Chapter 8

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[ Regina's pro ]
Emma was just stood there with her mouth hanging down. It made me giggle.

"You coming in em"

She stepped into the house and I closed the door.

"Sorry. I... you just look so beautiful" she says shyly.

I giggled and kissed her cheek. She handed me a bottle of wine and I smirked. I held her hand and walked her to the kitchen. I leaned against the island and used my index finger to call Emma over by curling it. She came over to me and I bit my lip. I put my hands on her cheeks and looked up at her lips. She moved closer so there wasn't a gap between our body and placed her hands on my hips.

"Well hello there" she says smirking. I giggled and smiled.

"Hola señorita. Puedo" I smirked. Puedo means may I in Spanish.

"You may" she says smirking.

"You know Spanish"

"sí señora"

I bit my lip and went onto my tip toes. Finally our lips joined for longer than a couple of seconds. She deepened the kiss and her hands ran down my body. They ran over my ass and down to my thighs. She picked me up and sat me on the counter. I rapped my legs around her to keep her close. I haven't kissed anyone like this in a very long time. A bing noice then came from my timer signalling dinner is ready. I slowly pulled away and bit on her lip. I gently toughed on it before letting go.

"Dinners ready"

She bit her lip and moved away. I jumped down and went to the oven. While I bent down I knew Emma was staring at my ass. I pulled the lasagna out and looked over my shoulder. She quickly looked away and I giggled. I put it on the side and got two plates out of the cupboard. She stood in front of me and I looked confused.

"What's wrong"

"Can I see your wrists" she asked not looking that happy. I looked confused and lifted my hands up. I then noticed the bruises on my wrists. I forgot Robin did that. "Tell me the trust was this Robin"

"I'm not having this conversation now. I put makeup over these for a reason"

"Regina please talk to me about this. I told you I wouldn't dear talk to Robin about this"

"Fine. He beat the hell out of me and then made me have sex with him. Is that what you wanted to here" I say a little annoyed I have to speak about this. I pushed past her to get to the lasagna. I'm done talking about this.

"He did that?! Regina why did you let him" she says shocked. I sighed and turned around to her.

"I told you I'm not having this conversation right now"

"Regina you really should" she says but I cut her of by kissing her softly. I needed her to shut up. I pulled away slowly and looked into her eyes.

"Please. Later I will" I asked sweetly. She nodded softly and I pecked her lips. "Thank you"

"Robin told me at work you make the best lasagne ever"

"Well I don't like to toot my own horn but it is very good"

She laughed and I dished up. I handed her a plate and she followed me. We went to the lounge and sat on the sofa. We started eating and Emma's phone rang. She sighed and looked at it.

"It's dani. I got to take this sorry"

[ Emma's pro ]
I answered the phone knowing dani would have only called for a good reason.


"Hey mum. Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt your date but you need to speak to cam" she says with shouting in the background from Henry. Camilla is crying. I sighed knowing Henrys done something.

"What happened"

"Henry told Camilla Santa isn't real"

"Ow for fuck sake" I sighed annoyed. I looked at Regina who looked a little confused. "Henry told cam Santa isn't real. I'm gonna kill him" Regina looked a little shocked. "Put cam on the phone" I say over the phone now. After a few seconds I heard Camilla on the phone.

"Mummy" she sobbed.

"Sweetie don't listen to Henry. Santa is real and if your good then he'll bring you presents remember"

"But Henry said that he wasn't real and that you pretended to be Santa"

"I promise you I am not Santa. I can't go around the whole world in one night can I or fit down a chimney. Don't listen to Henry ok"


"I do. I have to go sweetie I'm eating but don't listen to him because he's just trying to start trouble"

"Ok bye mummy"

"Bye sweetie" I hung up the phone. I looked at Regina and sighed. "I'm gonna kill him"

"He sounds like a handful"

[ Regina's pro ]
"He's a little shit" she says with a sigh.

We both laughed and carried on eating. Once we finished we started talking. I took a mouthful of my wine while smiling at Emma. As I put the glass down we both leaned in and kissed softly.

"I love spending time with you" I say softly.

"I love being with you two. Can we talk about it now" she asked softly.

"Fine. Last night there was traffic and I got home late. He kicked me in the stomach lots. He then forced me to have sex with him which gave me the bruises on my wrists and red rings around my neck. My stomach has bruises all over it. Under the dress on my shoulders are bruises" I had tears in my eyes now. I looked down and wiped one of the tears away. Emma held my hand and rubbed her thumb across it.

"I'm here for you. Always ok? Can I see" she asked smiling softly.

I smiled slightly and nodded softly. I grabbed the zip on my dress behind me and pulled it down. The dress fell of my shoulders and she looked shocked at my shoulders then my stomach. What made me smile was if that was Robin his eye would go straight to my chest.

"I can't believe he did that. Please don't let him hurt you. I don't know why he'd want to hurt you. Your this amazing person who I'm started to really like in more than a friend way you know"

"I feel the same about you"

I smiled and leaned in to kiss her. I deepened it and put my arms around her. She moved forward more so we both led down with her on top. I rapped my legs around her waist and brought her body down. I pulled the zip down on her dress and pushed it of her shoulders. She sat up and took the clip out of her hair so it fell down by her face. I pushed my hands threw her hair and pulled her down to kiss me.

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