Chapter 46

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[ Regina's pro ]
I woke up the next morning naked in my bed. I sat up and looked around the room. My bed it empty where Emma once was. I sat up and tears built in my eyes. Has she actually left me again? I had the covers held up over my boobs and tears in my eyes. Suddenly the bathroom door opened and Emma started tip toeing out the bathroom in her bra and thong.

"Emma" I say smiling.

I leaned out of bed and hugged her tight. My arms and legs are around her and I was lucky she caught me.

"Steady there" she says giggling.

"You didn't leave me. I love you"

"I love you two. Babe I was thinking. What about ruby and Killian? We didn't dump them" Emma asked as I still hugged her. I missed her calling me that.

"Ruby knows I still love you. I'll tell her now"

"I'll do the same for Killian"

Before I got down I kissed her deeply. We quickly got changed into some pjs. I went to my phone and texted ruby.

Me: hey. I'm sorry but I can't do that date tonight. I'm getting back together with Emma but I am sorry x

Ruby: it's all cool. I knew you still loved her anyway x

I smiled and put my phone down. I look at Emma and she was frowning at her phone. I went over to her concerned.

"What's wrong" I asked.

"Killian is flipping out and swearing lots" it the started ringing and his name appeared. "Ow shit" Emma adds worried.

"Give it here" I say taking the phone. I answered it but didn't get a chance to speak.

"What the hell? You cant break up with me you slut"

"Umm actually I believe she can dear. You ever talk to my girlfriend like that again and I will stab you in the neck with a knife. Don't test me boy. I will kill you" I threaten angry.

"Regina" he asked shocked.

"Yeah. Something you need to know is that you can't compete with me. She will always pick me over you or anyone. Deal with it and keep away"

"Yes ma'am" he says shyly.

"That's what I thought. Bye Killian" I say before hanging up.

"Ow my god Regina. That was pretty funny actually" Emma says making me giggle.

She put her hands on my hips and pulled my pelvis to hers. I smiled into a kiss which she deepened. My bedroom door then knocked.

"For god sake. Come in" I say as I turned around in Emma's arms.

She held onto me and rested her head on my shoulder. Belle opened the door and smiled at us.

"Ow my god. Are you two back together"

"Yeah. What's up"

"That's so cute. I love you two. Anyway there is someone at the gate for you" she says softly.

"Arrrr. Fine. I'm coming" I sighed.

"That what she said" Emma mumbled and I elbowed her gently in the rib. She giggled and kissed my shoulder.

I followed belle out until I got downstairs. I pushed the button and waited.

"A woman is here to see you"

"Send her in" I say tired. "Who could be here at this time in the morning"

"Well it is 11 do not that early Gina" James says walking past me. I didn't realise it was that early.

I went to the front door and opened it. A girl walked up. She was a little taller than me and blonde.

"Hi. Your Regina Mills right"

"Yeah. Hi" I say confused.

"It's me Roxanne Shay"

"Ow my god. Roxanne" I say shocked.

"Missed me" she says smiling.

She had her arms out to me and I hugged her. Roxanne was my college girlfriend and my first love. She's very beautiful and such a nice person.

"I have. How have you been" I asked pulling away.

"Good thanks. How about you? Still beautiful I can see" she says making me giggle.

"Good thanks. You have changed so much"

"You haven't changed a bit. Still so talented in your designing"

"Awe thank you Roxy. Do people still call you that" I asked knowing I was the one who gave her that nickname.

"Yeah all the time thanks to you"

"You wanna come in"

She smiled and nodded. I moved out the way and she stepped in. She followed me to the lounge while admiring the house. I went in and belle, James and Emma was sat there.

"Yo Gina I was wondering... ow my god Roxy" James says looking shocked.

Roxanne smiled and he stood up. He hugged her and she held him close.

"It's good to se enough again James" she says as she pulled away. "Who are these beautiful girls"she was referring to Emma and belle.

"This is James's girlfriend belle" I say gesturing to belle.

"Awe hi. I'm Roxanne"

"And this is Emma. My girlfriend"

"So your still gay huh" she says with a smirk. I smiled and nodded.

"Yep. Well bi but it took lots to get out the marriage with robin"

"Ow my god Yeah. That dick head that stole you away from me"

"Wait what" Emma says sitting up.

"This is Regina's ex girlfriend from college" James says looking at her.

"Remember my first love I told you about"

"Awe that's sweet. You were my first love to" she says smiling softly.

[ Emma's pro ]
Who is this girl? Is she seriously flirting with my girl in front of me?

"So Roxanne do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend" I asked standing up.

"Umm never a boyfriend because I'm a lesbian and I'm single" she says before smirking at Regina.

I grind my teeth together and bit my younger. I went to Regina and put my arms around her from behind to show I've claimed her. My phone then started ringing.

"Em it's Dani" belle says holding my phone to me. I took it and answered.

"Hey what's up"

"Where are you? Did you not come home last night"

"I spent the night at your mamma's"

"Ow my god are you back together" she says excitedly.

"Yes we officially are. I have to go but tell the others I'll be home soon" I say before hanging up.

"So you guys don't live together? Emma shame on you for not being serious with such a gorgeous girl like Regina" Roxanne says smiling and putting her arm over Regina.

"We use to. This is now a new relationship but Emma's is gonna move in here with our kids"

"You got kids" she asked moving her arm.

"Well Emma had 4 with her first love and I had my daughter Katie with robin. We got together and now there our kids" Regina says softly.

She much have no idea this Roxanne girl is flirting. She put her arm back around Regina's shoulder. Her hand very close to Regina's boob. I frowned at her and clenched my first so tight.

"That's cute. Well Regina it's so good to see you anyway" she says pulling her into a hug.

Roxanne was facing me and grinned. I glared at her angry and wanted to hit her in the face.

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