Chapter 10

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[ Emma's pro ]
3 months later. Me and Regina are having an affair. Robin has no idea. Regina doesn't like that she has to sneak around. She wished she could just leave him. I do to. Last night she slept here.

"Morning em" her morning voice was so sexy.

"Morning beautiful" I replied.

"Your kids aren't going to walk in and find us naked right" I laughed and shook my head. I kissed the top of her head as she cuddled more into me. "What time is it"

I grabbed a phone that was next to me and looked at the time. 8:36. I then noticed its Regina's phone. She had lots of messages and miss calls from Robin.


"Yeah" she says not looking up. I showed the phone in front of her. She looked at it and sat up holding the covers over her boobs. "Shit" she says shocked. "I told him I wasn't coming home tonight" I saw on her shoulders was bruises. Her stomach has loads and all across her chest and boobs. Her neck has a bruise and so does her wrists. She won't let me say or do anything about it which makes me mad.

"What has he said"

"He wants me to come home or I'm in big trouble for not calling. I can't really tell him I didn't call him last night because I had my face in between your legs" she says reading of her phone. I giggled slight. She leaned across and put it on the side. She then cuddled back into me.

"Don't you have to go" I asked since I don't want her hurt.

"Whether I leave now or leave later I'm getting hurt. I'm not done with you just yet"

She walked 2 of her fingers across my shoulders and up my neck. She then cupped my cheek and turned my head so I was looking at her. She kissed me softly which I deepened. Regina moved on top of me and I held her close. The door then knocked.

"Who is it" I asked. Depending on who it is they could come in.

"Dani. I just wanna ask you something"

"Fine. Give me one second" Regina then climbed of me and we held the covers up. "Come in"

Dani walked in and stood in the doorway. "Can I borrow some money I got a date tonight"

"With who" I smirked.

"I'll tell you later maybe. Depends how it goes. Can I"

"My purse is downstairs. No more than 30"

"Cheers" she then walked out.

I looked at Regina and she smiled. "I hate my kids are growing up so fast"

"On that topic I need to tell you something. I keep pushing it away because I don't want to talk about it. I'm... I'm pregnant" she was very hesitant when speaking.

My eyes went wide and my mouth dropped slightly. "How? Did Robin rape you again" she looked down and lifted her wrists up. She licked her thumb and scrubbed away the concealer showing there not old bruises but recent ones.

"He's still doing it. I'm so sorry. I should have told you. He didn't put a condom on that time and I'm having his baby. I don't want his baby. I want you to be the other parent but I have to be with him and I hate this. I don't want to be with him. I want to be with you. I love you and I hate that I'm not allowed to" she was speaking quickly and panicking. I don't think she noticed she said she loved me.

"Wait Regina did you just say you love me" she then froze. She looked down and I heard her sobbing.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to" she sobbed before I interrupted her.

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