Chapter 19

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[ Regina's pro ]
It's been a few weeks since we all met Ramona. Recently dani has been acting strange. Especially around Emma. Henry still hasn't told Emma he's gay but is planning on doing it soon. I'm going to talk to Dani about what's up with her. Emma's got no clue. It's a Saturday and Henry is at football practice. Max is at soccer and Camilla is at a princess birthday party. Emma took Katie for a walk to her parents house. It's just me and Dani now.

I went up to her room and knocked on the door.

"Regina is that you"

"Yeah. Can I come in dear"

"Sure" she replied and I opened the door. "What's up"

I sat on the bed and she sat up. She put her book down and looked at me.

"What's going on lately? Your acting weird around your mum and we're both noticing"

"I'm not. I'm fine" she shrugged.

"Sweetie please talk to me"

"I just know something I don't think I was meant to that's all. Mum will probs tell you eventually" she says looking at her book. This concerned me.

"What do you mean? Dani don't play mind games with me"

"It's just something I accidentally red in her diary. She'll kill me if I'm the one to tell you"

"What is it Dani? She won't kill you"

She had tears in her eyes and looked up at me. She looked scared

"Mum might die. She has cancer and it's terminal. All that's keeping her alive is a bunch of pills she takes everyday. In the diary it said she doesn't like taking them and is considering coming of them to enjoy the rest of her life even though it will be a lot shorter" she blurted out.

I looked pure shocked. I had no words. She hugged me and I held her close. Has Emma not told anyone? How long has this been going on? How could she not tell me?

"How long have you known this" I asked not knowing what to say.

"About 2 weeks. I'm scared Regina"

"It's fine. Just let me talk to her about it first and then we all can sit down together and talk" I suggest.

She nodded and hugged me again. I kissed her head and held her close. I had tears in my eyes just thinking about it. Emma can't die. Not now. Not ever. We then heard the front door open.

"Gina? Dani" she called up.

"Upstairs. We'll be down in a minute" I shout down. I stood up and held Dani's hand. "You go downstairs and talk to your mum. I'm gonna have a quick look at the diary and see what she said. Don't worry I'll only look at that page I'm not that bad" I suggest. She nodded and we leave.

I went down the hall to my room and dani went upstairs. I went into Emma's bedside draw and picked the diary up. I looked back to 2 weeks ago and found it.

Dear diary,
I hate being on this medication. I have been taking it for 8 years now and it's to much for me. I still haven't told a single soul about it. The cancer doesn't make me feel ill or weak most days but does sometimes. I just wish there was a way I could come of it and still live. I've decided though that I'm going to stop taking it and live my last year to the fullest. I'm gonna do it in a month then tell Regina and the kids. The reason I know I can finally do this now is that I have someone in my life who can take care of my kids. My beautiful girl Regina.

"Ow Emma" I whispered to myself. How could she have never told anyone? A tear ran down my cheeks. I made my eyes wide to stop them while I wiped them away.

"What's wrong" Emma says from behind me. I turned round and she was leaning against the door with her hands in her back pocket except the thumbs like always.

"Nothing" I say turning back round. I put the cover over Emma's diary so she didn't know I was reading.

She put her arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

"Come on baby. Talk to me"

"You always make me open up to you and tell you everything but you don't do the same to me" I say a little annoyed and looking down.

"What do you mean" she questioned while pulling away. I looked round at her with tears in my eyes.

"Your gonna die and you didn't tell me" I was calm and my voice was cracked. She looked shocked at me.

"How do you know that" she says shocked.

"That doesn't matter right now. All that matters is that me and dani had to find out your gonna die of cancer on our own. Why the hell didn't you tell me"

"I'm not answering any questions until you answer mine. How the hell do you know and dani as well? Did you tell dani"

"Dani accidentally red your diary 2 weeks ago and that's why she has been weird around you. I got her to tell me then came red it for myself. How could you not tell me? Or anyone" I'm fighting to keep the tears in and my voice is so cracked.

"I didn't want people to treat or look at me different. You know I take 12 pills at 4am another 12 at 12 o'clock and then 12 more at 8pm. I don't want people knowing that because they will worry about me. I don't need that. If I had people worrying about me all the time I'd never get anything done" she says softly. She put her hand on my shoulder but I moved it away.

"Why would you come of them? If there working then why stop that"

"Because it's not working. I'm predicted to die in 7 more years with the pills. 1 year without them. Living a life on medication isn't a life worth living is it? I'd rather live with you guys happily than this" she says making me want to cry more. A few tears started coming out of my eyes and I shook my head at her.

"Fuck you. Not for dying but for not tell me. You can't make those types of decisions without me"

"It's my life. I'm a grown woman. I can make whatever decision I want" she says interrupting me.

I pulled a black box out of my pocket and pushed it into her chest. As I move my hand away she put her there to keep hold of it.

"I trusted you and told you everything" I say shaking my head at her in disappointment. I walked to the door and left the room leaving her shocked.

[ Emma's pro ]
Regina closed the door quickly. I knew I should have spoken to her but I also knew she wouldn't allow me to do this. I can't live on medication. That's not living that's just being there. I'm gonna die anyway.

I opened the box she gave me and saw an engagement ring. She was going to propose?!

"Ow god" I say shocked.

Tears started pouring out of my eyes and I fell to my knees. The worst thing about cancer is not what it does to you but what it does to your family. I hate thing.

I ran down the stairs but heard the front door slam shut. I saw dani at the bottom of the stairs with tears in her eyes looking at me.

"You should have told us mum" she then went to the lounge.

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