Chapter 13

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[ Emma's pro ]
There was a knock on the door. I knew it was Regina and Katie. I smiled as I opened the door to see the beautiful girl I love with her beautiful daughter.

"Hey baby girl" I say rapping my arms around her. She smiled slightly and I kissed her cheek. She gave Katie to me and I kissed her nose. "Hello cutie. I've missed you. Dani can't wait to meet you" I nuzzled my nose against the little girls. I then noticed Regina isn't really her happy self. "Baby"

"Hmm" she hummed looking up at me.

"What's wrong"

"Nothing" she says shaking her head softly.

I don't believe her. I'll asked her later. I put my other arm over her and we walked into the lounge. Dani stood up quickly and came over.

"Awe she's so cute. Gina what's her name"

Regina looked up and said "umm Katie. Em in a sec can we talk"

I nodded and kissed her head. I can tell she's distant. I saw on her neck was red marks and a hickey. She had a scarf on to cover it but I noticed. Camilla came running down the stairs and hugged Regina. For cam Regina is like a second mum.

"Regina" she excitedly said.

Regina smiled and bent down to her height. "Hey beautiful. How's my favourite 9 year old"

"Good. I missed you"

"I missed you two. Do you wanna meet my daughter"

Camilla nodded excitedly. Regina stood up and went to the sofa with cam. She patted a spot and cam sat on it. She took Katie from Dani and sat on the sofa. Camilla looked at her on her knees. I watched them and smiled. Henry came down.

"Hay Regina. Awe is that Katie" he smiled as he went over.

He bent down and looked at the baby. Max came running in from the kitchen covered in mud. I laughed as I saw him.

"Max go upstairs and get into some clean clothes" I say laughing.

"How did you get that dirty anyway" Regina says giggling. Being around the kids she's cheered up.

Max smiled and shrugged. "Water gun. The whole grass out side is covered in water so very muddy" we were all now laughing at how he got this bad.

"Henry will you turn the shower on for him"

Henry nodded and took max upstairs. Regina stood up and looked at dani.

"Can you hold her for me while I speak to your mum" Dani nodded and Regina gave her Katie. "Don't let cam hold her since she's only a week old alright" Dani nodded again and sat down.

Me and Regina went to the kitchen. I put my arms around her waist and kissed her softly. She deepened it and held me close. When we pulled away I smiled at her.

"You have changed my kids. They all love you" I say smiling. I love how she's had an effect on my family.

"I love them. Em I need to talk to you" she was back to that sad face like when she came in.

"Gina what's wrong? You can tell me anything"

"I can't date both you and Robin. I know I need to pick and well... I have to pick him I'm sorry" she says looking down. I moved back a little confused.

"Wait what? So your saying you have to pick between me and a man who beats you and you picked him"

"I'm sorry. I have Katie now and it's not fair on her. We always knew this wasn't going to be a serious thing"

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