Chapter 44

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Just wanna say I'm English and I am so happy that england are in the quarter finals😁so proud of them and couldn't be happier omg ahah 😁😂😁😂Sorry for that just had to get it out there and here's your next chapter. Hope you enjoy 💋❤️

[ Regina's pro ]
I am now ready for my date. Nothing fancy or anything. I drove down to granny's and parked my car. As I walked in Daniel was putting his tray down behind the counter.

"Shall we go" he asked holding his hand out.

I smiled and took it. We left the room and went over to my car. I drove us to a restaurant of his choice. We went in and found a table.

"So Daniel. Why the sudden urge to ask me out" I asked while smirking. We looking at the menus while I spoke.

"Well I have always had a thing for you and now your single so I got in before anyone else could. With you up for grabs I bet everyone wants you"

"You are sweet" I say smiling softly.

After about an hour I was making out with him as we opened my front door. He picked me up and carried me to the lounge.

It's now a week later. I haven't called Daniel back yet. Instead I've done the same thing with 3 other men and 2 girls including a date with ruby. The only reason I'm doing all of this is to get Emma out of my mind but it isn't working. For some reason every time I go on a date one of the kids tells me not to because they aren't good enough. I know Emma's working so I'll go to her work and confront her about everything. When I arrived I saw her talking to Killian.

"You are funny Killian" Emma says giggling.

Killian smirked and winked. Emma blushed lots. I quickly ran out and to my car. This was a huge mistake. I drove down to granny's and over to ruby. She was the last person I went on a date with. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out back.

"Regina what's going on" she asked confused.

I moved her up against the wall and leaned in close.

"May I... beautiful" I asked.

She closed the gap between us and we started making out. Kissing her I still couldn't stop thinking about Emma. I move my hand down into her back pocket on her shorts and squeezed.

"Ruby stop that and get back to work" granny says making us pull away.

"Sorry granny. I'll call you later Regina" she says smiling softly at me.

"Alright beautiful" I say as she walked of bitting her lip. I rushed to the toilets and leaned against the sink. "Son of a bitch" I snapped at my own reflection.

God I hate myself right now. I am using a 32 year old girl to get over my ex wife who I am madly in love with. How old am I? I'm such a child!

[ Emma's pro ]
"I gotta go but I'll see you later" Killian says as he stood up from the sofa in my work place.

"Alright. See ya" I say standing up.

He put his hands on my hips and pulled me into a kiss. I've been with him since Regina went on a date with Daniel so only a week. I did it to get over Regina. He pulled away and pecked my lips.

"Bye beautiful" he says before leaving.

When he left my smile faded. I felt my lips but the feelings didn't feel right compared to Regina. It was like eating moist turkey and then dry. Just doesn't feel right after something so good. I was an idiot for agreeing to just being friends.

"Sup mum" max says walking in.

"Hey kid. What's up"

"Nothing. Just bored so thought I'd pop over. I saw Killian leaving. Why" he had that curious face on.

"You know why. Can I ask you something and you have to answer honestly? Do you like him" I asked to make sure my kids approve.

"Honestly... no. He just doesn't seem to make you happy"

"I know but I need some way of getting over Regina" I say not thinking. I slouched in my chair before I realised what I just said out loud.

"Ow my god. You still love mamma"

"Of course I do. You know that" I say trying to cover my tracks.

"No I mean you wanna be with her again don't you"

"Yeah I do. I fucked up 2 weeks ago and I already regret it"

"Just tell her. You know your her one and only"

"Good idea kid. I'll go do it now" I say standing up.

We both quickly left the station and got into my car. I saw on Facebook she was at granny's. Probably getting coffee I'd imagine. I walk in and couldn't see her. I went round to the toilets while max stayed in the car. I looked both ways before going into the women's toilet. As I opened the door I saw Regina making out with ruby. They both seemed so passionate about it. Regina is sat on the side and her legs around Ruby's waist. I turned around and started to leave quickly.

"Emma" I heard her say. I ignored it and carried on. As I got outside the diner a hand turned me around. "Hey what's wrong? I called your name and you ignored me"

"Nothing" I snapped.

"Woah chill. Why you angry"

"Because I love you. I will always love you and you know that. You decided we should just be friends and then you went on all those dates"

"You started dating Killian. How is that different" she asked calmly.

"Because I did it to get over you. I am so in love with you that I date a random person just to help stop thinking about you"

"Really" she asked. I sighed and started walking away. "Emma wait please" she shouts but i close my car door to block her out.

"What happened" max asked.

"She moved on. Let's just go quick" I turned the car on.

"What if she did the same as you"

"Max she has been with multiple people since she woke up which shows she had moved on" I say driving of.

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