Chapter 14

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[ Regina's pro]
The next morning at 8:56. I listened to Emma's voicemail. I sighed and new I couldn't lie to her. I know I have to talk to her. Yesterday was terrible. They all looked so confused at me as I left but Henry looked disappointed. Me and Henry spent a lot of time talking alone. He told me lots of things and we bonded very well. I think I really hurt him. I hurt them all. I decided to text Emma.

Me: you awake x

Emma: yeah. Why?

Me: meet me at granny's in 10 minutes x

Emma: alright x

I got up quietly so I didn't wake Robin. I had already checked on Katie and put her back to sleep. I got dressed quickly and left the room with my phone. I went and got Katie dressed before leaving. I drove down to granny's. As I was walking in Katie was crying.

"Come on sweetie. People don't want to here you crying"

I was waiting outside the door until she stopped. After a few seconds she finally did. I carried her into the diner and saw Emma sat there with a hot coco. Her back was to me and her head was down. I went over and sat down.

"Hey em" She looked up at me and smiled slightly. "Can you hold her while I get a drink and then we can talk" She nodded and held her arms out. I gave Katie to her and stood up. "You want anything" I asked softly.

"I'm good thanks" she says before smiling at Katie.

I ordered a drink at the counter. I looked at Emma smiling and talking to Katie. I smiled softly but then realised that is what I want but can't have.

"Regina" Ruby says getting my attention.

"Sorry yeah. Thanks rubs" I say taking the drink.

I went back over to her and sat down. She kept Katie in her arms and looked up at me.

"He threatened you didn't he" she asked with a sad look in her eyes.

"Yeah. He threatened to not only ruin my life but you and your kids life. I'd loose Katie. You'd loose your job and will never be able to get another one. I'd loose mine trying to get Katie back. I can't risk all that" I couldn't look up at her.

"Why didn't you just tell me that instead of making up a load of crap? We can work around that"

"This is why. We can't work around it. Emma I can't get out of this marriage. He's not that bad anymore. I think Katie changed him"

"You forgot to put makeup on your wrists and not enough on your cheek this morning" she says looking at the bruises. I pulled my sleeves up and looked down. "What if you tell your parents and show them how he hurts you"

"That won't work. Emma listen to me we can't be together. To be honest I love you but I'm not in love with you" of course I'm lying. I need her of my back.

"You wanna know something? Camilla was crying yesterday. Max still doesn't understand why you've all of a sudden left. Henry won't talk to anyone about it and he just snaps on us. Dani is furious. They all still don't understand why. I should not have to tell them"

"There your kids" I interrupted her.

"And they adore you. I don't want to have to tell them that you all of a sudden you changed your mind about dating me. They have seen us. They know we were in love. Camilla asked if you were going to be her other mum and I said for her to ask you. She was going to yesterday" My heart fell into my stomach. Emma stood up and gave Katie to me. "I'll be back in a minute" she then went to the toilet.

I looked at Katie and kissed her head. Ruby came over and picked up the empty glasses. She took them away before coming back over.

"Do you want me to hold her while you talk to Emma" she offered. Me and Ruby are good friends. She dates James and is so sweet.

"Thanks rubs. Love you girl"

I gave Katie to her and stood up. She sat down and I quickly went out back to the toilets. I saw Emma leaning against the sinks. She sighed while looking down.

"Did you even need the toilet" I asked.

She looked round and shook her head. I went over and she looked annoyed.

"No. I needed to calm down before I said something bad in front of Katie"

"I'm truly sorry. I didn't mean for us to fall in love. I have to go soon before Robin wakes up but you can come to me whenever you need a friend. I do and will always truly... honestly... deeply love you... and that's what makes this so hard for me. You know I don't want to loose you"

"Are you done now? Can I go"

"Emma" I sighed.

She shrugged and looked down. I listed her head up a little to look at me. Our eyes locked. We leaned in and kissed her softly. She deepened it slowly and put her hands on my hips. She then quickly pulled away.

"Just leave me alone please. I knew I should have never fallen for you" she couldn't even look at me when she spoke.

She walked past me and to the door. As she did she knocked my shoulder where a bruise was. I flinched and tears instantly came to my eyes.

"Oh shit" I say holding it. She looked round confused.

"Are you ok" she asked worried.

"I'm fine. It's nothing. I hit my shoulder earlier" I say as I kept the tears in. It's very sensitive since Robin did it last night.

"Bullshit. You need to learn to trust me sometimes" she says annoyed. She then walked out.

I leaned against the wall and put my head against it. Tears started pouring out of my eyes. I hated having to do this. What is wrong with me? I should have never made her love me.

[ Emma's pro]
I got home and went straight upstairs. I went to my bedroom and sat on the bed. I led down and started crying into my pillow.

"Mum" I heard. I looked up and saw max. "You were with Regina weren't you"

I nodded and sat up. He sat on the bed and hugged me. I put my arm around his shoulder and kissed his head.

"I'm sorry Regina left" I say holding him close.

"Me two. Her and Henry got along well" I nodded in agreement. I kissed his head and he pulled away. "Dani's making eggs. She asked if you'd like some"

I shook my head and smiled softly. "No thanks. I just wanna be alone for a bit sweetie"

He nodded and left the room. I went to the window and looked out of it. I am waiting for Regina to come back but at the same time I wish to never see her again. This doesn't make sense. I should have never started dating so soon. I don't know why I let her into my life. I knew this would end badly.

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