Chapter 6

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[ Regina's pro ]
I got out of the taxi and thanked him. I went to my front door and unlocked it. I went down the hall and started quietly going up the stairs.

"Where have you been" I heard Robin say.

I sighed and went into the lounge. He was sat on the sofa not looking happy. He has like a split personality. Outside the house he's a nice person who acts like I'm his world. Here he's horrible. It's 10:30 now and I know I'm gonna get hurt.

"I told you I was out. Why do you care" I asked annoyed in the doorway.

He stood up annoyed and glared at me. "Don't give me that attitude. Who's house were you at"

"Kats. Can I go now dad" I say sarcastically. He came over to me and slapped me round the face hard. "What was that for" I asked scared. I rubbed the cheek he slapped. I know there's a red mark.

"For giving me that attitude. Don't try sassing me Regina" his angry tone scared me. I looked down and turned around. I started walking away but he grabbed my shoulder hard. "Don't you dare walk away from me" he snapped as he spun me around. Now I'm in for it.

"Robin please just let me go upstairs"

"Shut up!"

Robin punched me in the face knocking my to the floor. He started kicking me in the stomach. I already have bruises there so it hurt even more. I started crying. It was winding me and causing me so much pain.

"Please" I begged.

He bent down and grabbed my top. I was crying and just wanted him to let me go.

"Just because your rich and hot doesn't mean your in charge. I run this house. I make the rules. I'm the boss of you. Don't give me your shit"

"Just put me down please. Why do you always get like this" I begged again.

He let go of my collar and held my face tight. It hurt. He pulled me into a kiss. I knew if I didn't kiss him back he'd hurt me. He moved his hand of my face and grabbed my hair. He pulled my head back and deepened the kiss. He moved down to my neck. Robin pushed me backwards until I hit the wall. I knew where this was going. A tear ran down my cheek as I looked towards the door. I just want to run. Run as fast as I can.

The next morning

I woke up early. We were both naked. Last night I cried myself to sleep. I should be use to the beating and the raping. I had such a good night with Emma last night I kind of left the real world and was in my own fantasy. Robin brought me out of it. I got out of bed quietly and went to the bathroom in our room. I washed my face before noticing in the full body mirror what I looked like. I stood front on. My stomach was covered in bruises. My wrist are red and got bruises on. I still had red rings around my neck.

There was a red mark on my face from where he slapped me. There's bruises across my shoulders and chest. A few tears left my eyes as I looked at myself. I couldn't look in that mirror anymore. I then got a text. I picked my phone up from the side of the sink and looked at it. I opened the message and saw it was from Emma. It made me smile.

Emma: hey. You ok? You didn't answer my call yesterday. Was just checking your alright xx

Me: I'm fine thanks beautiful. I was just tired xx

A few more tears left my eyes. I wanted to tell her but I can't.

Emma: good good. You left your bag here if you want me to drop it of. I got to pick Camilla and max up anyway xx

Me: its ok I'll come get it. I wanna get out the house since Robin isn't in a good mood already xx

Emma: he didn't hurt you did he x

Me: no he was just in a bad mood and shouted at me xx

Emma: well if you come over about 1ish then. Be warned them all together are a nightmare xx

Me: haha can't wait 💋❤

I put my phone down and leaned against the sink. More and more tears started coming out of my eyes. I quickly got dressed into some random clothes. I grabbed my phone and stepped out the room. Robin was still asleep. I looked at him and thought to myself how I could just put a pillow over his face right now but I'm not that heartless. I went downstairs and to the kitchen. I then got a phone call from James.

"Morning" I answered.

"Sup little sis. Is it alright if I pop in for a cup of tea"

"Sure thing queen of England"

"Haha very funny. I'll see ya in a sec"

"Alright by handsome" I end the call and put it on the side.

"Who was that" I heard behind me. I jumped and looked round. Robin was stood there.

"Jesus Christ. It was just James. He's coming over for a cup of tea" I snapped.

He came over to me and lifted my head up by my chin. He looked at my cheek. "You'll wanna put something on that. It's a bit obvious" he says before pecking my lips. I smiled slightly and nodded.

"Why do you have to hit me? Can't we just get along like a normal married couple" I asked softly.

He put his hands on my hips and rested his head against mine. I thought he was going to say something sweet.

"Because we don't love each other. I hate you and you hate me"

I sighed at him and looked down. "Then why do you always wanna have sex with me" I asked a little annoyed.

"A man has needs. If I'm stuck with you as a wife then you'll do" he shrugged. I moved away annoyed and pushed him away from me.

"I'll do? Am I a piece of meat to you" I asked annoyed.

"Ow baby" he says putting his hands back on my hips. He again rested his head on mine. "Don't flatter yourself. I like a nice bit of stake better than you" he says softly. My mouth dropped and he laughed while moving away. God I hate him. The front door then knocked.

"I'll get it" I say going to the door.

"Good coz I wasn't gonna"

"Now there's a surprise Robin"

"Talk to me like that again see what happens"

I quickly went to the door and answered it. He wouldn't dear talk to me like that or hurt me when people are around. Especially James. He's scared of James. To be honest most people are. James is very strong and 6,7. I answered the door and he smiled at me.

"Missed me" he smiled brightly as he spoke.

"No not really" I say giggling.

"How rude. Come on give me a hug" he says giggling. I hugged him tight but I flinched because of the bruises. He pulled away and looked at me. "Has he hurt you recently? You seem a bit shaken up" he asked curiously.

"I'll tell you in a bit. Tell him we're going out for breakfast so I can get away from him" I whispered.

"What did he do" he whispered back. I lifted up my top and showed him part of the very big bruise. "Ow my god. I'm gonna kill him" he says and went to run into the house angry. I stopped him quickly.

"Don't you dare. I will be the one that gets hurt. Let's just go. ROBIN IM GOING FOR BREAKFAST WITH JAMES"

"ALRIGHT BABY GIRL! I LOVE YOU" he shouts back. My blood boiled and I glared. I closed the door and we went to the car quick. James drove and we left there fast.

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