Chapter 29

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[ Emma's pro ]
A week later. I answered my phone. Its midday and I'm in the lounge with Regina. She was sat next to me with her legs over mine and her arms around my neck. I stood up and she sat up.

"Hello. Mrs swan-mills here" I answered.

"Hi. This is doctor cooper here" a man said.

"Ow hi"

"Yes hello. I have the results from Dani swans tests. Unfortunately she does have the gene for kidney cancer and there is a 30% chance she will get it"

My heart sunk into my chest. Not that I can't have her kidney it's that she may get it.

"Ow ok. Thank you for your time. Have a good day"

"And you mrs swan-mills. I am sorry about your daughter and I'd like you to know your now in the top ten people to for a kidney transplant"

"That's good then. Thank you" I then hung up.

I was looking down shocked. At least I know dani will be ok because she has another kidney but if they don't accept I'm going to die then I don't know what I'll do.

"Baby? What is it? Who was that" Regina asked sitting up.

"Umm... dani carries the gene and has a 30% chance" I hesitated.

"Ow baby" she says standing up. She hugged me and I held her tight.

"What's wrong" we heard Henry say from the stairs.

All the kids were coming down the stairs. They came into the room. Dani sat down with camilla on her lap. Henry and max sat next to each other.

"Dani I can't have your kidney. You need it" I say softly.

"What" she says half shocked half upset.

"There has to be another way to make sure you survive" Max says quickly.

"Yeah we can think of something" Regina added.

They all started talking over each other and suggesting ideas. I was just getting annoyed listening to ideas that won't happen.

"Enough with this! You all need to accept there is no way I can survive! I came of the pill to live my life. I'm gonna live my life. Your either helping me live my life or but out of it. I can't do this anymore. I'm done with finding another useless way" I snapped.

They all looked silent at me. I closed my eyes and realised what just came out of my mouth. I opened them and looked down. My eyes had tears. I stormed out of the room and upstairs. I went to my room and led on the bed. My head was buried into the pillow and I'm led on my stomach.

After a few minutes I felt a dip on the bed. I didn't both looking up because I know it's Regina. Her soft hand rested on my bag and her thumb rubbed across it.

"Em baby"

"Don't" I softly said.

"Just fucking talk to me please"

I sat up annoyed. She stood up and crossed her arms.

"About what? That no one in my family can accept me dying" I asked annoyed.

"Do you hear yourself? My family accept me dying. Woah quote of the day" she sarcastically says.

"If your gonna get like that piss off. I'm not dealing with this shit. It's not my fault I'm dying. Why can't you all understand that there isn't a cure in the world that can save me"

"It's not your fault your dying no! It's your fault that your gonna die because you aren't bothering to try and find something to help you" Regina snapped angry.

"I've been trying for 8 fucking years Regina! Why can't I stop" I start but she completely cut me of.

"Because you have a family to help! You selfish son of a bitch" she snapped angry. I quickly cut in.

"Me?! The selfish one? Screw you regina! I've tried and now it's time to stop trying! I need to spend my last 9 or 10 months with my family so fuck you for saying I'm selfish! Your the selfish one for making me fight for my life just so you have a love in your life" I snapped.

Regina was looking so angry at me. She slapped me round the face hard while looking furious.

"How dare you?! I'm trying to save your life! Not for me but your your kids!" Her voice was cracked and she had tears in her eyes.

That slap calmed me down and I saw the heartbreak in her. It pulled me back to reality and what I said was horrible. My breathing had hitched in my throat since I was so shocked at what we were just doing. Tears started to leaving Regina's eyes and she went to the bathroom in our room.

"You can sleep in another room tonight" she says before slamming the bathroom door shut.

I was about to leave the room when I heard the muffled sound of Regina's cry. This broke my heart. I didn't even care she slapped me. I went to the door and rested my head against it. I heard her lean against the door at the bottom indicating that she was sat on the floor crying. I could hear the crying. She was trying to hide it but not very good.


"Go away" she mumbled.

"Babe come on. Just open up"

"Emma go away now" she snapped angry.

I sighed and walked out of the room. I walked out of the back door and look up at the bathroom window. I jumped up and grabbed the roof of the conservatory. I pulled myself up and stood on it. I walked to the window carefully and opened it. I climbed threw it.

"Talk to me" I say getting her attention.

"Did you really climb threw the window"

"Yeah. Let me talk" I softly said.

She stood up and looked at me with sad eyes. They were red and puffy from crying. Her faces was soaked from the tears. This broke my heart.

"I'm sorry I slapped you. Did it hurt" she says brushing her hand across my cheek slightly.

"It's fine" I say smiling. I held her hands and stepped close to her. "I feel fine and I look fine. I don't look like I'm dying and for now let's enjoy that. I promise that I will make sure your all by my side when I am going but please let's just live our lives to the fullest until I do" I suggested.

She looked down and walked to the door. She looked over her shoulder at me with sad eyes.

"The way to spoke to me today was not ok. I can't just forget your dying and I'll never stop trying... even if you do"

She then left the room and closed the door. I sat on the toilet and put my head in my hands. They need to accept I can't survive. Just like I have.

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