Chapter 30

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[ Regina's pro ]
Last night I didn't sleep. I was up all night in the lounge. I had my wedding ring on my finger just twirling it. Emma was up in bed but I don't think she slept. It's 5 in the morning and I'm so tired now. I went upstairs and opened the door. I then heard Emma throwing up in the bathroom. I went to the door.

"Are you ok" I asked.

"Don't come in here please"

I ignored her and walked in. She stood up straight and wiped her mouth. I saw in the toilet blood in the sick.

"Em are you alright"

"Yeah I'm fine" she says standing up straight.

She flushed the toilet so I couldn't see it anymore. I can tell she thinks I am still mad at her which I am. She walked out of the room. I washed my hands and splashed my face with the water. I used the towel on the side to dry my face. I then went into the bedroom and led in bed. Our back were to each other. A tears escaped my eyes as I thought about everything. I could feel Emma moving in the bed. I just ignored it. A arm then rapped around my waist and soft lips pressed against my back.

"I'm sorry baby" she whispered.

I put my arm over hers and held her hand to show I forgive her.

"I love you em"

"I love you two"

"We can get threw this can't we" I asked softly.

"Yeah. Of course we can. I love you so much"

I still don't believe we can do it. This is so hard and I'm going to do it my own way. I will make sure Emma survives to see her kids graduate. All 5 of them. I then heard her sweet and softly voice singing.

"When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

When the tears come streaming down your face
'Cause you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
What could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you"

A few more tears left my eyes. I turned round in her arms and looked into her eyes. Those beautiful green eyes I fell in love with. I can't get it out of my head that one day I won't be looking into those eyes and that day is sooner than I planned. I have some sort of plan but none of them will like it. I hate it myself but I know it will work. If I do this she will survive long enough to find a match.

"Your voice is amazing. Can you just kiss me already" I say pulling her to me. We rested our heads against each other's. "your not allowed to leave me" I whispered before kissing her deeply.

We slowly pulled away and just locked eyes.

"So were ok now" she asked.

"Yeah because I've realised that... no matter where you are or what your doing I will always honestly... truly... completely... love you. Your not allowed to forget that ok... and I will stay with you forever" I am now crying again. My voice was cracked threw most of that. I'm still looking dead into her eyes.

"Sshh it's ok. Just go to sleep. I know you haven't slept all night. Please just sleep for now and talk later"

"Fine. Have you slept"

"A little. I've had enough. I gotta drop the kids to school first and then I have to get to the hospital"

"Why you going to the hospital again? Do you want me to come"

"Ow it's to go see this lady there. I'll tell you later. Love you baby" she then kissed my head and got out of bed. I closed my eyes and drifted of to sleep.

[ Emma's pro ]
I dropped the kids of at the school. My mum said she'd watch Katie so Regina could sleep. I drove to the hospital and went to the nurse at the front desk. It was Mia.

"Just the girl I was looking for. That old lady you said has no family. Can you tell me what room she's in and her name"

"Mrs red. Her room is 125 floor 3. Why"

"No one deserves to be alone while fighting this"

"Your a good person Emma. You really are" Mia smiled and I smiled back.

I went to the third floor and to the room she said. I opened the door and an older lady was sat in the bed. It was granny. Ruby told me granny left town and gave her the diner.

"Granny" I say shocked.

"Emma? What are you doing here"

"The nurse told me about you since your alone. I came to see if you wanted company. Why doesn't ruby come see you" I asked as I went over.

"I never told her. When I was to ill to look after myself I had to come here so I told her I left town. If she knew she'd want to help and would spend the rest of my time trying to find a cure for nothing. There isn't a cure for terminal cancer. Please don't tell her" she begged.

"I won't... but you should. Telling Regina was so hard and she does everything you said ruby would but I went 8 years not telling anyone and it wasn't good. You can't be alone while dying granny. I'm going to keep coming here every week to make sure your ok but you really should tell ruby" I sat down in the seat next to her.

"That's sweet of you Emma. I have less than a month left so not much point" she mumbled with a sigh.

"That's all the more reason to. I need a kidney and because of that I'm going to die. I want my family with me when I die so I'm not alone. I'm not letting you die alone. Whether that means me being here or ruby"

"Thank you Emma. Did you say you've been waiting 8 years for a kidney"

"Yeah. I'm not bothering to wait any longer just to die"

"Your a rare blood type"

"Yeah. The rarest" I replied.

She nodded while thinking. I stayed with her for about 2 or 3 hours before Regina phoned.

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