Chapter 25

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[ Emma's pro ]
I am in the lounge with Regina and camilla. Dani took Katie out to the shop. The voice box in the room beeped. Camilla got up and pushed the button.

"There is a man named Ronald here to see miss swan" Martin said.

Cam looked at me and I nodded.

"Let him in" she said and came back over.

I stood up and kissed Regina softly. I went to the door and opened it. An older man walked towards the door with two young girls. One blonde and the other brunette.

"Hi. You must be Emma" he said.

"Yeah hi. Ronald I'm assuming"

"Call me Ron. This is my daughter Mia" he gestured to the blonde girl.

"Hi nice to meet you" I say shaking her hand. She smiled softly at me.

"Hi. Your really pretty by the way" she says in a sweet voice.

"And this is her best friend violet. Wherever Mia goes violet goes" he added pointing to the brunette.

I shook her hand and nodded slightly.

"Come in" I say stepping out of the way.

They stepped in and I closed the door. I walked them to the lounge. Regina had her feet up on the sofa with camilla cuddled up with her. We were watching Shrek.

"This is my wife Regina and my daughter camilla" I say as we walk in.

Regina sat up and smiled at us.

"Ow my god your so pretty" Mia says smiling.

"I know right. Woah girl your so beautiful" violet added. She spoke just like Mia.

Regina giggled and stood up. She came over to us and I put my arm around her shoulder.

"Thank you. Hi I'm Regina" she says shaking there hands.

"Cam come say hi" I say holding my hand out.

She ran over and held my hand. She waved at them.

"Don't you have 5 kids" Ron asked.

"Yeah. 2 are at the shop and the other 2 are upstairs somewhere" I replied.

Mia bent down to cam's height and smiled at her.

"Hi. I'm Mia. What was your name"

"Camilla" she said shyly.

"That's a very pretty name"

"Thank you. So is yours"

"How old are you" Mia asked smiling.

"9" she shyly replied.

"That's very big. I'm 17 and so is my best friend here"

The front door then opened and the sound of a crying baby flooded our ears. Dani came in holding Katie who was crying her eyes out.

"Mamma take her. She won't stop crying" she gave the baby to Regina not even noticing everyone.

Regina had hold of her and swayed side to side. After a few seconds she calmed down.

"There we go sweetie. You want to go to your mummy" she asked as I held my arms out to her. She hugged Regina and put her head on her chest.

"Sorry about that. This is dani my oldest daughter who is like you 17 and this is our youngest who is 5 months" I introduce my other 2 daughters.

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