Chapter 16

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[ Emma's pro ]
"I love you Emma swan"

That made my heart skip another beat. I didn't know what she was going to do.

"Regina" I say worried.

She looked at me and took a few deep breaths. She then held her hand out. I rushed over and took it. She lifted her leg up to climb over. Her foot slipped and she dropped. I reached down and grabbed her hand with my free one. I held onto her like my life depended on it. She was dangling down and holding onto me tight. I pulled her up and she grabbed the railing with her other hand. I helped her over the railing and she instantly hugged me.

"I love you so much" she says holding me tight.

"I love you more" I sigh in relief.

She started crying on my shoulder and held onto me tight. Her grip on my clothes was so tight it was like she'd never let go.

"I'm so sorry. I'm the worst person ever" she sobbed.

"No your not. Your my girl"

She looked up at me and smiled slightly. I cupped her chin and leaned towards her slowly. She met me half way and our lips joined. I've missed her. She deepened the kiss and her grip on my top tightened. After a few seconds we slowly pulled away.

"Can we go home please" she asked softly. I smiled and nodded. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you come all the way out here"

"Stop apologising. Drive to my house not yours ok"

She nodded and pecked my lips. We both got into our cars and I followed behind her to make sure she didn't go anywhere else. When we got back to mine Regina seemed a bit shaken up. She was in the car just sat there. I opened the door to her car.

"Gina you alright"

"How did you know I was there"

"Robin called me"

She looked up at me confused.

"How did he know"

I shrugged. I held my hand out to her. She took it and stepped out the car. I took my coat of and put it over her shoulders. I walked her into the house and closed the door. Dani was in the lounge.

"Are you ok now" she asked standing up.

Regina nodded softly. Dani came over and hugged her. Henry came downstairs.

"Mum you home? I need" he says but stopped when he saw Regina. He ran back up the stairs to his room. I sighed and looked at dani.

"Are the other 2 asleep"

Dani nodded and hugged me quick.

"I'm going to bed. Night mum. Night Regina" Dani then went upstairs to bed.

"You should get some rest. I'm gonna stay down here for a bit. I'll let Robin know your alright and your staying with me" I told her.

Regina nodded and hugged me. She kissed my cheek and went upstairs. I grabbed my phone and called Robin.

"Hello" he answered.

"I have Regina and she's staying with me. You should honestly be ashamed of yourself you know that" I was very annoyed.

"As long as she's safe then I don't mind her spending the night at your house. I don't want you sleeping together since she's still my wife"

"Who you beat. How did you know" I say cutting him of.


"How did you know Regina was killing herself"

"Because it was in her diary. I picked it up not knowing what is was and saw the words kill myself so I red it to see what she was on about. I then called you knowing if I went it would make it worse"

"I don't care if you fire me. I am going to fight for Regina to be out of the divorce with you and to keep her daughter. Your a monster" I hung the phone up before he could say anything.

I sat on the sofa and thought about what happened tonight.its insane.

[ Regina's pro ]
I was about to go into Emma's room. I remember the look on Henrys face when he saw me. I went up the stairs to his room. I knocked on the door and waited.

"You might as well come in" he says annoyed.

I opened the door and he looked shocked it was me.

"Can we talk"

"Why? How I opened up to you and then you left just like that" I says annoyed. He was by his window smoking.

"Henry I didn't have a choice. Today I nearly did something stupid and your mum came and got me. That's why I'm here. I wasn't allowed and I'm still not. Please talk to me about it"

He put the cigarette out and threw it out the window. He went to his desk chair and nodded his head to the bed. I sat down on the edge.

"Why did you leave? I was going to tell mum with you"

"My husband threatened me he would have taken my baby away and your mum would loose her job. Did you tell your mum" I started but he cut me of.

"That I'm gay? No! I've always been afraid of it and then you left which made it harder"

"Is that why you smoke"

"And drink. It gets rid of the pain you know"

"Your to young to be doing that. I can't stop you obviously but I'll give you some advice. It doesn't make you bravery or tougher or hard. Trust me I know"

"What do you mean"

"It means I use to drink and smoke when I was your age to numb the feeling of my parents not accepting me but all I need to stop was someone who was willing to help me threw it. Let people in Henry. I promise you can't do this alone"

He looked down and didn't say anything. I stood up and went to the door.

"Are you going to stay"

"I don't know. I hope so" I say from the doorway. He nodded slightly and looked down.

I left the room and went downstairs. I went into Emma's room and led down on the bed. After a few seconds Emma came in. I closed my eyes so she thought I was asleep. I then felt her climb into bed. I instantly turned around and cuddled into her. She put her arm around me and I felt her kiss my head.

"Katie's ok and Robin knows your here" she whispered.

"How did you"

"I can tell. I slept with you many times. Night Regina"

"Night Em. I love you"

"I love you two"

"Thank you" I mumbled.

"For what"

"For helping me today"

I kissed her chest and closed my eyes.

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