Chapter 12

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[ Regina's pro ]
It's been a week since I gave birth. Today Emma's kids are going to meet Katie. It's very early in the morning and Katie started crying. Last night me and Robin got into a huge argument so I slept in Katie's room. There's a sofa in there so I slept on that. Mainly because Katie wakes up a lot and our room is the only close one to hers. Robin hasn't once got up in the night to check on her. It's like I'm a single mum with someone punching me all the time. I stood up and went over to her.

"Come on Katie girl. Don't wake your dad up because he will kill me" I say rocking her in my arms.

She calmed down and I lifted my top up. I sat on the sofa and started breastfeeding her. Once she was full I pulled my top down and went downstairs. I was sat in the lounge with Katie in my arms. She went to sleep with her head on my boobs. There huge now. Robin took advantage of that not last night but the night before.

After awhile he came downstairs. I glared at him before looking at the tv.

"Morning" I say annoyed. He looked very angry at me.

"Put her in her cot and get in the kitchen now" he says angry.

I stood up scared of what he's going to do. I put Katie in the cot while he went to the kitchen.

"Katie if you can understand what I'm saying then when you hear your dad shout start crying" I knew she couldn't but it's worth a try.

I went to the kitchen and noticed my phone in his hand. I left that upstairs in Katie's room. I hope Emma hasn't texted me yet. Please say she's still asleep.

"What are you doing with my phone? Give it back" I say annoyed.

"Ow sure thing. By the way Emma texted you saying good morning baby girl. How are you today gorgeous" he red of my phone.

"Shit" I say shocked. I have no clue what he's going to do but I know he'll hit me.

"Who's Emma and why are you her baby girl? Please don't tell me its the Emma from my work. Is that why she was there when you had Katie" the anger in his voice scared me lots.

"It was just a joke. Emma is just a friend that's all" I say nervously.

"Cut the crap Regina. I red the messages between you two. I know it's her. I wanted to know if you'd lie to me more" he looked very annoyed and angry.

"How did you even get into my phone" I snapped confused.

"Your password is Emma's birthday. Once I figured out it was that Emma I gathered it would be her birthday" he says crossing his arms.

"Fine. What do you want me to say? I'm madly in love with her and I'm having an affair. Why do you care? You hate me and I hate you. Our marriage is fake. Can't I be happy" I say annoyed. He slapped me hard round the face. It stung badly.

"No. You don't deserve to. How dare you fall in love with another person?"

"Fuck you I deserve to be happy. Why don't I? I've never done anything to you"

"You don't deserve to be purely because your into girls" he snapped angry.

I slapped him hard around the face. I've never done that. It felt good but I know I'm in for it now.

"Don't you dare put your hands on me again"

"Ok but it's ok for you to hit me? Just let me be with her and I'll stay married to you because of my parents. Please Robin"

He was now calm. I was very confused.

"Sure. You can go with her if you want..." I'm now waiting for the catch. "... but Emma will loose her job and I have the power to make sure she never gets hired again. Katie will stay with me and I again have the power to make sure you never get custody of her. You'll be so busy trying to get Katie back that you'll loose your job and Emma's family will end up on the street. Your brother might take you in if your lucky"

I looked shocked at him.

"You wouldn't dare" I say scared.

"Wouldn't I? Your choice. Stay with me and your daughter and 'true love' will have better lives"

Tears came to my eyes. I looked down and they started pouring out. I then felt a hard punch across my face. I looked up at him and was crying still. He then punched me again. I fell to the floor. He kicked me in the stomach harder than he's ever kicked me before. He then stamped on my legs before grabbing my hair and pulling my up. He pinned me up against the wall by my throat and I was crying more. I'm shaking and so scared.

"Your going to go to tell her by the end of the week you don't love her"

"No please don't make me do that" I begged.

He pulled me away from the wall and smashed me against it hard. It chocked me and I think I have concussion.

"You shouldn't have fallen in love with her. This is your fault. You fix it or you will leave in a body bag of bones"

"I hate you"

He kissed me and I clenched my jaw. He pulled away and smirked at me.

"I hate you two" he replied with a smirk.

He then started kissing my neck. I started crying and was shaking. I don't want to leave Emma. I'm so in love with her. I knew this was a bad idea from the beginning. I hate robin and I know he has the power to do what he said. He then kissed me deeply which just made me cringe and crying.

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