Chapter 32

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[ Emma's pro ]
Later that day. It's a bit weird that Regina has been so long. I shrugged it of thought since she is probably just making her point. I'm sat in the lounge with all the kids. Since it's December we're watching a Christmas film. Elf. Katie was in Henry's arms asleep now. She loved him. He was her favourite. My phone started ringing. It was an unknown number. I sat up and didn't recognise the number at all. Camilla lifted her head of my lap and I stood up.

"Hello" I say walking out the room.

"Is this Mrs Emma Swan-Mills" a woman asked.

"Yes speaking"

"Hi Emma it's Mia"

"Ow I Mia. What can I help you with"

"Granny may not make it the night. She has said that her kidneys are ok she wants to donate them to you. Her blood is also rare"

I looked shocked. Granny is going to save me. I need to call ruby and make sure she is there when granny goes. It will mean more to her than if I go.

"Ow my god. I can't believe she's going to die so soon. I need to call her granddaughter. Bye" I hung up and scrolled threw my phone to find Ruby's contact. I called her.

"Hey em" she answered.

"Hey. You need to get to the hospital now. Granny has terminal cancer and they think she can't make it the night" I softly said but quite quick.

"Ow my god. Thanks for telling me. I'm leaving now" she then hung up.

I'm so upset that granny is dying but I'm so happy I have a kidney that will allow me to survive. I quickly clicked on Regina's name and called her.

"Hi this is Regina Mills. Sorry I can't take your call right now but leave your name and number and I'll call you back" her sweet voice said in the voicemail.

I hung up a little confused. She must still be in that long meeting. I went into the lounge a little shocked at what just happened.

"Who was it mum" max asked.

"That woman at the hospital I go to see every week isn't making it the night. The call was to tell me she said once she dies I can have her kidney. I'm gonna survive" I say smiling.

"Ow my god mum that's amazing" dani says while they all smile brightly and get excited.

The voice box then beeped. I put my phone in my back pocket and went to the box. I beeped and waited.

"A mans here with a form for Mrs Swan-Mills" Martin says.

"Send him in" I replied. I went to the door and waited for the man to get to me.

He held a form out to me and I looked at it. I took it and my mouth dropped slightly. It's a divorce form. There was a piece of paper on the corner with a paper clip holding all the other sheets together. On the small piece of paper it read sorry -RM. My heart sunk to my stomach. My eyes filled with tears. I closed the door and leaned my back against it. I slid down it and just sat on the floor looking shocked.

"Mum what is it" Henry asked getting my attention.

He didn't have Katie so I guess one of the others do. I just held the forms to him. He came over and took them. I pulled my legs to my chest and cried on them. All these tears were pouring out and I couldn't stop them.

"Ow mum. I'm so sorry" he says rapping his arms around my body. I didn't move since I couldn't let my kids see me crying so I kept my face hidden. "Dani!" He shouts.

"What?! Ow my god mum what's wrong" she says quickly. I felt her bend down in front of my and put her hand on my arm.

"Regina left this" Henry says and I assume he gave it to her.

"What the fuck?"

"Language" I say as I looked up. I stood up and wiped my tears. "Just go in the lounge with the other 3. I'm gonna go upstairs for a bit" I say while walking to the stairs.

They both watched as I walked up. I went to my room and led on my bed. I hugged Regina's pillow while crying into it. Today I received news that I would survive and that my wife is leaving me. She just left Katie with me. Her own daughter. My phone then vibrated. I looked to see Regina has texted me.

Regina: once I've sent this text you won't be able to reply coz your number will be blocked. I just want to say my mum is going to come pick Katie up tomorrow and bring her to me. Sorry Emma this didn't work out and please don't die of cancer

So now I'm loosing Katie! My hatred for her is growing inside me. I'm furious about this. I threw the phone on the bed and just curled up more into the pillow.

[ Regina's pro ]
I sent the message causing more tears to leave my eyes. I'm in a bar that James owns. I looked next to me so he didn't see me cry.

"You know that was really strong of you to do that. Stupid but strong" James says from over the counter. I looked up at him while crying.

"I really hope she survives this and my plan works" I sobbed.

He put a shot in front of me and held one up. I picked the shot up and we both drank ours.

"You'll be alright Regina. You can stay in Hollywood with me for as long as you wish. By the way you are huge here. Everyone knows you and your dresses"

"I still can't believe you gave up being a lawyer to be a barman in Hollywood"

"It's so much nicer out here and there are loads of parties everywhere. Now I got you as well we can cut all the lines" he excitedly said. I giggled slightly while more tears left my eyes. He leaned over and wiped them away. "It's ok Regina. We are going to get threw this. Mums bringing Katie here tomorrow and then you can start a life here"

"No. I don't want a life here. In 7 years I will go back. The day after Emma is predicated to die will be the day I return to storybrooke. She is meant to die exactly 7 years tomorrow. I want to see if she is still alive. She's probably organising to go back on the pill tomorrow or something. I broke her heart I know it... and we both know there's no coming back from that"

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