Chapter 49

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[ Regina's pro ]
It's about a week later. Today everyone is at work or school. Emma has a break soon and is gonna spend it with me. Belle hasn't got work but she was out drinking last night so she won't be awake for ages. I'm sat watching tv in the lounge while drawing a dress design when my front door knocked. I get up to go answer it. As I open the door Roxanne is stood there.

"Hey. I thought you were going to find a job today" I say surprised to see her.

"I did. In the strip club near the rabbit hole"

"That was fast"

"Yeah I walked in and he asked if I could dance before hiring me" she says smiling at her achievement. I laughed which made her laugh.

"You wanna come in" I offered moving out the way. She stepped in and walked on to the lounge. I followed her in and sat back down. "Sit where ever"

"Cheers" she says before sitting next to me on the sofa. "What you working on"

"A dress design but I can't figure out the bottom part. Should it go straight down and flow out at the feet" I asked needed another's opinion.

"I'd have it flow out at the feet with that design" she said moving up closer.

I drew out what she said on the design in light pencil so it could rub out.

"So like that"

She leaned over my shoulder to see and was very close to me.

"Yeah just like that. Beautiful now" she says making me smile at my drawing.

I then felt a kiss on my shoulder. I moved up a little and looked round at her confused.

"What are you doing"

"Ow come on Regina. Stop pretending. You know me being your first love you'll always love me the most" she says before moving close into me.

I moved up more to get away.

"No I love Emma"

"Really?" She asked not convinced. "That bitch that thinks she could take me on in a fight. I'd like to see her try"

"It doesn't matter what you think. I love Emma"

"So you haven't missed these"

She lifted my hands to her boobs. I looked away annoyed and had tears in my eyes. I pulled my hands out of her grip and of her chest.

"Why are you suddenly doing this now"

"Have you not figured out the whole time I've been here that I still love you and you still love me? When you left you told me in a few years to come find you"

"It's been more that a few years. I've been married and divorced to robin. Im now with Emma a second time. Why don't you understand I'm in love" I asked softly.

She then kissed me on the lip. I pulled away quickly and pushed her away.

"Why are you fighting it Regina? You know you love me"

"Your yo caught up in the past. I don't love you"

She then kissed me again. This time holding the back of my head. I cleaned my jaw and let a few tears leave my eyes. She pulled away and I knew what I had to do.

"Now do you understand" she asked softly.

"Yes" I say smiling.


I moved in close. Before she could kiss me I smashed my head against hers. She felt to the floor unconscious.

"Bitch" I say looking down at her.

I look up and Emma was stood there smiling. She was leaning on the door frame with the biggest smirk on her face.

"Morning" She says still smirking.

"Enjoying the view" I asked making myself giggle.

She's in her sheriff clothes with her jacket over her arm. I stood up and walked over to her. She hugged me and held me close.

"Thank you" she says softly.

"For what"

"For picking me and staying with me"

"Well I love you. How much did you see"

"I came in as she kissed your shoulder. She wants to see me fight her well she's gonna trust me"

"Emma" I say sternly.

"I'm gonna sort her out now. You run up and pick out an outfit for tonight"

"What's happening tonight"

"I'm taking you out on a date. We just have to avoid certain places and go somewhere expensive"

"Why" I asked curious.

"All our kids have dates tonight except Katie obviously"

"Ow yeah. We can't go to the creative tonight"

"How come? None of them can afford that"

"I can. I gave Henry the money because he's planning on proposing tonight and wanted it to be at a fancy place. Don't tell anyone though. He only told me"

"I love the relationship between you and Henry. I swear you tell each other everything" she says making me giggle.

"Yeah. He tells me all the gossip and I tell him everything. We're each other's diaries" I say making us both laugh.

[ Emma's pro ]
"Alright hot stuff. Get upstairs" I say pulling away from her embrace.

She lifted up on her tip toes and kissed me softly.

"I love you"

"I love you more"

As she started to walk I slapped her ass and went to Roxanne. I then felt a hard slap across my ass and heard a giggle.

"You little shit" I say standing back up.

I looked round and she ran out the room laughing. I chanced her up the stairs and picked her up in my arms as she got to the room. I opened the door and carried her in. I threw her onto the bed and she was laughing her head of.

"Ow my god" she laughed. I smiled and pecked her lips.

"Love you"

I then walked out and went back down stairs. I went to the lounge and saw Roxanne was just waking up. I went over and grabbed her top at the front.

"What the hell" she said tiredly. 

"Stand up" I snapped.

She stood up and I frowned at her. She looked at me like I fell of her shoe.

"What you staring at bimbo"

"What did you just call me"

"A bimbo. Got a problem with that" she says getting in my face.

"I got a problem with you. I warned you not to touch my girl and what did you do"

"Ooo teacher. Me! Me!" She sarcastically said while putting her hand up.

"I'm gonna tip your head of"

"I'd like you see you try. You don't know who I am. I can take you down"

She pushed me back a little before swinging for me. I ducked and punched her in the stomach. As I stood up straight she bent down to hold her stomach. I grabbed her hair and pulled her to the wall. Smashing her head against it. She had blood all down her face and her beautiful nose was broken.

"You had enough" I asked annoyed.

"Your a crazy son of a" She starts while tired but I cut in.

"I take that as a no" I say before kicking her between the leg.

"Ow god" she says falling to the floor.

"Now get out" I say annoyed.

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