Chapter 5

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[ Emma's pro ]
There was a knock at the front door. I answered it knowing it's Regina. She was in jeans and a black top. She had a very expensive coat over her. I smiled and moved out of the way for her to come in.

"Do you want me to hang your coat up" I asked with my hand out.

She smiled with a slight nod and I helped her take it of. We went to the kitchen and I made us both a glass of wine. We talked for a bit and then dinner was ready. I dished up and we went to the table.

"So how's everything at work? You seem very good at it" i asked as she looked up at me.

"It's good. We finished these bridesmaids dresses for a very rich woman. Her wedding dress is bright orange and her bridesmaids dresses are pale pink. That wedding is going to be very interesting" we both giggled. She smiled softly at me. "How's work with you anyway? Is Robin as much of a prick at work as he is at home"

"No he's actually a good boss" I giggled. She smiled and sipped her wine. "Why do you let him hurt you? I don't know why he'd want to hurt you. If I was with you I'd make sure I'd never hurt you" I say softly to her.

She gave me a soft and sweet smile. "That's because your a sweet and lovely person. I promise I do try to fight back but I'm just not strong enough" I can tell she doesn't like talking about this. I don't wanna make her feel uncomfortable.

"Have you got any sibling" I asked to change the subject. She smiled properly again which made me smile.

"I have an older brother named James. He's so funny and he is very handsome. What about you"

"No I'm an only child. I think so anyway. I was put in the foster system until I was 7 and a family adopted me. There my parents now and there lovely people"

"That's so sweet" she had her beautiful white teeth smile on her face.

Once we ate I put the dishes in the sink. I'd wash them later. We went to the lounge with our glasses of wine and the bottle. It was on the coffee table. We talked more and we were laughing.

"Regina can I ask you something" she nodded at me while humming. "Is this supposed to be a date"

"If that's alright with you" she had a very cute smile on. I bit my lip and nodded. She cupped my cheek with her free hand and moved in close. "Is this ok" when she spoke her warm breath brushed my lips. I nodded again and moved closed. Just before our lips touched I heard the front door unlock.

"Just piss of! I hate you so much! Don't bother calling me you asshole" it was dani. She came into the room crying. She saw me and Regina sat there looking at her. Regina's hand was still on my face. The main light was of but the lamp was on. "I'm sorry mum. I didn't mean to interrupt. I'll go upstairs" she turned round to leave. I quickly got up and went over to her.

"What happened"

"Remember how I said mike kissed that girl at the party? He's being seeing her since. She showed at his house in her underwear and a short coat" she was crying every word she said. I hugged her and held her close.

"I'm sorry sweetie. If you want my opinion he doesn't deserve you. Besides if he's that low to date someone that shows up at his house in there underwear then you can do better" I was now looking at her. She giggled and wiped her tears.

"I didn't mean to interrupt you guys. I'm gonna go upstairs" she says looking at me then Regina.

"It's ok dear I can leave" Regina cuts in.

"No please stay. I'm gonna get a shower and go to bed. I don't want to ruin the night for you guys. I'll see you in the morning mum" she says quickly before Regina could move. She kissed my cheek and went upstairs.

"I can go if you want" Regina kindly asked.

"She won't talk till tomorrow anyway. It will make her feel bad if you leave honestly"

"Alright. Are you gonna come sit back down" she bit her lip as I saw her eyes run down my body. I went over and sat back in my seat. "So where were we" she says with a smirk.

I smiled and moved some of her hair behind her ear. "About here" I smiled at her. She leaned in and I moved to meet her half way. There was then a huge banging at my front door. "Seriously" I sighed.

"Who could that be"

I shrugged and got up. I went to the door and opened it. A guy my height pushed passed me and ran up the stairs shouting.

"DANI! DANI" he shouts as he went up. I chased after him and followed him to Dani's room. "Dani listen to me"

I went in and saw dani get up. This guy looked about 18 and very strong.

"Get out mike. I said we're over"

"I don't care. Let me talk"

I grabbed his collar and pulled him back. I stood in front of him and looked angry. I saw Regina come upstairs a little worried.

"Did you not hear what she said? Get out now" I snapped angry.

"Who are you? Her friend" he seemed confused who I was.

"Her mother. Get the bloody hell out of my house"

"Na man i wanna talk to her"

Regina came into the room and pushed him backwards. She looked angry at him. "They both said get out so guess what that means... turn around and walk out the front door before one of us woman beat the shit out of you. Your not gonna like that I promise" Regina sassed.

He glared at me before looking at dani. "Call me at least" he then walked out.

"I'll make sure he goes" Regina says before leaving. She followed him downstairs.

"She seems really sweet. Tell her I said thanks" dani says with a soft smile.

"I will"

"Have you kissed her yet"

"No. Not yet"

"Does that mean you are"

"I don't know. I keep forgetting she's married. She's married to my boss so I'll probably loose my job if I did. I'm not sure" I shrugged.

Dani smirked at me. "Whatever you say mum" I laughed and walked out.

I went downstairs and saw Regina stood in the lounge door way.

"I should get going. Robin will flip out if he I come home late"

"I can get you an uber if you want" I offered.

She smiled sweetly at me. "I ordered one and it should be here soon. I had a good time tonight"

She cupped my cheek and we both leaned in again. The door then knocked just before our lips could touch.

"I'm gonna block that door so no one can knock on it" I say annoyed that's the third time.

She giggled and opened the door. The uber man was there. "I'll be out in a minute" the guy nodded and went to his car. I helped her coat on and she put her arms around my neck. She pecked my lips and moved to the door. "Next time" she smirked.

"Is that your way of asking"

"It is indeed"

I smiled and giggled. "As long as you don't get me fired. I'd love to" I say smirking.

She winked and pecked my lips. She waved and left. I watched her into the uber and waited for it to drive. I went upstairs and to Dani's room.

"Regina's gone. You gonna come down and talk about what happened with mike and how old he actually is" I asked as I opened the door.

"He's 16 I promise. He's just really tall. I don't wanna talk about it mum"

"Come on"

"Mum I don't want to bloody talk about it" she snapped.

"Don't be like this. Look I'll tell you about my night with Regina if you talk to me" I suggested. She looked up at me and smiled. I laughed and rolled my eyes. We went downstairs and talked for most of the night.

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