Chapter 45

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[ Regina's pro ]
Yesterday Emma told me she loved me. I thought she didn't. I'm confronting her today about it and whether she wants to or not she's telling me. I drove down to her house. It's mid day and James is watching Katie. I arrive outside Emma's as she was going into her house.

"Emma" I say getting out the car.

She looked round at me and then back at the door. I ran over and she started closing the door. I pushed it open and stepped into the house.

"What are you doing" she asked annoyed.

"Don't start. Why did you say that yesterday"

"I don't know. I was angry. I didn't mean it don't worry. You can go now"

"Shut up. I know you did and your gonna answer my question. Why did you do that? I asked if you wanted to be just friends because I thought it was what you wanted"

"Screw you Regina. Your a lying bitch. I've seen you. Every night you've had a date and I saw you yesterday kissing ruby. Very passionately may I add"

"To get over you. How do you not see that"

"What are you trying to say Regina" she asked annoyed.

"That she loves you as much as you love her" I heard from behind Emma. We looked over to see all the swan children stood there.

"Mum you love mamma right and mamma you love mum so why are you doing this" dani asked softly.

"Dani sweetie it's complicated" I say softly.

"Yeah your all to young to understand" Emma added glancing at them.

"No I'm not. I have a husband and 2 kids. Me and Lenny have problems like every couple and sometimes I wanna kill him but I know I love him. Why can you guys figure that out" she snapped annoyed.

"Dani enough. All of you give us some privacy" Emma says in her serious mum voice that scared me sometimes.

"But" camilla says softly.

"I said enough" Emma snapped.

They all left the hallway and went upstairs like they were young again.

"Just go home Regina. I'm not in the mood for this" she says softly before showing me the door.

"Is this how we work now? We keep denying each other's love until one of us dies"

"I guess so. There is the door" she says before opening it. She started to walk away but I grabbed her shoulder.

"Please talk to me"

"I have nothing to say. Go away or I'll remove you myself" she says angry.

"Fine... but don't come crawling to me with your problems again" I say softly before walking out.

[ Emma's pro ]
It's now very late that night. I went out for a few drinks while dani babysat cam and Katie overnight. I had Katie tonight because Camilla was helping her with something. I wondered down the street until I cam across a gate. Regina's gate. The guard was asleep so I hopped over it. I walked down the path and to the door.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

I knocked the door very loudly to wake her up. I'm not gonna lie I'm very drunk and not thinking clearly. The door opened and Regina was tying her robe around her.

"What are you doing Emma"

"I was a happy single mum and then you ruined me all those years ago" I mumbled.

"Are you drunk" she asked confused.

"Maybe I am nosy rosy"

"Yeah sure you are. What do you want Emma it's the middle of the night"

I didn't know how to say what I needed to so I sang it in a song I knew would work.

"I probably had a bit too much to drink
It's a little after midnight you are probably asleep
I bet that you're surprised to hear from me

I still have your number memorized
I know it's been eight years
But I still got these butterflies
I know I might sound crazy

And you might be married
And you might have moved on
But I have to ask before my nerve is gone

Cause I always wonder
If we could've have been something
Or is it all in my mind and

I always wonder
Here I might have missed something
That we left behind and

Do you ever think of me
And have you wondered could we be
Something extraordinary"

I leaned against the door and thought I was an idiot. I then heard her continue the song in a beautiful voice.

"I still remember how you looked at me
You took me in like there was no where else you'd rather be
And you made me feel beautiful

I made a lot of mistakes
I'm not a kid anymore
But I'll never forget that I couldn't be yours

Cause I always wonder
If we could've have been something
Or is it all in my mind and

I always wonder
Here I might have missed something
That we left behind and

Do you ever think of me
And have you wondered could we be
Something extraordinary

I never forgot the way you kiss me"

Then I sang.

"I never forgot the way you touched me"

Unplanned we both sang at the same time.

"And once I thought I heard you say
You love me

I always wonder
If we could've have been something
Or is it all in my mind and

I always wonder
Here I might have missed something
That we left behind and

I never told you
That you've been the one thing I have wanted all this time
And do you ever think of me
And have you wondered could we be
Something extraordinary


"You can sing"

"Yeah. Turns out I can"

"Ow Regina" I say holding my arms out.

"Ow Emma. I'm so sorry baby" she says hugging me tight.

As we pulled away we both moved in to kiss. After all this time I am finally kissing her properly and I love it. I've really missed her. Truly missed this woman. She then pulled away and looked at me concerned.

"Promise you'll still be here in the morning. This isn't a one time drunk thing right"

"I promise. I love you Regina Mills"

"I love you Emma swan"

I pulled her back into a kiss which she instantly deepened. We're back... and were here to stay!

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