Chapter 19

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It was late. Incredibly late and Billie was nowhere to be seen. (Y/n) had, had another of her nightmares again and decided that she was going to wait up for Billie. She'd had no idea when he'd be back. He'd been late home a lot like this recently, especially whilst making Green Day's new album, so she understood why he'd been so late and as a result so tired. 

She sat on the sofa, scrolling through her phone but nothing interesting was to be seen, so she placed it down. She sat, staring at the front door. She'd just hoped that nothing bad had happened to him. She thought about calling him but didn't want to seem too worried and crazy, so she left it for a while. That's when he walked through the door. 

(Y/n) got up to greet him but he stumbled through the doorway. She closed it behind him? "Billie." She asked concerned. He held his arms out to hug her. 

"Hey!" He said, holding her between his arms, a bottle of beer in his hand. 

"Are you drunk?" 

"Yep!" He started laughing. 

"Billie." She started. "Why?" 

"Because, I fucking felt like it." She looked at him concerned. She wouldn't mind but this was the second night this week, that he had come home late and drunk, like this. "Why are you so fucking bothered?"

"Because." She said, not being able to look at the state of him. "This is the second night this week that you have come home like this." She stated. He looked at her and just laughed, she felt like her heart was being crushed. "So?" He scoffed, taking another sip of his beer. 

"So? Is it going to be like this all the time?" She asked, holding out her arms. "I don't like seeing you like this. Look at you! You can barely stand up." She spoke calmly too him. She didn't want to argue with him. He stayed silent for a moment but continued laughing to himself. She felt like such an idiot in this moment and therefore was forced to do what she thought was right. She took the bottle out of his hands and carried it into the kitchen; Billie stumbling behind her. "What the fuck are you doing?" He asked as she poured the beer down the sink and put the bottle in the bin. 

"I won't let you do this to yourself Billie!" She said, her voice now raising slightly. She walked past him and back  into the living room. "Just tell me why." She begged. She wasn't stupid and she knew that something was wrong and he wouldn't talk to her about it. She thought back to a few months ago when she and Billie thought that she was pregnant and wondered if she had been, would Billie be like this now? 

"You wouldn't understand." He stated, matter-of-factually. 

"Try me." She said, folding her arms and she watched him lean against the wall for support. 

"I'm fucking angry okay!" He shouted. 

"What are you angry about?" She asked, still remaining calm. "If you tell me then we can sort it."

"I'm angry at you, I'm angry me! I'm fucking angry."

"Me?" She asked. 

"Yeah, you. Why couldn't you get pregnant? I wanted you to be pregnant but I couldn't say anything because I thought that you were relieved that you weren't."

"You thought I was relieved?" He nodded but didn't look at her.  "So, you are telling me that it's my fault that you're drunk because I didn't get pregnant?" She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "This isn't my fault." She stated, not letting him speak. "Not everybody gets pregnant that easily but you're not a woman, so you wouldn't fucking know. As a matter of fact, I was actually devastated that I wasn't because, I know we have only been together two years - tomorrow by the way - but these have been the best two years of my life and all I can think about is me and you having a child together!"

Billie looked down, ashamed of what he'd said. "Let me ask you something. If we'd found out that I was pregnant, would you be like this?" He didn't say anything, at all. She looked at him, dying for an answer. "I'm tired." She stated. "I'm going to bed." She went to walk past him and stopped. "Please Billie. Go and find the man that I fell in love with in that churchyard two years ago. I want him back." and with that she headed upstairs to their bedroom and closed the door behind her. She leaned against it. This time she was the one who needed support and cried to the point where she felt like she couldn't breathe.  She clambered into bed and lay there, wide awake. "This can't be the end." She thought. "It can't be."

Downstairs, Billie was inconsolable on the sofa. What had he done? Deep down a part of him knew that he could have potentially blown any chance  he had of being with (Y/n) for the rest of his life away. He had to fix this. He knew it. He pulled out his phone and did what he needed to do. He placed the phone to his ear. Ollie answered. "Sorry, it's late." He said, apologetically. "But, I need to make this right. I love her too much." She said something to him on the end of the phone. After a few moments, he nodded as thought Ollie was sat in front of him and could see him. "I'll take it." He said. "I can't loose her. Not now. Not after everything. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me. Ever."

(*A/N* - This was a really hard chapter to write because I love Billie so much and I hate writing arguments. However, this part of the story is necessary and you'll understand a bit more in the next chapter.  Anyways, I hope that you enjoyed!)

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