Chapter 22

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[ Emma's pro ]
It's been a month. Henry came out as gay to me a few days ago which I was so proud for although he's now being very dramatic about things. Today I'm going for a blood test and then I'm coming of the pills. For some reason I need to give blood before I can. I'm not sure why. Regina managed to get the day of and is coming with me. She was driving because no matter how good I prove my driving to be she won't let me drive the Mercedes or Ferrari. We're taking the Ferrari. She pulled up outside the hospital.

"Are you sure you want to do this? 7 years baby" she questioned softly.

"I'm sure" I nod.

She nods back and we got out of the car. We walked hand in hand to the entrance. I let them know I was there and then waited in the waiting room.

"Emma swan" finally.

I stand up and walked over. Me and Regina followed her threw. We went to a room and I sat on the bed. Regina sat next to me and held my hand again.

"You've had this before haven't you so you know what is going to happen" she asked and I nodded. "Good. Can you hold out your arm for me"

I held my arm out and Regina's grip tightened. I looked at her and she looked scared.

"Please" I say softly.

"I'm scared. I don't want to loose you"

"I'm not dying just yet"

Her grip loosened a little but not much. I kissed her hand and nodded slightly at the woman. She took the blood from my arm and hooking it up on a stand.

"Your free to go"

We stood up and went out the door. Regina stopped causing me to stop.

"I'll catch up in a sec. I need to use the toilet"

I kissed her cheek and walked on to the waiting room.

[ Regina's pro ]
Once Emma was out of sight I went back into the room. The woman looked round at me and smiled.

"It's good to see you again Regina" she says smiling. I smiled back and hugged her. She's a friend from college that I haven't seen in a very long time. "Was that your wife"

"Fiancé. I need a favour please Kat"

"Anything for my favour girl. By the way your fiancé is hot" Kat is far from gay or bi but appreciates how people look.

"Can you use blood to find out the birth parents of someone" I asked.

"For you? You know who your parents are" Kat says tilting her head confused.

"No not me. Emma. Her birth mother is dead but her father might be out there. He might be the same blood group as her. He might be able to save her"

"Yeah. That's possible. Leave your number and I'll get back to you once I've done it" she nods. I smiled brightly.

"Always the smartest one. Thank you" I smiled. I hugged her and gave her my business card. I walked out and went to the waiting room. "Let's go em"

She stood up and held my hand. We walked to the car and she sat in the passenger seat. I started driving and we went to my parents house. They had Katie.

"I'll wait in the car" Emma says before kissing my cheek.

"Alright. I love you so much"

I kissed her softly but she deepened it. I cupped her cheek and moved closer. When we pulled away she smiled at me.

"I love you more. Go get Katie"

I went to the door and knocked. My mum answered and gave me Katie.

"You coming in for a coffee" she asked.

"No I have to get going. I've got food shopping to do and Emma has to get the kids from school"

"Alright darling. Have fun" she kissed my head and closed the door.

My parents are very rich and blunt. I went to the car and put Katie in the back. She was asleep. I drove home and got out the car. Emma went on in and I grabbed Katie. I went in and Emma had keys in her hand. She kissed me softly.

"I'm of. Love you"

"Love you two"

She left. I grabbed the keys to my Mercedes before leaving the house with Katie. I went out food shopping. I was out for about an hour. Emma would have already been home. I grabbed a few bags and Katie. I carried them in. Dani came down the stairs and smiled at me.

"Hey. I'll take her"

"Cheers. Ask your brothers to come help me please" I asked and she nods.

She went to the kitchen and I put the bags down by the door. I went back out and got some more. When I went in the others were already taken. I carried these ones to the car since there isn't anymore. I saw Henry sat down on the table typing and Emma taking to max and dani. I put the shopping on the table.

"Henry help us put the shopping away" Emma says while unpacking a bag.

"Mum I'm busy"

I looked at the laptop of and raised my eyes.

"Is that Chris Hemsworth" I asked.

"Yeah he's hot" he says smirking. I nodded my head in agreement.

"Yeah he sure is"

"Henry now" Emma says sternly as I carried on unpacking.

He sighed and lifted the bag slightly before putting it back down.

"Ow I can't lift it I'm gay" he says and carried on typing. Emma rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Give it here you big puff" she says grabbing the bag.

"Homophobe" he snapped while standing up.

"Don't be so stupid. I'm bisexual and marrying a woman. That's definitely not homophobic. Just because your gay doesn't mean your different now get up and help us" she says annoyed.

He sighed and stood up. He put the laptop down and stood up. I was stood next to him and giggled slightly.

"Nice try" I say giggling. He laughed back and helped unpacked.

The next day came. I got a text from Kat.

Kat: I have it. You can come get it today x

Regina: thank you x

Emma was still asleep. I got up and got dressed. I grabbed Katie and left the house. I drove to the hospital and picked it up. I looked at the certificate and went straight to the parents names.

Mum- Diana cooper
Dad- Ronald baker

I thanked Kat and left. I got home and none of them were awake except Dani. I gave her the baby and went to my study. I searched Ronald baker. I had called a bunch of tech guys to help me find him.

"Gina" I heard behind me.

"Yeah" I looked round to see Emma.

"What you doing"

"Work stuff"

"I'll leave you to it then. You want breakfast"

"Yes please baby"

Emma smiled and left the room. I got back to looking. I finally found him. Turns out Emma's parents were high school sweethearts. Ron is alive and healthy. I managed to get an address and phone number. If he's the same blood group as Emma he might be able to save her. This is my only chance to help.

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