Chapter 4

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[ Emma's pro ]
A week later. Me and Regina talk everyday. For some reason I have these feelings for her. I don't know why. Today is Sunday and we planned on having dinner here. My mum was watching max and Camilla. Henry was at a sleepover with his mate and dani was doing the same with her boyfriend. They got back together for some reason. The house would be empty tonight. It feels like we're having a secret affair but without all the kissing and sex. Just the sneaky bit. When I woke up I heard my phone vibrate. Regina sent me a Snapchat.

I giggled at the image

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I giggled at the image. She's so perfect. I wish I met her before her marriage but judging by her parents it wouldn't have made much difference. She then send me a text.

Regina: morning beautiful x

I blush that she called me beautiful.

Me: morning. Are you still coming over for dinner xx

Regina: I wouldn't miss it for the world dear xx

We talked for a bit until Camilla came running into the room. I laughed as she jumped onto the bed.

"Morning sweetie. Who else is up" I asked as I kissed her head good morning.

"Everyone except Henry"

"Shall we play a mean prank on Henry and wake him up" I love messing around with my kids. They seem to love it.

Camilla smiled brightly and nodded. We both stood up and I told her to keep quiet. I filled up the glass of water that was next to my bed. I opened the door to the messy room. His room is in the attic so everyone had there own room but it doesn't look like an attic just a normal boys room. It smelt like something died in here.

"It smells like boys in here" Camilla says holding her nose. I agreed with her.

I poured all the water over Henry which woke him up. Me and Camilla ran out of the room quickly.

"What the fuck" he shouts and I could hear him shiver.

"Language" I say laughing.

"I'm 14 I can swear"

"No you fucking can't" I was now angry.

"You swear. You just did"

I went back into the bedroom annoyed now. "I'm 33 I'm allowed to swear. Your not so don't give me that attitude" I wasn't happy now.

"Whatever" he sighed as he spoke.

I glared at him and walked out the room. I took Camilla's hand and went downstairs. Dani was on the sofa texting.

"Morning" I say a little annoyed from Henry.

"What did he do now"

"Being Henry. He's swearing and driving me nuts already" Henry then came down the stairs. "Come on let's get breakfast" I say as I made my way to the kitchen.

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