Chapter 48

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England in the semi final😆😆😆 "ITS COMING HOME! ITS COMING HOME" anyway here's your next chapter and come on england😆😆⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️

[ Emma's pro ]
We are all at my house now. Roxanne is staying at granny's for the next few nights since for some annoying reasons he's staying in town. I have dinner ready to go in the oven and now just chilling with Dani on the sofa. Regina is upstairs doing god knows what. Probably cleaning my room since I let it get messy. She treats me like a child and it's funny.

"So who is this Roxanne girl" dani asked curiously.

"Don't get me started. I'm gonna rip her head of soon. I can't compete with her. She's gorgeous. Has a great body. Very flirty. Regina's first love. And a stripper. How can i compete with that"

"You don't have to mum. You know mamma loves you and is with you"

"Dani sweet I hope your right. It's not Regina I'm worried about. It's Roxanne" I say annoyed. "Anyway who has the little ones"

"Lenny. Taylor had a temperature and billy was crying lots today so Lenny told me to come anyway and he'd look after them"

The front door then knocked. Camilla came running down the stairs and to the door. I headed the front door open. She then came to the lounge with a blonde girl next to her. Both holding hands.

"Mum this is Rebecca my date. Bex this is my mum" cam says smiling at the girl who was now hugging her from the side. Camilla put her arm around her shoulder.

"What" dani says really shocked. I kicked her leg. "Ouch" She says rubbing it. I glared at her before looking back at the girls.

"Miss swan. It's nice to finally meet you" she says sweetly.

"Ow sweetie call me Emma. It's nice to meet you" I smiled softly at her.

"Em baby" Regina says as she is coming down the stairs. "Katie was sick and I will be sick if I go in the bathroom. I've put her to bed now but will you clean it please" she asked sweetly.

"Of course I can" I say standing up. She walked into the room smiling.

"Thank you baby. I love you" she says before pecking my lips.

"I love you two. Meet Camilla's date" I say before going upstairs.

"Mamma this is Rebecca" I heard Camilla say before I went up the stairs.

I started cleaning up the sick in the sink and around the toilet seat when dani came in.

"So is Cam a lesbian" she asked.

"I don't know. I was just as shocked at you"

"She seems sweet though and quite pretty" dani says as she leaned against the door. "She thought mamma was stunning" she added.

"So does everyone. Regina's gorgeous. Am I wrong" I asked smirking. Dani laughed and shook her head.

"No your not wrong mum. Mamma is gorgeous" dani says laughing.

Once I cleaned the sick me and dani headed back downstairs. I then headed Regina scream.

"EMMA! COME QUICK" she shouts.

I have a feeling what it is. I walked down the rest of the stairs and went to the kitchen. Camilla and bex are stood in the doorway. Regina is stood on top of the island looking scared.

"Where is the spider Regina" I asked trying not to laugh.

"There. It's huge em" she says pointing at the wall.

It was a pretty big black on. I grabbed a glass and put it over the spider. I then slid some paper under it and lifted it all of the wall. As soon as I got to the island to pass if Regina leaped of.

"He's not that scary Regina" I say pausing in my tracks. "Come see"

"Emma get that fucking thing out the house"

I laughed and went to the back door. I threw it out and closed the door.

"Happy now" I say giggling.

"Yes thank you" she replied before kissing me softly.

"That scream was because of a spider? I thought something was wrong" Bex says laughing.

"No she just hates spiders" I say walking out the room.

We all sat in the lounge except Regina who was cooking. We didn't bother asking to help because she doesn't like people in the kitchen.

"So how long you two been together" dani asked looking at cam and Bex.

"A few weeks. Camilla said you recently got married right" Bex says sweetly.

"Yes. His name is Lenny but it's such a shit name" she says making me laugh.

"I remember there first date. They were set up and she wasn't convinced this would work. All she knew was he was he was called Lenny and a few years older than her"


"Mum do I really have to do this? I mean it's not gonna work out anyway since set ups never do"

"You never know dani"

"His name is Lenny. That's the biggest clue that this will be shit" she moaned while I was doing her hair.

"How" I asked really wondering how.

"Coz its a shit name"

"Ow my god" I sighed. "You don't have to but you'll never know if you don't. He's probably such a nice guy"

"Fine I'll go"

End flashback

"And now look. She's married to him" I say smiling. Making all of them smile.

"Yeah I love him now but god he was an absolute asshole on our fourth and fifth dates. To big for his boots" she says making up laugh.

"So who asked who out" I ask cam and Bex.

"I asked Bex out on a date and she said yes. Since we don't kiss a lot in public I don't think people know about us. They just think we're friends" Camilla says laughing.

"It's true. I got asked out by a boy the other day and I was like don't you know I'm a lesbian with a girlfriend" Bex added making us laugh. "Cam what's your mamma's name again"


"Yeah that's it" she smiled before looking at me. "She's so beautiful and really sweet. Don't let her go. She's a keeper"

"I know" I say giggling slightly.

"What we all laughing about? You talking about me again" Regina asked walking into the room.

"Hey how's the cooking going" I asked looking over.

She walked around the sofa and sat down next to me. I put my arm around her and kissed her head.

"Nearly done. I'm making lasagna"

"Mamma's lasagna is the best" dani says smiling. Regina giggled and blew her a kiss.

We all talked for a bit and watched some tv. Regina looked up at me a coughed to get my attention. She then looked at cam and Bex which I copied. They were giggling and cuddled up together. I smiled and looked down at her.

"Not so little any more" she whispered making me smile.

"I don't like she growing up"

"Me two"

"Mamma" camilla says getting both our attention.



"Shit" she says jumping up. She ran to the kitchen making me laugh.

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