Chapter 41

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[ Emma's pro ]
It's been a very long year. Katie now lives with me and James still lives with belle in Regina's house. I'm sat at work with my deputy.

"So any news on Regina" mark asked.

"No. I really miss her" I say a little upset.

"It's ok em. She'll wake up one day"

"It's a brain injury. What if she doesn't remember me? What if she doesn't remember leaving? I'm over thinking this now" I quickly stood up and drunk a bottle of water to calm my thoughts down. The work phone then started ringing. "Sheriff swan speaking"

"Hi sheriff swan. Sorry to bother you but your daughter has been suspended for a week for not turning up to class and walking out of school. She isn't in school now and do not send her in for another week please" the head teacher said. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"How long ago did she leave" I say now a little annoyed.

"About 10 minutes"

"She'll be here in a minute then. Thanks for telling me"

"It's ok. Have a nice day sheriff"

I hung up and Camilla wondered in. She stood in the door way and leaned against it.

"What the fuck" I asked calmly but still annoyed.

"I don't wanna talk about it. Just get of my back" she says annoyed.

Camilla came in and sat on the sofa. I went over to her and folded my arms while glaring at her.

"Don't give me all of that. Why have you been cutting class and walking out of school"

"Because a bitch called Ellie keeps bullying me about you and Regina. Saying how someone that pretty couldn't have someone like you. How Regina was probably using you the whole time or you were using her. I didn't want to end up fighting her so I didn't show up to the classes with her in and when she started on me at lunch I walked out. Happy now?!" She snapped at me on the last part.

"That little bitch" I say making her laugh a little. I sat down next to her and held her hand. "You did the right thing avoiding her and not fighting her but in the wrong way. When she talks to you then you just ignore her. If she wants to fight then you give her the three strike rule. After telling her no three times then you can punch her"

Camilla laughed at what I said. I kissed her head and slapped it.

"What was that for"

"Getting into trouble. Your grounded but you can have your phone"

"Whatever. Do I have to stay here"

"Of course. Henry spent so much time here when he was suspended and that time he was expelled" I replied while sitting at my desk.

She sighed and led on the sofa. For about an hour I was doing work and eating bear claws. I had lots of forms to get in about people I arrested. Once I finished that if was time for me to take my break and go see Regina.

"Cam you coming"


We walked out and I drove us there. We went to Regina's room. She was now no longer in all the casts and bandages anymore. Also she didn't have that tube down her throat since they fixed her lung.

"Hey mamma" Camilla says walking to her.

"Hey Gina. I'm back again" I sat on the chair next to her bed like always.

Me and Camilla talked for ages and like usual she didn't move or anything. After about an hour I had to go pick Katie up from school and max from college.

"I have to go but I love you" I say softly.

I held my self up over her with my hands either side of her hips. I pressed a small kiss on her lips. I sat up straight. My hand was still on one side of the bed. I then felt her grab my hand. I looked down and the grip on my hand was tight.

"Ow my god. Is she awake" Camilla says shocked.

Regina then let go. The rest of her body didn't move.

"Go get a doctor cam" I say shocked.

She ran out to find one. I watched Regina carefully and she didn't move a single bit.

"What happened" the female doctor says as she walked in.

"I kissed her on the lips and then she grabbed my hand" I explained as she walked over to the machine next to Regina.

"I see slight movement from her but I have no idea what it means. She could be waking up or the kiss could have just startled her. We will keep an eye on her but I don't think it's anything to worry about"

I nodded and she came over to me and Camilla. I then heard the sound of someone catch there breath.

"What the fuck" came from behind me. I looked round at Regina who was sat up looking shocked.

"Omg" Camilla says shocked.


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