Chapter 50

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[ Emma's pro ]
Me and Regina are cuddled up on the sofa. We are gonna get ready for our date tonight. Since I kicked Roxanne out earlier today she has already left town. The front door knocked. All my kids are in my house getting ready for there dates. Tonight is Lenny and Dani's first date anniversary. Henry is planning on proposing. Max has a first date with a girl he has like for years. Camilla has a date with Bex since they haven't been out on a proper dinner date. Me and Regina want to watch them leave first before we get ready. James has Katie, Taylor and billy.

The front door knocked. I stood up and answered it.

"Hey Emma" Lenny says smiling. He's in a suit and looks very handsome.

"Hey Lenny. You look so handsome sweetie" I say holding my arms out. He hugged me and stepped into the house. "Dani" I shout up.

We went to the lounge. Regina stood up and hugged him.

"Hey good looking" she says smiling.

He laughed and hugged her back.

"Ready to go" I heard from the doorway. We all looked over and dani was in a dress Regina designed. It was straight down and she had heels on. Her hair was curled and make Fine beautifully. I was so proud of her. "Why is everyone staring" she asked giggling.

"Because you look beautiful babe" Lenny say going over to her.

She smiled and kissed him softly. I put my arm around Regina's shoulder and we both smiled proudly at her.

"See you guys later. Love you and enjoy your date" dani say blowing a kiss.

"And you sweetie" Regina says in her proud mum voice. As they left I heard someone walking in.

"Hi" a young girl says smiling awkwardly.

"Your Emily right? Makes date" I asked.

"Yeah. You must be Emma and Regina right? His mums. I'm sorry I don't know who's who"

"It's ok dear. I'm Regina and this is Emma"

I went to the stairs and looked up.

"Max. Emily is here" I shout before going back over to Regina.

Max quickly came down and smiled at Emily. She was in a stunning dress and he was dressed casual.

"That's what your wearing" I asked confused.

"Was I meant to dress formal. Shit. I don't know. I don't date often" he says worried.

"You look fine. I'm not bothered. Let go" Emily say smiling.

Max smiled at me and linked arms with her. As they left he gave us a thumbs up making me laugh.

"That kid is to much like you" Regina says laughing.

"What do you mean by that huh" I asked smirking at her.

"Your so goofy it's crazy" she laughed.

The front door knocked again.

"I can't believe they all planned there dates at the same time on the same day... and so early as well" I say walking to the door.

I opened it and saw mike stood there. He smiled and hugged me.

"Hey em" he says happily. He's always smiling and happy.

"Hey mike. Come in. Henry will be down in a sec" I say moving out the way. "Henry! Mikes here" I shout up.

I went to the lounge they were pulling out of a hug. He's in a very nice suit with a bow tie.

"I like the suit" I say smiling.

"I know right. So smart. Maybe I could pass of as someone smart for the night. You know like... names bond. James Bond" he says making us laugh. He laughed as well.

"Well are you ready to go mr bond" Henry asked from behind.

Mike smiled and held his hand. Both in suits and look handsome. Henry had one Regina designed. They waved and walked out.

"Maybe you should go up and start getting ready" I suggest holding Regina's hips.

"No I wanna see Camilla. They are all wearing my outfit line except max who thought his date was casual" she says making me laugh.

Camilla came down the stairs and to the door. She opened it and I heard a girl talking. Her and Bex came in.

"I didn't hear the door" I say confused.

"No she texted"

"She texted she's at the door? Ow my god am I that old I don't understand why" Regina asked looking at me.

They laughed at Regina and I was to. Camilla was in a short dress that flowed around her knees. She looked beautiful.

"Bye mum. Bye mamma" she says before blowing a kiss and leaving.

"Woah. I'm so proud of all of them" I say with my hand on my heart.

"Soon that's gonna be Katie. Ow god" Regina added.

"Come on let's go get ready" I say walking to the stairs.

Once ready we left. I'm in a suit and Regina in a short black dress that just passed her ass. I'm driving down while talking to Regina and giggling.

"So where we going" I asked driving.

That 5-star place down the road from Jesy's"

"Got it. You look very hot by the way"

"Thank you baby. You look hot to" she smiled.

"I love you so much" I say glancing at her.

"I love you two"

"Will you marry me again" I asked softly.

The song we danced to in our room when we got married that first time played on the radio. We both smiled and I saw Regina bit her lip while smiling. I stopped the car at the traffic lights. We looked at each other and kissed my cheek.

"Yes" she replied softly.

And they all lived...




But it's not the end for them...

They have a whole life ahead of them full of grandchildren and love.

I hope you enjoyed this and if you want more go read my new one I just published called a wallflower❤️💋

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