Chapter 7

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[ Emma's pro ]
I just got home from picking up the kids. They ran into the house and all went to different places. I went to the kitchen and Camilla was climbing onto a chair. I went to the counter and opened my laptop. Regina will be here in about an hour and I got some business to sort out. I started typing while Camilla was drawing. After awhile Camilla spoke.

"Mummy" she asked getting my attention.

"Yes sweetie"

"What's a cunt" she questioned. I looked at her a little shocked.

"Where did you here that word"

"Henry mumbled it as I was leaving his room"

I sighed and looked over my shoulder. "HENRY DAVID SWAN GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW" I shout up the stairs. They all know I'm angry when I use there middle names.

"I'm coming god" he says as he started coming down the stairs.

"That's what he said" Dani says walking in. Henry came into the room and pushed past Dani.

"What have I done now" he asked a little annoyed.

"Now that's a very long line" dani laughed.

"Shut up dani. Henry how many times have I told you not to swear and now I hear your calling your sister a see you next Tuesday" I snapped.

"Well she was. If that's it I'm going back upstairs" he says and started walking out. I stood up and grabbed his phone out of his back pocket. "Oi that's mine. You can't take it"

"Your my son I can do what I want. I payed for this phone and your contract so if you don't buck up your ideas I'm keeping it forever" The front door then knocked. "Dani will you go get that please" Dani left and I looked back at Henry.

"I don't give a shit I don't need it. I'm going out"

"The hell you are. Get to your room now"

"No. Make me"

"GET TO YOUR ROOM NOW" I snapped angry. I huffed and left the room.

Dani walked into the room. "It's Regina" she says and Regina walked in.

"Hi. Is this a bad time"

"No Regina its fine. You obviously know dani and you've met cam at the work party"

She smiled and nodded. "I got to be quick. My brother is in the car. Can I see you tonight"

I smirked and winked. "Sure thing. Here or restaurant"

"How about mine. Robin is going out of town to see his parents"

"Sounds good" I say with a smirk. She winked and smiled.

"Alright I got to go. By Camilla. Dani nice to see you again. How is everything with that boy" she shook Dani's hand with a smile.

"Alright. We're definitely broken up and he has stopped texting which is good" Dani says smiling.

Regina came over to me and hugged me. She kissed my cheek and smiled. "I'll see you tonight" she says smirking. I winked and smiled. She pulled away from me with a smile.

"I'll walk you out. I am going upstairs anyway" Dani offered as she walked to Regina. She walked her out and I heard the front door shut. Dani came running back in smiling. "Did she just ask you for a second date" she asked excitedly. I smiled and nodded.

"Yes" I say with a giggle. Dani smiled brightly at me.

"Omg. Mum"


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