Chapter 26

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[ Emma's pro ]
It's been a week since I met Ron and his daughter. I know Mia, violet and Dani have kept in touch and I talk to Ron a little. Today I was out with Henry for the day. Did a little shopping and got some lunch. After I dropped him of at his friends house.

"Are you coming home tonight" I called over.

He turned round and came running back over.

"No. I'm gonna stay at his house tonight" he says before kissing my head. "Love you mum"

"Love you two Henry"

"I know you said a years but if you feel like your going to die please call me"

"I promise if I feel like I'm dying I'll make sure you know" I say softly with a slight smile.

"Thanks. Laters mum" he then ran back of over to his friends house.

I started driving again. I was driving my yellow bug since I haven't in awhile. I got home and unlocked my front door. I go to the lounge and saw it was empty. She must be asleep. I looked at the time and this is the time her and Katie have a nap on a Saturday or Sunday. I went upstairs and opened my bedroom door. I saw robin naked on top of her. They both looked at me shocked. My heart was in my throat. My eyes were blurry from tears. My breathing has hitched. I walked out of the room and slammed the door shut. Before I could go downstairs she grabbed my shoulder.

"Get of me" I shout pulling my shoulder out of the way.

I looked round at her in a grey towel rob. She put her hand over my mouth and looked scared. I calmed down a little at the look on her face and she moved it away. She put her index finger over her lips to show I need to be silent. Regina lifted her wrists up and I saw fresh bruises. My eyes went wide and I was about to run in there angry. She put her hand over my mouth again and grabbed my shoulder. She shook her head. She then grabbed the pen out of my back pocket and wrote on her hand.

"Go downstairs... Ily"

I nodded and she had tears in her eyes. I kissed her softly and silently before running downstairs. I went to the kitchen and waited a little. I then heard the front door shut. Regina walked into the kitchen and stood in the doorway. Her eyes were filled with tears.

"I'm sorry. He said he could save your life but he lied to me. He's not a match. He had his fingers crossed" she says her eyes now covered in tears.

She fell in her knees and sobbed in her hands. I went over and hugged around her body. She moved and hugged me while crying lots on my shoulder. I could feel my top getting wetter and wetter from all the tears.

"It's ok baby. It's ok but don't ever do something like that again. Regina I'm going to"

"Don't you dare say it" she cut me of.

"Ok I won't but I am. Please don't pimp yourself out to try save my life. Especially someone who hurts you"

"I don't ever want to loose you. Please stay with me"

"I'm not going anywhere yet Gina. I love you"

"I love you two. It felt horrible. He's really not good at that" she says making me giggle a little. This made her giggle. She lifted her face of my shoulder and I looked into her watery eyes. "I'm so sorry" she sobbed. I kissed her softly.

"I don't care" I smiled softly.

I stood up and held my hand to her. She took it and i helped her up. We went to the lounge and on the sofa. I sat down and she sat on my lap. She curled up and closed her eyes. I kissed her cheek a few times as she drifted of to sleep. Katie is sound asleep in her cot upstairs. I looked her Regina's wrists and it reminded me of when we first started seeing each other.

Later that day Regina was bottle feeding Katie. I was just sat in the lounge watching tv next to her. The speaker then beeped. I went over and pushed the button.

"A man has a letter for both mrs swan-mills and another for mrs mills-swan" Martin says.

"Send him in" I say before going to the door.

I opened it and a man was walking towards me. He gave me the letters and left. I went to the lounge and sat back down. I flicked threw the letters and put all of Regina's on the table which was all of them but one. Mine was in a red hard envelope that was burnt. I opened it carefully in case if broke. I pulled out a letter that was on a piece of ripped paper.

"What is it" Regina asked.

I shrugged and unfolded the paper. I instantly recognised the writing. I looked at the bottom of the page and saw Neals name.

"It's from Neal?" I say shocked.

"He must have wrote it during the fire" Regina say looking over my shoulder. She sat up and looked at the envelop. "That must be why this is all burnt. They probably rescued it from the ashes a few weeks ago" she says. I started reading threw it.

Emma, I know about the cancer. I answered your phone yesterday and the doctor told me that you needed to come in about it. I also know you need a match. I am and I remember from the hospital when you gave birth that the girls are both your type. When they are old enough you can ask them for a kidney. I would have told you this in person but I'm kind of in the middle of a fire. I also would have given you mine but I didn't have time. Please don't die from cancer Emma. You can beat this. I believe in you. Love Neal x

Tears started filling my eyes. I smiled at it.

"My girls are a match? My girls are a match!" I say happily.

"Mums I'm home" dani says walking in. She saw both me and Regina with tears in our eyes looking at a letter. This made her look worried. "Mums your ok right"

"Better than ok. Read this" I gave her the letter. As she red threw it her face lit up.

"Ow my god. I'm a match. Mum I can save you. Am I old enough? I'm 18 in 2 months. I must be old enough" she spoke very fast

"You are old enough in 2 months. Sweetie just know you don't have to ok? This is totally up to you and if your to"

"Mum I'm doing this. We all need you in our life. I want to give you my kidney"

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