Chapter 2

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[ Emma's pro ]
I woke up the next day in my bed. I sat up and looked at the time. 8:47. I then saw I had a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: hi Emma. It's Regina. I hope it's ok I got your number of Robin. I have a little bit of work to do and I'm meant to be going for lunch with Robin but he cancelled. Wanna be my date? Xxx

I bit my lip at the comment. I added her number to my phone before texting back.

Me: hey. It's fine you have my number. I'd love to be your date. I had fun yesterday xx

Regina: great. I work at the big building on Ashley. My name is on the front. Meet me there at 12 xx

Me: ok sounds good. See you then xx

Regina: it's a date😉xx

I smiled even more and put my phone down. I know it wasn't really a date and I keep telling myself she's married. Besides I don't date people anymore. I stood up and left the room. I went downstairs and saw dani on the sofa.

"Hey mum"

"What are you doing back here" I asked confused. She wasn't meant to be back yet.

"Me and mike got into a big argument so I got on my motorbike and rod home. I couldn't be bother to deal with all that crap" she didn't seem annoyed so I guess it wasn't that bad. She smiled at me as I sat down. "So did you meet anyone... you know... cute or someone you like" I couldn't help but smile.


"Don't lie to me. You did. It's about time you started dating again. Boy or girl" she had the biggest smile on her face.

"Woah woah calm down. She's married to my boss so nothing will happen and I'm not dating people yet because I haven't found the right person to start seeing after your father"

She smirked and rolled her eyes. "Is she cute"

"Beyond cute" I say to quickly. I then put my hand over my mouth and realised what I said. She smiled brightly at me and laughed.

"Awe mum your going red" she says laughing. I sighed and stood up. Henry came down the stairs. He got home late last night. I slapped him round the back of the head.

"Hey what was that for" he whined as he rubbed the back of his head.

"For telling your brother to write his name as maxi-pad. He wouldn't take it of and I think he still has it" I say annoyed to him. Him and dani laughed as I went to the kitchen. Those two together are a nightmare. "Who wants breakfast" I call out looking towards the living room.


"Me two"

"Go see if max and cam want some" I say as I start to make breakfast. After a few seconds dani came in.

"They want breakfast as well" she says and I nodded. She came over to the island and leaned against it. "What's her name then"
I raised my eyebrows at her before rolling my eyes. "Come on mum. You tell me everything"

"Fine. We take it in turns answering questions. Her name is Regina" I suggest the idea which she is ok with. She smiled at Regina's name and I rolled my eyes again. "My turn. What was the argument about"

"He kissed another girl at a party while drunk. It made me more mad that I had to see it from a picture and he didn't tell me" she now seemed annoyed when she spoke unlike earlier. She then smiled and said "my turn. Are you seeing her again"

I couldn't help the smile on my face which made her smile. We were very close. "I'm meeting her for lunch today. Before you get your hopes up she's married" I quickly reassured her so she didn't get her hopes up. She was still smiling like an idiot.

"Maybe her marriage sucks and she needs a very beautiful blonde single mother to comfrey her" she smirked as she spoke. I rolled my eyes and gave her a plate with food on it. She just laughed and sat at the table.

"Kids come eat"

My 3 other children walked in and sat at the table. I put plates in front of them and myself. We started eating.

"Dani or Henry can one of you watch these 2 while I'm out" I asked and got a smirk from dani.

"I can't I'm going out. Dani you can" Henry says not looking up from his food. I noticed a bruise on his neck.

"Henry? What's that on your neck"

His eyes went wide. He lifted his hood up over his head and kept his head down. "I was doing parkour kinda stuff and slipped" he says not sounding convincing. Dani looked up at me and i gave her a questioning look. She shrugged and looked at him.

"Henry where are you going today" I asked getting his attention.

"Out" he shrugged as he spoke.


"Just to toms house" he shrugged again.

I gave up now. He wasn't going to tell me about the bruise. I'll talk to him later when the others aren't around. I'm worried about him. Ever since he started hanging out with this new group of boys he's changed. I don't like it. Once we ate I washed up the plates. I then went upstairs and got dressed. I wore a pair of baggy sweatpants and a hoodie. Dani walked in and looked half shocked half grossed out.

"What" I asked confused.

She shook her head at me. "Your not honestly wearing that are you"

"What do you mean" I asked confused. She sighed and went to my wardrobe. "Dani what are you doing" I say with a laugh.

"Finding you something hotter to wear on this date" she says as she threw a pair of jeans at me. She then threw a cream tank top at me. Dani went over to my draws and pulled out a push up bra I haven't wore in years. She then got a thong out and threw them to me. "Put that on. She'll love it. Well she'll love it a lot more than this" she says gesturing her hand up and down my body.

I raised my eyebrows at her. Am I seriously taking fashion advice from my 16 year old daughter? She walked out with a smile. I rolled my eyes and changed. The jeans were the tightest things I've ever wore. I brought them when Neal was alive. I squeezed my ass into them before putting the bra on. My boobs looked huge. This brought memories back of Neal. I put the top on and my cleavage was showing very well. I grabbed my red leather jacket and opened the door.

"Look good mum" Dani says from the stairs. This startled me a little. I rolled my eyes and went downstairs.

"You going on a date mum" Henry asked as I sat down.

"Mum your going on a date. With who" max quickly says. I sighed and went to the mirror.

"I'm not going on a date. I'm going to see my bosses wife for lunch" I started doing my makeup. I only do the bare minimum.

"That pretty lady from yesterday" Camilla says excitedly.

I'm not going to hear the end of this. I didn't answer them since I didn't want to get there hopes up for nothing. Max and Camilla then started fighting.

"Get of me" Henry snapped as he stood up.

"Enough" I say annoyed. I hate that they all keep fighting. Max punched Henry in the stomach. Henry pushed him onto the sofa. "I said enough" I snapped now angry. "Go to your rooms now! All 3 of you"

"I'm going out" henry started walking to the door as he spoke.

"Get back here now! Don't think your going out after hitting your brother"

"He hit me"

"And you hit him back. Get to your room" we were cutting each other of now. Both angry.

"I'm going out with my mates I already said that" he snapped again before walking out of the house. I sighed loudly and looked at the mirror. I can't handle him anymore. Camilla and max went upstairs while dani sat on the sofa.

"Ok I'm leaving. If you can talk to Henry and talk some sense into that boy" I asked as I went to the door. She nodded and turned the tv on. "By kids. Love you all" I blew 3 kisses and left the house.

My bosses wifeWhere stories live. Discover now