Chapter 42

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[ Emma's pro ]
"Regina" I say shocked.

Regina looked at me shocked and was catching her breath.

"Emma? What happened"

"Your awake"

"I heard everything you said. You really love me"

"Of course I do. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean what I said I was just angry at myself"

"I know. You told me. I love you so much and I'm so sorry" she had tears in her eyes as she spoke.

I went over to her and hugged her tight.

"I love you two. Please don't hate me. I'm so sorry. This was all my fault" I say now starting to cry a little.

"No it wasn't. I can't believe you stayed with me everyday"

"Does that mean you two are getting back together" Camilla asked from behind me. We pulled away and Regina smiled at her.

"Come here" Regina says holding her arms out. Camilla hugged her and held her tight.

"I missed you" she says softly.

Regina pulled away and kissed her head. She then looked at me a little worried.

"Where's Katie?"

"At school. Max is at college thanks to you"

"I feel a bit light headed" she had her hand on her head and looked tired. The doctor came over.

"Your overwhelmed that's all. Lie down miss mills and relax so you do pass out"

"Emma don't leave me"

That feeling came over me again. The feeling that I got when I kissed her after she came back. The feeling of fear and being hurt. If I say no though then we're back to where we were.

"I won't" I say and led down. She led down and cuddled into me.

"Camilla why aren't you in school? I wasn't in that coma for that long was I" Regina asked confused.

"I was suspended for a week"

"Why" Regina says in that mum voice. I think she feel make shaking with my fear overtaking me.

"For cutting class and walking out of school"

"What kind of punishment it that? They punish you for missing school by making you miss more school" Regina says making me and cam laugh.

"I'm gonna call Dani and Henry. I'll be back in a sec" cam says before leaving.

Regina rested her head on my chest and cuddled in closer.

"I know what your thinking em. I can see it in your eyes and feel it in your body. I think it's best if we just be friends"

"Me two. We've been through to much. I will always love you thought"

"And I You"

[ Camilla's pro ]
"And I You" Regina says.

I was outside the door shocked. No. They can't do that. They have to be together. I quickly called Dani. I haven't phone her or Henry yet since I was listening to them say how they want to be friends.

"Hey what's up" she answered.

"I need your help. Regina woke up"

"Wait what?!" She says shocked.

"Yeah. Mums in there with her now"

"Are they gonna get back together"

"No. That's why I need your help. They want to just be friends after everything they've been through"

"What? No way. They can't do that. They love each other. What are they doing" she says shocked and annoyed.

"I know. All of us need to work as a team to get them back together. They can't stay friends. That will make them miserable forever and they know it"

"I know. I'll get the other and meet you at the hospital"

"Alright. I hope we can do it"

"Me two" she then hung up.

I looked back in the room and they weren't talking. They were just led there. Both looking upset. It actually hurts seeing them like that. I wish they were back together.

It was about half hour before dani called me again. I was talking to Regina about what we have all been up to. I left the room to answer the phone.

"Hey. Where are you"

"Outside. I have Taylor and Billy so that can distract them while we talk" she says quickly. Billy was her son. Regina doesn't know the baby was a boy or the name.

"Alright. You know where the room is. Im just outside it"

"I know. Turn around"

I looked round and all my siblings were walking towards me including Katie since she has finished school now. Henry had hold of Taylor's hand and Dani was pushing billy in the push chair. I took Taylor from Henry and we went into the room. Mamma smiled and sat up.

"Mamma" Katie says smiling brightly.

She ran over to mamma and Mum helped her up. We all went over as mamma hugged Katie. Max hugged her with Dani and Henry joining round. Mum stood up and put her arm over my shoulder.

"Why don't you love her anymore" I asked.

"I do. Why do you ask that" mum asked confused.

"Because you both just wanna be friends. Do what you know will make you happy mum. Not what you think will" I say softly.

Before she could talk they all pulled out of the hug and looked at us.

"Is that Taylor" mamma asked.

"Yeah and this little cutie in the push chair is billy my son" Dani says smiling softly.

I sat Taylor on the bed and she smiled at mamma.

"Hi there" mamma says smiling. Dani picked billy up and gave him to Regina. "He's so handsome. I still haven't met his father yet"

"Well billy looks like Lenny. So handsome" Dani says smiling.

"Cam I need to talk to you" max says as he walked to the door. I smiled and nodded.

"I'm going to toilet so back in a sec" Henry says standing from the bed.

"Wait up. I'll come with you i need to get something for Taylor from the machine. I'll walk with you. Mum can you watch them" Dani says following all of us out. We walked round the corner so they couldn't see us.

"So what's going on with them" Henry asked.

"I don't know. They said that they love each other and always will but want to just stay friends after everything"

"Well then... I guess it's down to us 4 to get them back together. If any of them start dating we have to break it up. We will set them on dates and do everything we can to make sure they get back together" Henry says looking between us.

"What if there happy with another person" dani asked concerned.

"Have you not seen them? They are the only ones who can make them happy" I say interrupting.

"True. So were all set on what we have to do" dani asked.

"I am"

"Me two"

"I'm in"

"Let's get our parents together" dani says with a smile.

"It's now down to us" max says way to excited to do this.

"Operation swan queen" Henry says confusing us all.

"Swan queen?" I asked.

"Yeah. Mums second name is swan and Regina is like a flawless queen"

"Fine. Operation swan queen is a go"

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