but Regina is my girl. Back off"

"Or what" she asked standing up.

I pushed backwards into the sofa. I glared at her angry and she looked angry back.

"Or I'll hurt you. Don't test me"

"You may be Regina's love now but I'll win her back. I've always had her heart and she'll always have mine" she smirked.

"Trust me bitch. Regina and I love each other more than anything. You lay a finger on her and I will seriously murder you"

Before we could continue footsteps came down the stairs. I saw Regina and Camilla coming down. Katie must be in her room still.

"Hey. How are my favourite girls doing" I say holding my arms out.

Regina hugged me and I kissed her head. Roxanne glared at me but I just rolled my eyes. Camilla came over to me as I pulled away from Regina.

"Mum are we staying at home tonight because I was wondering if someone could come over for dinner" she asked a little shyly.

"Yeah we are. Who's coming over" I asked smiling at her.

"Umm... my date" she says awkwardly.

"Ow my god. Cam. Who is it" Regina says excitedly.

"Not telling. You'll have to see" she says smiling and blushing a little.

"Well I can't wait. Mamma is coming for dinner as well and so is your sister if that's ok" I say smiling.

"Yeah sure. I gonna go let this person know" she says before running upstairs.

"Awe our little girl has a date" Regina says smiling.

"That's adorable" Roxanne said. I frowned and thought it was none of her damm business.

I turned Regina around and pulled her in to kiss me. I had hold of her hips and slowly kissed her passionately. I opened my eyes to see Roxanne glaring. I closed them and continued kissing Regina. When we pulled away she smiled at me.

"Shall we all get breakfast" she asked holding my hand. I smiled and nodded. "Roxy want some"

"Sure. Never say no to food"


We then all went to the kitchen. Regina started making it while we sat down. Max I know is still in bed and won't be up until like 12 unless we get Katie to wake him up. While Regina was making food I caught Roxanne staring at her ass.

"So Roxanne what do you do for a job" I asked to get her eyes away from Regina's butt.

"Ow I'm a stripper. I get payed loads and not just from my boss" she says before laughing. Of course she's a stripper. Her body is great and she's stunning. "What about you Emma"

"I'm a sheriff of this town. I use to work for robin but quit when Regina and him got a divorce because he was an asshole"

"A sheriff? Not what I expected"

"What the fuck do you mean by that" I say annoyed.

Regina came over with pancakes and frowned at me sneakily.

"Don't" she mouthed. I rolled my eyes.

"I mean I thought you'd be like something that makes you more money" she says with a snobby voice.

"I have kids at home I have to look after. I can't have a job that takes up to much time especially since when I got the job I had all 4 of them to support"

"Ow... ok then" she says before looking down and eating. Katie and Camilla walked in before I could snap again.

"Something smells good" cam says smiling.

"Thanks it's the new perfume I brought" I say smirking. Camilla laughed and rolled her eyes. She and Katie sat down. "Gina come on and eat"

"I never had to beg her to eat. When I told her to she did" Roxanne smirked.

I frowned at her hard and gave her a death glare.

"Roxy" Regina says sitting down next to me. I kissed her cheek and she smiled. "Enjoy everyone"

"Mmmm Regina" Roxanne says purposely making the mmmm sound.

"Baby these are so good" I say before kissing her cheek.

"Thank you beautiful" she says smiling at me.

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