Chapter 43

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[ Regina's pro ]
It's been a week since I woke up. I don't know if I like just being friends with Emma. It doesn't seem right. She has Katie and I'm on my way to pick her up. Things are still a little awkward with her.

Emma: meet me at granny's xxx

I read the message and headed towards granny's. When I got there she was with Katie and Camilla. They were sat in a booth drinking milkshakes. I went over and Emma smiled at me.

"Ow hey Gina. Wanna join before you leave"

"Sure" I say as I sat down. I then saw Camilla slide Emma's phone back into Emma's pocket. Did she text me? I shrugged it of.

"Ruby? Can I have another milkshake please for Regina? Chocolate" Emma called over.

"Well remembered" I smiled.

"I'm going to the toilet. Cam can you come with me" Katie says climbing over me.

Camilla smiled and got out. They went over to the toilet.

"How you feeling" Emma asked.

"Better thanks. You"

"Pretty good" she replied before drinking her milkshake.

A waiter named Daniel came over and put the drink in front of me.

"So you two back together" he asked. He's a nice guy.

"No just friends" Emma says a little to quick for my liking I'm not gonna lie.

"That's good because I wanted to know if you would go on a date with me tonight" he asked me.

"Umm... sure. Why not? Is 8 ok"

"Perfect. Laters" he winked and walked away.

I looked back at Emma and she looked down quickly.

"So you and Daniel huh" she asked before drinking her drink.

"No that was the first time he'd asked me"

"Do you like him"

"I don't know. He's cute and really sweet. Why"

"Just wondering. Wish you nothing but happiness"

I feel like she is upset about this but why would she be? The only reason I suggested us being friends is because of everything that's happened.

"Emma what is it"

"Nothing honestly. Drink your milkshake" she says before sipping he drink.

I sipped mine. Camilla and Katie came back. They sat down and cam looked at both of us.

"What" she asked.

"Nothing" Emma says quickly.

It wasn't long before we were all talking and laughing again. I then took Katie home with me. When we arrived I went to the lounge to find James and belle making out. Belle was on top of James while hey we're both led down on the sofa. I quickly covered Katie's eyes and turned her body to face me.

"You have a bedroom to do that" I say getting there attention.

"Shit" James says.

"Yeah shit. Your lucky she didn't see" I say a little annoyed they knew I was on my way home.

Belle got of him and I let go of Katie. I went to the kitchen and started thinking. Why was Emma acting weird? It didn't make sense. Seeing her like that just makes me want to kiss her and tell her everything it ok. I then got a text.

Henry: hey Mamma xx

Me: hi sweetie. What's up xxx

Henry: can I come over to talk xx

Me: of course you can. When xx

Henry: now if that's ok x

Me: of course. See you soon xx

I then put my phone back in my pocket. I wonder what he wants to talk about. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and had a sip. That milkshake wasn't good for my diet but it was good. Anything chocolaty is the cure for everything shitty in the world. That's my motto.

After a few minutes the voice box beeped. I pushed the buttons as I got to it.

"Henry swan is here to see you"

"Send him in" I say before heading to the door.

Henry was walking towards me with a smile. I held my arms out and he hugged him.

"Hey mamma. Thanks for letting me come over"

"My please sweetie. God your too tall though" I replied smiling. He pulled away whilst laughing. "So what do you want to talk about"

"Let's talk in the kitchen" he says with a soft smile.

We walked down the hall and to the kitchen. I hopped up onto the island. He sat on a stool next to the island.

"Go on" I asked.

"I wanna propose to mike but I don't know the best way for it"

"Ow Henry. I'm so happy for you" I say hugging him. He smiled and hugged me back.

"Thanks mamma. I wanna know how you were gonna propose to mum originally because I know you were gonna but then threw the ring at her for not telling you about the cancer thing" he says a little awkward. I giggled slightly and rustled his hair.

"I was going to take her for dinner at the restaurant we first had dinner at... well lunch but you know what I mean. Our first date. I had a table booked there in the same stop and I was going to get down on one knee in front of everyone and ask for her hand in marriage. That's how I was going to do it"

I made me think about my relationship with her. How much I loved her. How much I still kinda do. I can't be thinking about this though. I have a date tonight. God I haven't been on a date in years.

"That's so romantic. I was thinking while we're at the football game next week. I was gonna have the big screen saying the question and the cameras on us"

"That's adorable Henry. I remember when you wanted to come out but was so scared"

"Yeah. Coming out was the best thing I could ever do because it meant that people knew who I was"

"And you get all the attention from people" I added with a smirk.

"Ow yeah and that" he agreed with a smile maki me giggle.

"You do make me laugh"

"Do you miss being with mum"

"Of course I do... but I have to move on. I have a date tonight to help that and in time it will just be a memory"

"It's a shame. You made mum so happy. Everyone including her thought that my dad was her true love but it was you"

"Your a bit young to understand our relationship. I'm 40 and I have girl trouble. Who would have thought?" I say making us both giggle.

[ Henry's pro ]
We talked for a while about random stuff. The reason I'm here is to try getting mamma to remember how happy they were together by reminding her of the proposal. I don't know f it worked but I hope so. They need to be together. Mum is like Prince Charming and mamma is Snow White except she's a queen. I don't know now I've lost my trail of thought. I left mammas not long after that. While walking home I passed a wishing well. I went over with a coin and closed my eyes.

"I wish for my family to be reunited again" I whispered before tossing the coin into the water.

I don't usually believe in that stuff but it's worth a try.

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