Chapter 38

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[ James's pro ]
"I need a flight to storybrooke now" I say quickly as I get to the woman behind the counter at the airport.

"There are no flights today with seats free. Our next available flight is next week I'm afraid" she says in an annoying voice while typing.

"No I have to go now. I'm meant to be driving up tomorrow because my flight next week is cancelled but I need to be there now. My sister was hit by a car and may not survive" I say quickly.

"Our next flight isn't until next week I'm afraid"

"Can't you asked someone to switch"

"No I can't"

"Your useless" I snapped before walking away.

I looked at the times and saw the next flight is in 2 minutes. I ran as fast as I could to get to where it is. When I get there people are boarding. I saw a woman alone stood there. I went to her.

"Excuse me" I say softly but quickly.

"Yes" she asked.

"I can pay you double what you payed for your flight if you let me have your ticket. There is a flight next week available for you please. My sister was hit by a car and may die. I need to get to her please"

"Umm... I don't... ok fine. I hope she's ok" the woman says as she held her ticket to me.

I smiled and took the ticket. She stepped out of line and I hopped in. I handed her a check that had the price of money double what she needed to pay for another ticket. It payed for this one and her next flight. Bella is driving down today with all our stuff. I got on the plain and was heading for storybrooke.

When I arrived it was about 2:30 in the afternoon. I didn't wait. I went straight to the hospital. I ran out into the building. Emma was sat there with Katie on her lap. Who I'm assuming are her kids are sat around next to her.

"Emma" I say going over to them.

"James. Hey" she says standing up.

I hugged her and Katie at the same time since she still had hold of her. I kissed both there heads and held them close.

"How she doing"

"I'll tell you in a sec. Katie go sit with camilla" she says putting her down. Katie walked over to a young girl who I couldn't believe is grown up camilla. Emma looked at me now. "She is bleeding in the back of her head and bursted lung. Also multiple bone in her body are broken" she softly said answering my question.

"Holy shit. Is she going to be ok"

"I don't know. They said she might be put into a coma"

"Ow god. Ow shit" I say with tears in my eyes. My little sister may die or be put in a coma.

"We're not allowed to see her yet since she's still in surgery. They said there is a definite chance she will not walk out this hospital today. Can I ask you if Regina was happy in Hollywood" She had tears in her eyes but wouldn't let them out.

"Honestly? No. She hated it more that anything. She never stopped talking about you to people and bragging about how smart and beautiful you are"


"Yeah. She hated that she had to leave"

"Ow god. She's amazing for that" Emma says with tears in her eyes. Regina has told me about everything that's happened last night between them.

I pulled Emma into a hug and she sobbed on my chest. I kept her close so I could comfort her.

"It's ok. She will forgive you and I know she loves you" I say holding her.

[ Dani's pro ]
Mum was hugging James tight. I missed him. He's still always gonna be my uncle James. Even if mum and Regina don't get back together he will always be my uncle. Like Regina will always be my mamma even if she really annoyed me. I rubbed my stomach and I could feel the baby moving.

"Come on little one. It's ok" I say to the baby. I then got a text.

Lenny: where are you?!

Me: I'm at the hospital. My mamma I told you about was hit by a car xx

Lenny: ok I was worried then. Im home now. Who has Taylor xx

Me: my Nan. Can you go get her please and wait at home? I'll be home when I can xx

Lenny: Sure thing babe. Love you xx

Me: love you too xx

I put my phone down as mum and James came over. I stood up and hugged him.

"God your pregnant? Woah hasn't time passed huh" he says hugging me.

"Yeah" I say pulling away. Katie went to home and jumped up. He caught her and sat her on his hip.

"Mamma might die uncle James. I don't want her to"

"Don't worry ok. Mamma is strong. She can do it" he replied softly to her.

I could feel the baby moving lots now. I rubbed it and knew what it wanted.

"Mum you got any food? The baby is hungry and won't stop kicking me"

"No and I don't have any money on me either"

"I do. Here go get something from the machine" James says handing me his wallet.

"Thanks uncle James" I say before kissing his cheek.

I went to the vending machine and put the money in. I then saw in the room next to it Regina in surgery. Tears filled my eyes and I started breathing quick.

"Ow my god. Mamma" I say as the tears started leaving my eyes. I'm so worried now. I can feel myself shaking. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked round to see my youngest brother.

"Dani it's ok. She's not dead. They are doing everything they can in there to make sure she stays alive. Just give her hope" max says softly. He's so smart and wise.

"I want my mamma back" I say with tears fighting to get out.

"Me two. I think our grudge over her is finally over. We want mamma back" he says with a slight smile.

I smiled at him as tears left my eyes. I hugged him and he held me close.

"Sorry my stupid hormones from this pregnancy makes me emotional" I say holding him tight.

"Your to much like mum. Your allowed to cry... both of you are. So don't try hiding it"

"What are you taking about? Mum was crying today"

"Have you ever seen mums face when she's crying? She always hides it and hardly ever cries" he replied making me realise he's right.

"I guess so" I pulled away and wiped my tears of my face.

We then saw a much of doctors go running into Regina's room. They were all panicking and rushing around. One closed the blind so we couldn't see anymore.

"what just happened" max asked.

"I don't know... but I don't like it"

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