Chapter 40

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[ Emma's pro ]
It's been a week since Regina was put into a coma. Katie spends a lot of time with me at the moment and stayed round mine most nights. James and belle stay at Regina's house where they originally were meant to. Today they were all here. It's a weekend so all my kids are in the house as well because none of them have anything to do on a Saturday afternoon for some reason.

"Katie what are you doing" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"Writing my letter to Santa" she says with a little sadness in her voice.

"I thought you wrote one back in Hollywood with mamma"

"This is a new one. This is what I want now"

"Alright. I'll send it later ok. Uncle James wants you"

She hopped up and went to the lounge. I went to the island and picked up the paper. I read it.

Dear Santa. This years I don't want any presents. I just want my mamma back. Please let her come back before my birthday in February. I love my mamma so much and so does my new/old family. Please Santa. I promise to never ask for another thing this year and will be a good girl. Just bring her back please. Love Katie

This brought tears to my eyes. I held them in and put the folded sheet of paper in my pocket.

"Hey Emma" I heard behind me.

I looked round to see James stood there with a sheet of paper in his hand. He came over to me and handed it to me.

"What is this" I asked confused.

"I found it in Regina's house" he says as I took it.

I looked at it and was a little shocked. I read it out loud.

"40% of all profits due to my work will go into two funds. One is a college fund for Max and Camilla Swan. This will allow them into the best college they could dream for. The second is to help pay for all the weddings of the swan children who aren't married yet" I was shocked. "Ow my god. She makes so much profit in her dresses and suits"

"I know. I was so shocked"

"It's so sweet. Does it say a date in here... awe here. 9/12/18. That was the day she got hit. She must have done it in the morning" I was even more shocked. After that first fight we had in the rain she still did this.

"Em she'd do anything for those kids"

"I know"

"And you"

"I know. I gotta get down to the hospital. You alright to stay here with Katie"

"Of course. She's staying here tonight right"

"Yeah if that's alright with you"

"Of course. I trust you completely and you'll always be her second mum"

"Thanks James. See ya" I kissed his cheek and left the room. I quickly went back in and he looked up at me. "Almost forgot. Read this. It's Katie's letter to Santa. It will break your heart" I say handing him Katie's letter. I then left the room and house.

I drove down to the hospital and found Regina's room easily. I went in and she looked the exact same as always. I went to the bed and sat on the chair next to it.

"Hey. It's me again. I saw that thing you wrote about your a college fund and weddings. That was such an amazing thing for you to do and I can't believe you did that. If you can hear me thank you. My luck you can't here me. I just wish you were here. I realised that day you got hit that I was mad at myself and not you. I was mad that I forgave you so quick and I was mad that I let you just slip out of my arms when you left. Sometimes when I'm alone I think of you and smile. That is until I realise I no longer have you so I drink my pain away. I need you in my life... even if you don't need me"

Tears are pouring out my eyes. I haven't cried while talking to her since the day it happened. I have missed her so much. Not just while she's like this but that whole 7 years. I missed her more than I realised. It's true what I said. I was angry because when she came back I forgave her quickly and invited her for dinner. I also hated that I let her leave the first time. When I went after her I should have said something to her. I should have gotten my girl back.

"Mum? Is mamma ok" I heard a male voice behind me.

I look over my shoulder to see max stood there. I wiped my tears away quickly and hid my face from him.

"Yeah I'm just a little emotional"

I then felt him holding my hands and bringing them away from my face. He was looking at me with sad eyes as he saw me crying.

"It's ok to cry mum. You need to learn that. Crying about mamma is a perfectly normal thing ok" he says softly. I nodded as more tears left.

"When did you get so wise"

"Umm rude" he says making me giggle slightly. "So why are you crying? What happened"

I showed him the thing Regina wrote. He looked shocked at me.

"Yeah I know. I came here and started talking to her and then I cried" I say softly.

Max wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight. I held him close and cried softly. Having Regina like this makes me so angry at myself. If I hadn't pulled away from her in the kiss because I was scared of being hurt then we would have missed the car and I'd be sat on the sofa with her cuddled up to me most likely.

"That's a lot of money" he says holding me close.

"I know. 40% is so much. Most people with her job would do 10% so they had lots of there money still" I say now pulling away.

I looked at her and placed my hand over hers. She still has the bandage and casts on her. Max placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Come on mamma. Wake up please" he says softly.

"I really hope she does soon"

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