Chapter 36

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Hey guys it's me. You should all go check out EvilRegal0715 called is it love? Or pain... I'm enjoying it and I think you would 2. Anyway here is your next chapter and love u all 💋mwah💋

[ Regina's pro ]
The next day I walked down to Emma's house. My car and daughter was there. I checked my phone this morning and saw a message from James. He is coming down tomorrow now instead of next week. I knocked on Emma's front door still annoyed at her for last night. The door opened.

"I wanna talk to you right now" Emma says as she stepped out the door. She looked pretty annoyed.

"No. I'm here to get Katie and I'm going" I say pushing her of me.

She grabbed my wrist and pulled me to my car. She had my car keys in her hand and unlocked my car.

"Just get in" she says annoyed.

I sighed and got into the passenger side. She got in next to me and started driving.

"Where are we going" I asked annoyed.

"To talk. I don't want any of this kids interrupting this conversation" she says a little calmer now. I sighed and looked out my window.

We pulled up outside the woods by the beach. She got out and closed her door. A little to violently for my Mercedes I'd say. I got out and she walked over to a large rock. I followed over annoyed.

"What are we doing here" I asked.

"Just sit down and put these on. Those shoes are not made for walking in the woods" she says looking at my expensive black heels.

"Yeah no shit Sherlock. Give me the shoes" I sarcastically spoke while grabbing the trainers out of her hand.

I sat on the rock and slipped them on. We then started walking threw the woods.

"I still don't know what happened yesterday but we need to talk" Emma says walking in front of me.

"Seriously what is to talk about"

"How it went from us talking nicely to you slapping me in the rain"

"I would say I'm sorry but I'm not" I sassed annoyed.

She turned round and I back up a little. Doing so I hit a tree. She came up towards me and leaned against the tree with one arm. Her eyes locked with mine and I could smell her perfume.

"Don't sass me. It's my turn to say my opinion. You broke my heart because you didn't listen to me"

"I did listen to you. I listed to how you told me about your stupid plan to have yourself die in a year" I cut off annoyed.

"I did it because I physically couldn't take living like that" she snapped in my face.

"You were the selfish one who couldn't be asked to take the pills and decided to just die in a year" I snapped back.

This became really heated and I was desperate to kiss her.

"Don't call me selfish!"

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"Why not? Your doing a great job of it"

"Ow yeah real mature Emma"

"You are suck an ass Regina"

"Fuck you and just kiss me already" I says before crashing my lips into perfect pair.

I pressed up against her and held myself close. My hands are tangled in her hair. Her hands move so they are safely round my waist. It was deep and passionate. She then quickly pulled away and moved back. She had tears in her eyes and looked angry.

"I'm not yours. You can't throw me away and then bring me back when your bored. I spent 7 years trying to figure out why you left and it was because you went behind my back to do something stupid. You don't own me Regina and don't treat me like you do" her voice is cracked and I can see the tears are fighting to be free.

She went to run of but I grabbed her. I turned her around annoyed.

"Answer the question do you still love me"

"Why do you care? You had your chance and lost it"

"Just answer the question" I snapped.

"No" she snapped back.

She turned back around to walk away. I grabbed her and pulled her back again. I rapped my arms around her from behind and held her tight.

"I'm not letting go until you answer my question"

"Get of me" she tried getting out but my anger is stronger that her.

"Not until you admit you still love me"

"Well your going to be here all day because I don't"


"Your right it is! I love you more that I could love another human being... is that what you wanted to hear" she started of angry but finished calm and upset. I let go and she stumbled forwards. She leaned against a tree to keep herself up. "Of course I still love you. I have never loved another person more" she softly said with a cracked voice.

"Emma look at me please" I softly said.

"Screw you Regina. I never thought I could hurt as much as when Neal died but you leaving with just a sorry note as my reminder of you hurt me twice as bad. I can't do that pain again. Just go back to Hollywood or if you can't then just keep away from me and my family"

"You know what? I don't care anymore. I came back here to see if the woman I fell in love with survived but clearly she didn't. All that's left is you. I will never stop loving you and you know that but I hate you at the same time. You don't have to worry about me trying to get you back because you are a jerk and your not the person I fell in love with" I sobbed while angry. Tears are pouring out my eyes and I hate her right now.

"Your the reason I changed Regina! Thanks to you I hate the idea of falling in love with someone because I don't want to get hurt! Your a selfish son of a bitch and I hope you live the rest of your life a miserable one" she snapped at me.

I looked so angry at her. I don't know what came over me but I slapped her hard around the face. She looked back up me with the same amount of anger as I have.

"I hate you. I wish I never came back"

"Trust me I wish the same. Right now I couldn't care what happens to you" she says annoyed.

"Your a cruel and heart person Emma swan. I wish I never met you"

I looked down crying. She pushed past me and started walking towards the car. I looked up and saw a car heading towards Emma. I ran over and pushed her out of the way. As I did I felt the car hit me. I tumbled over it and landed behind it. I could hear people rushing over to me.

"Regina" Emma's voice said worried. I then went unconscious.

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