Chapter 11

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Today was the day that (Y/M/n), moved out of (Y/n)'s and back into the house that (Y/n) was raised in. (Y/M/n) had decided that she couldn't live with her daughter forever, especially now that she was dating Billie. Sooner or later, she was going to want some privacy. 

She also knew that her husband had been dead over nearly two years and it was time to make sure that his memory was kept alive in the house that he loved. 

"Mom!" (Y/n) shouted down the stairs. "Billie and Ollie are on their way over."  The night that Billie, (Y/n), Ollie and (Y/M/n) had gone out for dinner, Billie and Ollie had offered to help (Y/M/n) with the move, which, (Y/M/n) was extremely grateful for as is meant the the dreaded process of packing and moving wouldn't take as long with four people helping.

 A large majority of the stuff had already been packed, there were just a few more things that needed placing in boxes. 

Someone knocked at the door. Knowing it was Billie and Ollie, (Y/n) practically ran to the door. "Hey." She smiled, letting them in and closing the door behind them. She greeted Ollie first, who went into the living room to greet (Y/M/n) but Billie hung back. He kissed (Y/n) passionately. First on the lips, then the neck. "How are you?" He asked. 

"Nervous for my Mom but excited to finally have my place back to myself." Billie gave a smirk whilst running his fingers up and down her arm. "What?" (Y/n) asked suspiciously. 

"Maybe, when you're Mom moves out me and you could, y'know." He raised his eyebrows, and placed his hands around her waist. "Maybe we could." She smirked. "And we wouldn't have to worry about being quiet." Her hands around his neck, they kissed but we're quickly interrupted by Ollie and (Y/M/n) carry a box towards (Y/n)'s car.

They broke away and helped load the cars, both (Y/n)'s car and Billie's car. They continued to do this all day and (Y/n) showed Billie around her childhood home.

Finally, it had taken four and a half hours but (Y/M/n) had finally settled back into her home and (Y/n) was saying goodbye. "Call me if you need anything." She kissed (Y/M/n). "I love you Mom." 

"I love you too sweetheart." She smiled as (Y/n) left and drove back to her suddenly empty home. She pulled up in the driveway and entered her house. This was going to be her first night alone in the house since she moved in two years ago. 

She poured herself a glass of wine and sat on her sofa, scrolling through the channels on the television, when there was a knock at the door. She switched it off and went to open the door. "Billie." She said, smiling, letting him in. "What are you doing here?" 

"I just wanted to check that you were okay."

"Yeah. It's just weird."She stated. "Do you want some wine?" She asked, before pouring Billie a glass. "You know, I moved in two years and a month after moving in,  my Mom did too because she didn't like being without my dad when he was in hospital and then he died and she couldn't bring herself to go back."

"She's going to be fine." He said, taking a sip of his wine and placing his hand on her back. Two hours and a full bottle of wine later, Billie and (Y/n) were making out on her sofa. "Do you want to take this upstairs?" (Y/n) muttered through kisses. 

"Oh god yes." Billie said, standing up in unison with (Y/n) and headed upstairs together. (Y/n) knew that she wasn't going to be on her own tonight. 

*AN* - Pre-warning; There will be smut in the next chapter, so if you don't like that, then please feel free to skip it! To everyone else - Enjoy!

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