Chapter 24

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[ Regina's pro ]
It's been a week. Emma's dad is coming round in two days. All the kids call me mamma now. Emma secretly and adorably fan girls Kristen belle. When I say secretly I mean everyone knows she likes her but I am one of the only people who knows how much. It's actually really sweet how much she fan girls over her. Anyway back to the point. Kristen came into my work to order a dress yesterday. I arranged for her to come over to our house today to meet Emma.

It's mid day and the front door knocked. I told Martin to just let Kristen threw.

"I'll get it" I say jumping to my feet. We're all in the lounge together.

"You expecting someone" max asked. I smiled and nodded. I handed Katie to Henry and went to the door.

I open it and Kristen is stood there. She smiled and waved.

"Hi. Am I late" she asked.

"No. Perfect timing. My wife is a huge fan of yours" I say with a smile.

She giggled and I moved out of the way to let her in. We walked down the hall a little to the lounge. I got her to wait outside the door.

"Baby who was at the door" Emma asked.

"Someone that ordered a dress from me and wants to say hi to you" I smiled but she looked confused.

"Who? I don't know anyone rich enough to buy your dresses except you" she says with a giggle.

I looked next to me and tilted my head signalling for Kristen to come in. She stepped into the doorway and Emma looked shocked .

"I'd like you to meet Kristen belle" I say smiling.

Emma stood up looking so shocked. Dani smiled and looked excited.

"OMG it's Kristen belle! Mum it's Kristen belle" dani says excited.

Emma still looked shocked. Kristen held her hand out to Emma with a smile.

"It's nice to meet you Emma" she says.

Emma shook her hand while smiling.

"Ow my god. I actually love you. Your amazing in all your films and your singing is incredible. I can't believe your stood in front of me" I've never heard Emma speak so fast and so excitedly.

"Not a fan girl my ass" I say smirking.

"I'm not" Emma says glaring at me.

"I'm so glad your such a big fan. If you'd like I can sign something for you" Kristen said with a smile. Emma nodded.

"Can you sign my wall" Emma asked.

"Not on my walls" I cut in.

"I'm kidding" Emma giggled. "I'll print a photo of quick. One sec" Emma said before leaving the room quick.

"Woah mamma. I've never seen mum so excited about something" Henry says a little shocked.

"She seems sweet" Kristen says. I smiled and nodded. Emma came in with a picture of Kristen belle. "I'm not signing that. Me and you are getting a selfie and I'll sign it. Actually we can all get in" she suggested.

Emma smiled and got her phone out. Kristen took the phone and Emma sat back in her seat. She had Katie on her lap. They all got into the frame. I went behind Emma and put my head next to her. My arms were around her neck. We all smiled and Kristen took the selfie.

"I love it. I'll go print it quick" Emma says standing up.

She gave Katie to me.

"Let me see if I remember this. Your dani since your the oldest. Your Henry. You are max. You little one are camilla. Which makes this one Katie" Kristen says pointing at each of them. I nod. "Can I hold her"

I handed Katie to Kristen.

"Emma shouldn't be to long" I say.

"Your wife and family are just gorgeous" she says smiling.

Emma came back in and handed her a pen and the photo. Kristen gave me Katie and signed the photo. She gave it back and smile.

"Thank you so much... and baby thank you. I love this" Emma says to Kristen then me. She kissed my cheek and hugged me.

"It's ok. I have to get going but Regina I'll see you next week for a fitting" she says smiling softly.

"Yep sounds good"

"Thanks for letting me in"

"It's ok. I'll walk you out"

"Alright and Emma good luck with the kidney. I hope you survive" Kristen smiled. Emma smiled back and hugged her. They pulled away and we walked out the room.

I showed her to the door and closed it once she was out. I went back to the lounge and they were all looking at the photo. Emma came over to me and hugged me tight.

"Thank you baby" she says smiling. I smiled back and kissed her neck.

She then lost all weight in her legs and started to fall. I caught her but she wasn't awake.

"Em? Emma what's wrong" I say a little worried.

Dani came over as I led her down. They then all came over to check she's ok.

"Mum" dani says worried.

Henry placed to fingers on the side of her neck and looked down at her. He then moved them away.

"She's fainted. Her heart level is fine and I'm gonna make an educated guess that it's something to do with getting use to not taking the pills and all the excitement" he says.

We all looked shocked at how he knew that.

"How do you know that" dani asked while absolutely gobsmacked.

"I'm smarter than you all think" he says standing up.

I picked Emma up and onto the sofa. I lifted her head up and rested it on my lap. Her body was on its side in case she threw up. I hate all of this. Emma keeps telling me to enjoy the short time but I just keep counting down the days until she dies. I'm to worried. At night I check her pulse to make sure she's still alive.

After about an hour she moved. I looked down and saw her waking up.

"Are you ok" I say quickly.

"Yeah. What happened" she sat up as she spoke.

"You fainted. How do you feel"

"Fine. The doctor said the first week or so I would faint so it's normal"

I don't like this. I really don't. I will make sure she survives... if it is the last thing I do.

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