Chapter 11

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[ Regina's pro ]
It's been 5 months. I'm now 37 weeks pregnant (8 nearly 9 months). Robin hasn't touched me just insults me. I told him your not allowed to have sex while pregnant so he doesn't force me to. I'm so happy I'm having a girl. Emma does everything she can to make sure I'm ok. Robin has to leave town so Emma is coming round for the night. I gave her a key since it's easier to get in then waiting for me to get up and open the door. It is 7:45pm and the door unlocked.

"Gina" I heard Emma say.

"Hey beautiful. In the lounge"

I'm on the sofa bed since there is to many stairs. I am cuddled up in the covers. It's January and really cold. Emma walked into the room and smiled at me.

"You look cosy"

I giggled and lifted the blanket up so she could get in. She sat down and I cuddled into her. She put her arm around my shoulder and held my stomach.

"How's my beautiful girl been" I asked as I put my head on her chest. We were both looking at the tv. I had little British on. It's so funny. I know Britain isn't like that but still makes me giggle.

"Alright I guess. The kids are very loud so being here is quite nice"

I kissed her neck and snuggled into her more.

"I love you Emmy"

"I love you two Gina. How's everything with the baby"

"I keep getting these pains and I peed myself a lot earlier" She sat up and looked a little confused at me. I looked confused at her. "What" I asked confused.

"Regina how long ago did you have your last pain"

"I don't know. About 10 minutes ago" I shrug. I then get the pain again. "Aarrr crap that hurts" after about 30 seconds it stopped.

"Ok Regina your in labour. We need to get you to the hospital now" she says as she stood up.

I sat up and looked shocked. "Are you sure"

"Regina I've had 4 kids. Trust me I know. Let's go"

She helped me up and to the car. Emma drove to the hospital and I could feel these pains getting closer. Once at the hospital we went in and they gave me a wheelchair. They pushed me to this room where another 2 women were that were in labour.

"Emma don't you dare leave me" I say as I'm in pain.

"I'm not going anywhere don't worry"

"I'm gonna kill that dick head" I shout in pain.

"The doctor"

"No Robin"

I was taking deep breaths and held her hand. I felt a painful contraction and squeezed her hand tight. I'm sweating and feel like I'm gonna cry.

Hours passed but I don't know how many. It feels like 6 weeks.

"Emma how long have I been here" I asked in pain.

"10 hours. Your very brave and it will be over soon"

"Are you shitting me? 10 hours? Emma get this baby out of me before Robin gets home" I say shocked.

"It's 10 to 5 Gina. He's not coming home until tomorrow night" she says softly while holding my hand.

"Emma get this baby out of me! Ow my god it hurts. How much longer"

Emma stood up and went to the nurse by another woman. They came over and the woman sat in from of me. I had my legs open and up. She looked at it and put her hand up my vagina.

"Your at 9cm" she says as she pulled her hand out.

She walked back over to another person.

"Someone needs to give me some sort of good news or I'll murder them" I says annoyed. Emma started giggling. "Em don't laugh at me" I say also laughing.

"I'm sorry I can't help it"

After another hour I think. Don't quote me because I have no idea. I'm still not ready to deliver yet. How I don't know.

"How much longer" I asked as I get a painful contraction.

"I don't know. Do you want me to get you the doctor" Emma offered.

"If anyone sticks there fingers near my vagina again I'm gonna snap them of... that means you to Emma" She laughed and I slapped her shoulder. "I'm not joking. Child birth sucks"

"Baby I know. I've done it more than once"

"Emma how long were you in labour the longest" I say knocking the answer.

"4 hours. Mine were quick yes but I know the pain" she says rubbing my back.

The nurse then came over and smiled at me. "Alright Regina I think your ready. I'm gonna check your at 10cm" I nodded and she put her fingers back inside me. She had white gloves on and I wanted to snap her fingers of. She pulled them out and nodded. "Your ready"

"About bloody time" I sigh in relief.

They took me to the delivery room and moved me onto the bed. I held Emma's hand and looked at her.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you. I'm just in pain" I say feeling bad.

She kissed my head softly and put her arm around me. She held me close and kissed my head again.

"I'll always be here for you. I love you"

"I love you two" I say before pulling her into a kiss. She pulled away and pecked my lips.

The doctor came in and I kept hold of Emma's hand tight. As I pushed I squeezed her hand tight. I'm so glad she's here and not Robin. He'd tell me to man up and hurry up. I stopped pushing and caught my breath.

"One more push Regina" the doctor says.

I nodded and pushed as hard as I could. This child needs to get out of me already. I squeezed her hand tight and was crying. "Emma!" I shout while crying lots.

"I'm here Regina. It's ok come on" she says rubbing my back.

I felt the baby come out and I relaxed more. I caught my breath and let go of Emma's hand. I looked over and saw the doctor holding a baby while someone cut the umbilical cord.

"It's a girl"

I smiled and looked at Emma. She smiled back and kissed my head. I smiled and watched them rap the baby in a towel. She gave me the baby and I smiled at her. I didn't tell Robin the sex because I wanted to pick the name. I looked at her with a smile and forgot the pain.

"Katie. My little Katie girl" I say smiling at the baby. She's so small and so beautiful. I love her.

"Regina she's beautiful. Look she has your eyes" Emma says with a smile.

I looked up at her and smiled softly. She leaned down and kissed me softly. As we pulled away she put her arm around me. The door opened and I looked up. Robin walked in with a smile. That was so close.

"I thought you were at the work place out of town" I say confused.

"I wouldn't miss this now would I baby. What do we have" he says walking over. Emma moved her arm of me and stepped back a little. "How come your here Emma" he asked confused.

"I was coming over to see you about work and Regina answered. She said she was in labour so I brought her here and stayed with her" Emma says awkwardly.

"Thank you. That's kind of you Emma. Regina what is it and what's its name"

"A girl. Her name is Katie" I says smiling. I kissed my daughters head and smiled brightly at her. "My little girl"

"I'm not sure about the name Katie" he says making me frown.

"Well I'm not changing it. Her name is Katie and it's staying Katie. Please don't make me change it" I begged.

He looked at Emma and then back at me. "Ok. Katie it is"

I looked at Emma and a tear left my eye. I smiled softly and looked back at Katie. I knew if I had these 2 girls I could get threw life.

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