Chapter 27

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[ Emma's pro ]
It's been a month now. Today I'm taking Dani to be tested to see if she can give me blood. Regina is so excited to find out if she is. She has been determined to make sure I survive. Not just for her sake but all the kids. I love her for that. Her sassy and kind heart is amazing and that's why she's my girl.

"Em wake up" she says excitedly and shaking me.

"Why? You don't have work today" I moaned.

"You have to get to the hospital soon"

"That's not till 10:30" I say rolling over.

"Yeah it's 10 now" she says while climbing on me. I opened my eyes wide and looked at her. "Told you that you gotta get up" she says as I led on my back.

Her legs are on either side of my hips and she led down on top of my body. She started kissing my neck and I gripped onto her waist. She then started kissing me. We finally pulled away. I sat up and she was still sat on me.

"I love you so much. Your not allowed to leave me. Your just not allowed" Regina says with her arms around my neck.

"I love you even more. I don't plan on leaving yet and if I do I'm going out in style" I replied making her laugh.

"Your so weird. I married the biggest weirdo ever"

"Yep you did and now you must suffer the consequences"

"I'd rather keep those consequences than loose them"

I winked and kissed her softly. She climbed of me and stood up. She looked at the floor. She was thinking about something. That's her thinking face. It is cute.

"What is it" I asked. Regina grabbed her phone and sat down. I saw her texting Ramona. "Gina"

"We need to know how your mum and Nan died" she says still texting.


Regina put her phone on her lap and looked at me.

"Do you know what a genetically inherited disease is" she asked quickly. I shook my head not remembering that from school. "Basically if your mum died of the same cancer as you then it can be genetically inherited from her or her mother which means dani may have it when she is older and she can't give you her kidney. If she does you could get it again or she will get it and will be in your situation"

"How can we be sure? You know what dani is like. She will need proof that she has this and if she does we need to make sure that the right kidney is taken out" I say quickly.

"We can have her screened. I'm going to guess you don't know what that is so I'll sort all of this out. Get dressed and then check dani is ready. I'll come with you so I can tell them everything" she said as she stood up. I got up quickly and grabbed her shoulders.

"Calm down. I'm sure it will be ok"

"Em it will only have gone to the girls if your mum had it. That means you may not be able to get a kidney from dani or camilla even if she was old enough. Emma no your not allowed to die" Regina was now freaking out. I pulled her into a kiss to keep her calm. She slowly pulled away and looked at me softly.

"It's ok. Let's not over think anything now. I'm gonna tell Dani to get dressed while you phone the hospital and talk to them about what needs to be done" I suggested. She nods and I pecked her lips.

I left the room and went to Dani's. I opened the door to see her making out with a girl. They both looked at me a little shocked. The girl was violet. She had her legs rapped around Dani's waist and her arms around her neck.

"Hi. Get dressed and I need to talk to you"

"Sure... Umm Bye" dani says in just as much shock as me.

I closed the door and was still shocked. She didn't tell me she was into girls or violet for that matter. I went to my room and Regina was on the phone.

"Ok thank you... bye" she says before hanging up. "All sorted. Is she getting ready"

"Yeah. Did you know violet stayed the night"

"No. She must have came home with dani late last night"

"I walked in and they were both making out. Did she say anything to you" I asked still a little shocked and confused.

"No. Dani was making out with violet" she asked shocked.

I shrugged it of and we got dressed. Dani then came into the room in her clothes. She looked awkwardly at us.

"Hey. Sorry about that mum and before you ask I have no idea what I am. I'm just experimenting and I kinda like violet which I don't really understand but right now I don't wanna talk about it" she says quickly.

"Ok. We still need to talk to you. We have to get you checked because you might not be able to give me your kidney. You may need it. You may have inherited it from me and I from my mother. If so you can't" I say softly.

"Wait you mean genetically inherited diseases" she asked cutting me of.

"How does everyone know what that is but me" I asked shocked.

"Not now em. Dani you need to be checked for it just in case" Regina softly says.

Her phone then vibrates. I picked it up from the bed and saw it's from Ramona. She took it and opened it. I looked over to read it.

Ramona: my mum died of cancer in her kidney and not sure about gran. why xxx

I looked shocked. This means dani could have it and I cant survive. I sat on the bed and put my hands on my forehead. Regina hugged me while stood in front of me.

"It's ok. We can fight this"

"Mum? Mamma? What is it"

"Dani I don't think I can have your kidney. We need to get to the hospital now" I say standing up.

I had hope I'd live. I have accepted I'm going to die and to be honest Regina needs to. She needs to accept there is no cure that can help me. No one can help me. They all need to stop trying to find ways to save my life because it's not going to work. Dani yes may not have the gene for kidney cancer but if she does we need to get it out now. I have given up hope that I'm going to beat cancer. Now I need my family two.

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