Chapter 5

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Billie's face lit up when he saw (Y/n) as did her face when she saw him stood there, almost as they were meant to be here. Together. 

"We really do need to stop meeting like this." He agreed, laughing. "Anyone would think that you were following me." She let out a small laugh as they subconsciously started walking together. "Anyone would think the same of you." She smiled. He looked admiringly at her before quickly shrugging it off before she noticed. "So where are you headed?" He asked her. 

"I'm actually heading home." She stated. 

"Well, let me walk you."

"Oh, you don't have to do that." She said but desperately hoped that he did so that she could spend time with him. 

"Please, let me. I have nothing else to do." He gave her small puppy eyes and she couldn't resist, so she agreed, butterflies flying frantically in her stomach. 

"Okay." She smiled as the too of them walked down the street together.  "So, tell me about yourself because I know nothing about you." 

"Well." He started. "I'm in a band."

"That's so cool. What's the band called?" 

"Green Day." He said. 

"No way. Shut up. You're that Billie?" 

"What do you mean?" He asked, clearly very confused. 

"I know your drummer. Tré? Do people still call him that?" 

"Yeah. How did he get that name and how did you know him?" Billie asked intrigued. He loved listening to the sound of her voice. It was so soothing and comforting. 

"We grew up together but when he left Oakland, we lost contact. He was like my brother and that was what he used to call himself because, honestly, I'm not sure why but I guess it stuck." 

"Wow. Didn't you know? He's just moved back." 

"Really? Wow. It's been so long. The last time I heard from him, he sent my Mom a postcard, saying that he'd become the drummer for your band and he mentioned you."

"A postcard?" Said Billie, confused. "I didn't know he could write."

"Yeah. Neither did me or my Mom."  They both laughed as they turned down another street, (Y/n)'s street, they stopped in front of her house.  "Well, this is me." She said, looking at her house and then back at Billie. "Thank you for walking me home."

"It was my pleasure." Billie gave her a small hug. "I guess, I'll see you around?" They nodded at one another before (Y/n) headed up the steps to her house. 

"Wait." Said Billie, making (Y/n) turn around and walk back down to Billie. 

"Yes?" She said, hearing the hopefulness in her voice and telling herself to tone it down.

"Can I? Can I?" He stuttered. "Can I kiss you?" 

"You want to kiss me?" She smiled. 

"I get it if you don't want me too but the truth is, I can't stop thinking about you." (Y/n) smiled up at him, her hand on his chest. She slowly placed her lips on his and kissed him, before the two pulled away and laughed. "Bye Billie." She said, before Billie grabbed her arm again. 

"Wait." He said, pulling her back in and kissing her passionately. "I'll call you." He said, as they stood together. 

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