Chapter 23

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Sorry I haven't published this in awhile but I was in Birmingham to see Lana, Bex, Sean, jared, Victoria, Kristen, Adeline, Jaime and Giles. The best weekend ever😁😁 here's your next chapter hope you enjoy xx

[ Emma's pro ]
I was making breakfast for Regina and the kids. I had poured the whole bottle of pills down the toilet and flushed them away. Today I'm officially of them and I felt the same.

"Kids breakfast. Dani get Regina" I shout out the room.

I then put the plates around the table. Camilla and max came in while arguing. Regina and dani then came in.

"You to stop arguing first thing in the morning" Regina says in her stern mother voice. She was always meant to be a mum. I smiled and sat down. She sat next to me and kissed my cheek. "Later I need to talk to you"

"Good or bad"

"Good" she smiled.

I smiled back and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Get a room" Henry says as he walked in.

"Trust me Henry we've done more than that" she says and I chocked a little on my water in shock.

She laughed but he looked grossed out. We ate breakfast together. I had Katie on my lap while we ate. I then fed her with the baby food. She always makes me giggle when she eats. She opens and closes her mouth a few times when she wants more. Today is a Saturday and my mum was having Max, cam and Katie for the day. Dani and Henry are just in there rooms. I went into the lounge where Regina was sat.

"So what did you want to tell me" i asked sitting down.

"Ok. So the nurse yesterday who took your blood was a college friend of mine. She used your blood to find out your birth parents. Your dad is alive and living in California. I have the address and number. He might be a match Emma"

"Wait you know who my dad is" I asked shocked.

"Yeah. His name is Ronald baker and this is his phone number. I hope your not mad that" I cut her of by kissing her softly.

"That's sweet of you. I'll call him. Thank you baby" I say smiling.

She smiled back and kissed me. I moved backwards pulling her down with me. If he's a match I'll survive.

"Gross" we heard from the stairs.

We both looked over and saw Henry coming down.

"Shut up" I say as I sat up. I sat up properly and Regina sat on my lap. 

"We got any food I can eat"

"Go have a look. I'm gonna make a phone call" I say standing up while carrying Regina.

She giggled and I dropped her on the sofa. I then went upstairs. I went to my room and dialled the number Regina gave me. I waited a few minutes before it answered.

"Halo. señor baker aquí" a deep voice answered. Since I can speak rough Spanish it translated as hello. Mr baker here.

"Umm hi is this Ronald baker" I asked.

"Yes. Sorry for the Spanish I thought this was someone else. Who is this" the deep voice said.

"My name is Emma swan. My mother is Diana cooper. I'm your daughter"

"I don't have a daughter sweet heart. I slept with a woman named Diana cooper but she never told me I had a child. You must be mistaken sweetie"

"No i'm not. I have my birth certificate here. Are you Ronald William Baker born may 18th"

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