Chapter 31

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[ Regina's pro ]
It's a week later. Today I'm going to started my plan. This part is what I call plan A. I am dressed in a leopard print top that is see threw. My bra is black so it is shown more. I'm in a tight leather black skirt that is very short. My hair is curled and my make up is done to perfection. I was dressed very slutty. I put a long coat on over it and done it up so Emma didn't know what I was wearing.

"Gina" she called up.

"I'm upstairs. I'm about to leave" I shout back.

I walked down the stairs and she was in the lounge. I quickly kissed her softly.

"Are you wearing anything" she asked with a giggle.

"Yes. I got to go though. This stupid meeting. If I don't wear a short skirt to make sure I get my contract" I laugh.

I kissed her softly and went to the door. I got into my Mercedes and drove out of town. I walked into this building and went to the elevator. I went to the top floor where a meeting was being hosted. It wasn't my meeting. I was crashing it. I took the coat of and put it next to the door on a chair. I pushed the door open and all these men looked over at me:

"I need to talk to you Mr Johnson" I say angry.

I went to the end on the table closest to me which there was no seat. I slammed my hands against the table and leaned forward angry.

"How can we help you miss?"

"Miss red and I'm here because someone close to me has been on the waiting list for a 8 years for a kidney that's a match. Also she has 5 kids who depend on her in this life. What are you going to do about it huh" I say annoyed. I had to say I was a miss so they knew I wasn't married. It made it easier to get my way if they think I'm single.

"Miss Red there is not much we can do" he says breathing threw the sentence lots while his eyes rolled up and down my body. All the others in the room were staring at me.

"Come on. Surely you can do something to help a mother of 5 and a loving wife to a very lucky person. 8 years is a long time to have waited and now she only has one" I say softly while giving them puppy eyes. I bit my bottom lip and saw them all move.

"Whats her name"

"Emma swan-mills. She needs your help please" I asked still giving puppy eyes. I leaned forward to reveal more cleavage.

"She has a rare blood type. I'm not sure there is anything we can do. Miss red unless you can give us a name of someone with her blood group mrs swan-mills won't survive. I'm sorry"

I stood up straight and had tears in my eyes. I looked angry at them. I slammed my hands on the table and looked angry.

"Why?! Your job is to do your best to make sure all your patients survive! Why is she not getting the equal amount of care?! She is the most important thing in her kids life and they need her! I fucking need her! Why isn't she the main priority in finding a match since she has such a rare blood type and has waited 8 years" I snapped angry.

"Miss red please calm down"


"I know your angry and she is at the top of the waiting list but unfortunately there is nothing else we can do" he calmly said.

I looked next to me and the guy was staring at me boobs.

"Eye up. Ow and my name isn't Miss red. It's Mrs Regina Mills-Swan. Emma is my wife and I'm warning you now that you better do everything you can"

I stood up straight and done my butt up over my cleavage. I stormed out of the room and grabbed my coat. I went back to my car furious.

"Mrs mills-swan" I heard behind me.

I looked round me and saw one of them from the meeting coming towards me. I glared at him and turned round to get into my car. He spun me around and I frowned harder.

"What" I snapped.

"Regina right" he asked.

"How do you know that"

"Your brother is a very close friend of mine. James mills"

I haven't seen James in ages. He has been traveling the world and now has stopped to live in Hollywood. We text everyday but I miss him.

"Yeah that's right"

"It's me. Lenny"

"I remember you yes. Is there something you wanted or can I go home to my wife and family" I asked softly.

"I'm going to make sure they help Emma threw this. Regina there may not be a way but if there is I'll find it"

I smiled slightly and got into my car. I started driving and thinking about plan B. Plan A didn't work so it's plan B. I am going to run away. If I'm not here then Emma will have to go back on the pill. There will be no one to be a mother to the kids and she will live for at least another 6 or 7 years. That should be enough time to find a kidney. I know I'm loosing her either way. At least this way the kids have her in there life. I will return in 7 years to see her again. I'm not gonna go home. I've got my phone and money. I'll have my company move where I am and start a life somewhere else. I guess all that's left to say is... Goodbye Emma swan.

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