Chapter 3

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[ Regina's pro ]
I was at work. I'm running late and Emma will be outside soon. I'm a fashion designer. Today we are working on a bunch of wedding dresses. There nearly done but we are having complications.

"Regina we need you in here" one of my designers says. I sighed and went over. My assistant James followed me.

"James dear would you please go wait outside for a blonde girl named Emma and bring her up here" I asked as we walked.

He nodded and leaves. I went over and saw a model in the dress. She was there so we can see what it's like on a person. The same person that called me over was called Rachel.

"Hi sorry we had to call you over. We don't know what to do about the dress. If we have the vale it covers the back but if we don't the dress looks incomplete" I nodded in agreement to what she said.

James came over to me with Emma. I hugged her with a smile. "Sorry I'm running late. I shouldn't be long" I pulled away from her as I was talking.

"Take your time" she says shyly.

I smirked at her. Why is she so shy? She looks good today. "Don't be shy em. I won't bite. Well unless you ask me to" I teased her before looking back at the dress. I noticed Emma blushed and moved back a little.

I thought for few seconds. I then smiled and looked over at the hat stand. "James dear would you get me a white top hat please" my assistant did as he was asked. I took the white hat and went over to the model. I fixed the vale onto the hat before placing it on her head. I fixed it on properly and smiled. "Perfect. You can still see the back and it looks nice" I say smiling. I looked at Emma who was smiling softly at me. "Alright I'm out. If you need me call but only if you really need me. I'm going to be busy"

I went over to Emma and linked my arm with hers. "Shall we" she says with a smile.

I nodded and we walked out. We went to this experience restaurant. Since me and Robin are both rich it didn't cost that much. "This place is amazing" Emma says looking around. I giggled at her with a smile.

"And it's my treat alright" I say as we sat down.

"Are you serious" she looked shocked that I'm offering to pay.

"Of course. I dragged you alone it's the least I can do"

We looked at the menu and picked out our orders. The waitress came over and smiled at Emma. The way she looked at her made me a little jealous.

"Umm hey. Can I take your order... both of your orders"

"I'll have a burger and fries" Emma says not noticing the smile that this waitress is giving her. I definitely noticed.

"I'll have the chicken salad please" I smacked my menu closed and gave it to her. Emma handed hers to the waitress.

"I'll get that out for you as soon as I can" she bit her lip at Emma. I rolled my eyes and she left.

"So how long you and Robin been married" she asked not sounding like she wants to know.

"A few years now. I don't love him though and I know he doesn't loves me"

"How come" she questioned before sipping her water.

"I got pressured into the marriage by my parents. They didn't like the fact I had a girlfriend so I had to dump her and marry a guy I didn't love" I'm bisexual and my parents don't really like that. I was in love with my college girlfriend but I haven't seen her in years.

"What about him? Why don't you think he loves you? You seem amazing" she says shyly. She blushed a little at her own words.

"You are sweet. I'm gonna tell you a secret because I trust you but you can't tell anyone. If you do I'll be in so much trouble" what I'm about to tell her I've never told anyone before except my brother.

She nods softly while waiting for me to continue. I looked both ways before holding onto the top of my dress. I pulled it down a little just above my boob revealing a very dark bruise. She looked so shocked at me.

"Ow my god Regina who did that"

"Robin. Please Emma don't tell anyone especially don't tell Robin I told you. He will kill me" Robin is one of the only people who scares me. He made me this whole other person but I can't leave him because my parents will not allow it.

"Regina that's awful. You can't let him treat you like that" she says but I cut her of.

"I have no choice. Let's forget this conversation and start a new one. Are you seeing anyone" I hated this top so I changed it. It made me feel uncomfortable. I loved Emma's outfit today though. She looks hot. Like super hot.

"Umm no. Why" she says before sipping her drink. She's a very nervous person. I placed my hand over hers which got her attention.

"Don't be so nervous around me. I want you to feel as comfortable as you can. Also I was just wondering because I think your kinda cute and so does that waitress that came over"

Her mouth dropped slightly and she looked shocked. I winked at her before sipping my water. Before she could finally get words out food came. The same waitress put our plates down. She bit her lip at Emma the whole time. This time I think she noticed. Emma pushed her fingers threw the gaps on mine to hold my hand.

"I'm glad we're doing this baby" I was a little shocked by her words but the wink she gave me after showed she wanted me to play alone.

"Me two beautiful" I say before kissing her hand. She smiled and let go of my hand. We started eating and the waitress left in a huff.

"Ow god. Sorry about that. She wasn't my type and I didn't want to hurt her feelings" she says innocently.

I giggled at her and winked. "It's fine. Your allowed to hold my hand if you want and you call me baby was a pretty sweet cherry on the top of a cake" I flirt with her. I like flirting with her. She's very beautiful and I haven't done this in years. I haven't had sex with someone that didn't hit my during it in years.

Emma just blushed and looked down. I lifted her head up by her chin and smiled. "Loosen up a bit. Your very shy and nervous" she smiled softly and put her fork in her mouth. I did the same with mine. The waitress brought over mine and Emma's glass of wine.

"Are you two on a date" she asked smiling.

"Yes. Can you believe I've been with this gorgeous girl for 7 years and I still pay" I say without hesitation. I winked at Emma and she giggled.

"Cute couple" her tone wasn't a happy one.

She turned around and I put my middle finger up. Emma laughed which made me chuckle. I winked at Emma which made her blush a little. I like her. She's really cute and funny and sweet and hot.

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