Chapter 18

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[ Emma's pro ]
It's been 3 months. Robin has left to live somewhere in New York and doesn't want to look after Katie anymore. Regina was at work today and the kids were at school so I was watching Katie. She's so cute.

"Em I have work. You need to get up for Katie" Regina says shaking me.

I opened one eye and looked at her. I'm very tired and need more sleep.

"Is she awake" I asked tiredly.

"I just fed her and put her back in the cot. Don't worry I'm dropping the kids to school now and the baby monitor is next to you"

"How are you this alive in the morning"

"Because unlike you I'm a morning person. I'll see you later. Love you baby" she kissed my head and walked out. I closed my eyes and went back to sleep. 

I was woken up by a baby crying. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I went down the hall to Katie's room. We all moved into Regina's house and Robin moved out. I don't have a job since I quit robins job. Regina needed to go back to work but wasn't finished with maternity leave so I didn't bother getting a job and just stayed with Katie. I picked Katie up and took her downstairs.

"What should we do today huh? Should we go for a walk" I say looking down at Katie.

I nuzzled my nose against hers before kissing it. I put the tv on. While watching Regina called. I answered it.

"Hey beautiful. How's work" I answered.

"Uh nightmare. Just called to say can you pick up some milk and bread if you go out"

"Sure thing. Love ya"

"Love you two" she blew a kiss then hung up.

I looked down and saw Katie waking up. She started crying. I rocked her in my arms to calm her down. Once she was calm I got us both dressed. I then went downstairs and the speaker by the front door beeped. I went over and pushed the button.

"Yes Martin"

"There's a woman asking to see you miss swan. Shall I let her"

"Umm sure yeah"

I went to the door and opened it. A woman about my height was walking over.

"Umm hi" I say not knowing who it is.

"Hi are you Emma swan" she asked. She's brunette and has blue eyes. I've never seen her before.

"Yeah who are you"

"My name is Ramona . I'm your sister" she says with a soft smile. I looked confused at her.

"I don't have a sister. My parents gave me away when I was a baby"

"I know. I'm your younger sister that they didn't give up. Well half sister. They told me she got pregnant with you by mistake and couldn't have you. I'm 9 years younger than you" I now looked shocked.

"Wait your actually my younger sister" I say shocked. She smiled and nodded. Katie then started crying. "Sorry about her. Come in. I just need to calm her down" I moved out the way for her to come in. I led her to the lounge.

"Your house is beautiful" she says admiring it.

"Thanks. It's my girlfriends. She's very rich and I just moved in with my kids"

"Is this little one yours"

"Actually no. She's the only one that isn't mine. She's my girlfriends but she's my daughter now"

"Ow I see. So how many children do you have"

We walked into the lounge and I gestured for her to sit.

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